Ibotyporanga ziruma Huber, 2024

Huber, Bernhard A., Meng, Guanliang, Král, Jiří, Ávila Herrera, Ivalú M. & Carvalho, Leonardo S., 2024, Diamonds in the rough: Ibotyporanga (Araneae, Pholcidae) spiders in semi-arid Neotropical environments, European Journal of Taxonomy 963, pp. 1-169 : 31-38

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5852/ejt.2024.963.2687

publication LSID


persistent identifier


taxon LSID


treatment provided by


scientific name

Ibotyporanga ziruma Huber

sp. nov.

Ibotyporanga ziruma Huber sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:6383A80B-49A0-4922-BB37-305706C33EE5 Figs 23A View Fig , 25A View Fig , 26–30 View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig View Fig ; SEM Figs 2A–B View Fig , 3G View Fig , 4A View Fig , 5C View Fig , 6A View Fig , 7C–D View Fig , 9A–B View Fig , 10A View Fig , 11A View Fig , 13A View Fig , 14A View Fig , 15A, C View Fig , 16A View Fig , 17A–B View Fig , 18A View Fig , 19C View Fig , 20D View Fig


Easily distinguished from all known congeners by male cheliceral armature ( Fig. 29A–B View Fig ; pointed median apophysis in distal position; proximal rounded process) and by posterior position of female epigynal pocket ( Fig. 30 View Fig ). Also, by shape of procursus ( Fig. 28A–C View Fig ; very simple, wide in lateral view, distally narrower) and by slender apophysis dorsally on genital bulb (arrow in Fig. 28E View Fig ).


The species name is derived from the type locality; noun in apposition.

Type material


COLOMBIA – Magdalena • ♂; Santa Marta, at Cerro Ziruma ; 11.2126° N, 74.2307° W; 110 m a.s.l.; 16 Sep. 2022; B.A. Huber leg.; MUSENUV-Ar 2734. GoogleMaps


COLOMBIA – Magdalena • 2 ♂♂; same collection data as for holotype; MUSENUV-Ar 2735 GoogleMaps 1 ♂, 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; ZFMK Ar 24349 GoogleMaps .

Other material examined

COLOMBIA – Magdalena • 2 ♂♂, 5 ♀♀, in pure ethanol; same collection data as for holotype; ZFMK Col273 [1 ♂, 1 ♀ used for SEM] GoogleMaps .


Male (holotype) MEASUREMENTS. Total body length 1.5, carapace width 0.66. Distance PME–PME 55 µm; diameter PME 55 µm; distance PME–ALE 20 µm; distance AME–AME 15 µm; diameter AME 40 µm. Leg 1: 3.42

(0.98+0.22 +0.86 +1.00 + 0.36), tibia 2: 0.74, tibia 3: 0.69, tibia 4: 1.02; tibia 1 L/d: 10; diameters of leg femora 0.16, of leg tibiae 0.09.

COLOUR (in ethanol). Prosoma and legs mostly light ochre-orange, carapace medially and ocular area posteriorly with distinct darker mark; legs without darker rings; abdomen pale ochre-gray with darker internal marks dorsally and laterally; ventrally with light ochre plates in front of gonopore and in front of spinnerets.

BODY. Habitus as in female (cf. Fig. 25A View Fig ). Ocular area slightly raised. Carapace with distinct but shallow thoracic groove ( Fig. 2A View Fig ). Clypeus with sclerotized rim with median notch. Sternum slightly wider than long (0.46/0.40), with small but distinct anterior processes near coxae 1 ( Fig. 3G View Fig ; ~30 µm high, 30 µm diameter at basis). Abdomen globular; gonopore with four epiandrous spigots in two groups ( Fig. 4A View Fig ); spinnerets as usual for genus ( Fig. 7C View Fig ).

CHELICERAE. As in Fig. 29A–B View Fig ; with strong median frontal apophysis pointing towards distal and light proximal process directed towards frontal (see also Fig. 9A View Fig ); stridulatory files ( Fig. 10A View Fig ) very fine and poorly visible in dissecting microscope.

PALPS. As in Fig. 27 View Fig ; coxa unmodified; trochanter ventrally slightly protruding; femur proximally with retrolateral process not directed toward distal, with prolateral stridulatory pick, distally widened but unmodified; femur-patella joints not shifted toward one side; patella dorsally as long as medially wide; tibia-tarsus joints slightly shifted toward retrolateral side; tarsus without dorsal process, with small capsulate tarsal organ ( Fig. 13A View Fig ); procursus ( Fig. 28A–C View Fig ) wide in lateral view, distally slightly curved towards dorsal and retrolateral, with light prolateral band (also visible in retrolateral view) and fringed membranous tip ( Fig. 11A View Fig ); genital bulb ( Fig. 28D–F View Fig ) with distinct prolateral sclerite on bulbous part, with slender dorsal prolateral sclerite parallel to embolus.

LEGS. Without spines but with longer and slightly stronger hairs ventrally on femora ( Fig. 15A View Fig ); without curved hairs; with many short vertical hairs on tibia 1 ( Fig. 16A View Fig ) and (fewer) on tibia 2; retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia 1 at 59%; prolateral trichobothrium absent on tibia 1; tarsus 1 with ~3–4 pseudosegments, distally fairly distinct.

Variation (male)

Tibia 1 in six males (incl. holotype): 0.86–0.95 (mean 0.90).


In general, similar to male but slightly darker, carapace also laterally with light brown bands, legs light brown; clypeus and sternum unmodified, chelicerae without stridulatory files ( Fig. 9B View Fig ); tibiae with few short vertical hairs. Tibia 1 in five females: 0.83–0.91 (mean 0.87). Epigynum ( Fig. 30A View Fig ) anterior plate oval, slightly wider than long, posterior margin evenly curved, with wide and shallow pocket in posterior position ( Fig. 5C View Fig ); posterior plate wide and short. Internal genitalia ( Fig. 30B–D View Fig ) with pair of elongate pore plates, membranous posterior folds and transversal anterior structure (asterisk in Fig. 30C View Fig ).


Known from type locality only, in Colombia, Magdalena ( Fig. 26 View Fig ).

Natural history

The spiders were found on an arid hill near the sea where they were beaten out of dead and dried columnar cacti lying on the ground ( Fig. 23A View Fig ). They shared this microhabitat with another species of Ninetinae , Galapa gabito Huber, 2024 .


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig













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