Okinawasega eguchii Terayama, 1999

Mita, Toshiharu, 2021, Taxonomic study of Baeosega and its allies, with description of a new species of Nipponosega (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae, Amiseginae), ZooKeys 1041, pp. 1-25 : 1

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Okinawasega eguchii Terayama, 1999


Okinawasega eguchii Terayama, 1999 Figures 2C, D View Figure 2 , 10 View Figure 10 , 11 View Figure 11

Okinawasega eguchii Terayama, 1999: 100, holotype ♂, original designation. Type locality: Iriomote Island, Ryukyus, Japan.

Specimens examined.

Holotype. Japan - Ryukyus ♂, “Holotype”, " Okinawasega eguchii Terayama, 1999", "Genotype Okinawasega Terayama, 1999", "Iriomote-jima, Yaeyama Is., Okinawa Pref. ", “Japan”, " 1. XI. 1995, K. Eguchi leg.", "951101, Iriomote Is., Q1" (NMHAH).

Other materials. Japan - Ryukyus 1♂, Shiramizu, Ishigaki Isl. , 9.V.2004, T. Mita leg. (ELKU) ; 7♂, same data, but 10.V.2004 (ELKU) ; 4♂, same as above, but Mt. Omoto-dake , 15.V.2004, T. Tsuru leg. (ELKU) ; 3♂, Aira-gawa, Iriomote Isl. , 8-12.X.2004, FIT, T. Ishikawa leg. (ELKU) ; 1♂, same data, but 14.V.2014, T. Mita leg. (ELKU) ; 17♂, same data, but 24-26.VI.2016, YPT, K. Komeda leg. (ELKU) ; 1♀ 24♂, same data, but 22-25.VI.2016 (ELKU) ; 1♀, same data, but 4.VII.2017, T. Kawano leg. (ELKU) ; 1♀, same island, but Mt. Tedou , 3.X.2017, K. Narita leg. (ELKU) .


Conspicuous species in the southern Ryukyus (Japan). The female is blackish and covered with long setae, the body length is 3.5-3.6 mm. The male has long antennae and reddish body, the body length is 3.2-3.8 mm.


Female. Body length 3.5-3.6 mm. Head (Fig. 10A-D View Figure 10 ) densely punctate except scapal basin, 0.65-0.70 × as long as wide in dorsal view, 0.95-1.00 × as wide as deep in frontal view; punctures 0.3 MOD, almost contiguous but part of frons 1.0 puncture diameter apart each; scapal basin weakly excavated, transversely costate by fine grooves, with median unsculptured line; interspaces among punctures smooth; malar sulcus present (Fig. 10D View Figure 10 ); narrowest width of frons 0.3 × head width; MS 0.3 × as long as eye height; ocellar triangle acute, OL 1.0-1.2, OPL 2.3, POL 0.8-0.9, OOL 0.4-0.5, MOD 0.5-0.7; occipital carina absent but posterior margin of vertex forming distinct corner behind ocellar triangle. Clypeus not distinctly thickened, with thin square transparent lobe. Mandible without inner tooth. Antenna stout, F2-F9 wider than long; length (width) of F1 to F4 following ratio: 2.6-2.7 (1.1-1.2): 1.0 (1.3-1.4): 1.0 (1.4-1.5): 1.0 (1.5-1.7).

Pronotum (Fig. 10E View Figure 10 ) covered with densely located punctures, punctures same with those on head in size but deeper, slightly smaller mesad, somewhat longitudinally contiguous; medial longitudinal groove present on posterior 1/3 but polished strip leaching ca. 2/3; length of pronotum mesad 0.7-0.8 × as long as wide, 1.1-1.3 × mesoscutum plus mesoscutellum. Mesoscutum roughly puncto-reticulate, punctures 0.7 × larger than those on pronotum; notauli complete, diverging anteriorly. Mesoscutellum punctate as mesoscutum, 0.5-0.6 × longer than mesoscutum. Mesopleuron densely punctate; punctures larger, 0.7 MOD. Metanotum triangular, 0.7-0.9 × mesoscutellum mesad, punctate by shallow punctures. Propodeum with dorsal, posterior and lateral surface transversely rugose by obscure striae; median longitudinal carina present; metapleural region polished, finely rugose behind meso-metapleural suture, carinated above metacoxa; postero-lateral corner forming dully angle.

Metasoma smooth, sparsely covered with long setae; setae 3 × longer than MOD.

Color. Head, mesosoma and metasoma black but lateral surface of T1 brown, S1 dark brown. Antenna black but scape dark brown, pedicel and F1 brown. Mandible pale brown with apex black. Maxillary and labial palpi brown. Tegula and wings dark brown. Coxae and trochanters testaceous; remainder of fore and middle legs brown; remainder of hind leg dark brown.

Male. Body length 3.6-3.7 mm. Head (Fig. 11A-C View Figure 11 ) densely punctate except scapal basin, 0.59-0.66 × as long as wide in dorsal view, 1.14-1.21 × as wide as deep in frontal view; punctures 0.2-0.3 MOD, interspaces ca. 0.3-1.0 puncture diameter; scapal basin faintly excavated, transversely rugose with median unsculptured line; MS 0.4-0.5 × as long as eye height; narrowest width of frons 0.63-0.76 × head width; ocellar triangle obtuse, OL 0.8-1.0, OPL 2.3-3.0, POL 1.3-1.5, OOL 0.05, MOD 0.8; occipital carina absent but posterior corner of vertex forming distinct corner behind ocellar triangle, occasionally trace of occipital carina present on upper gena. Clypeus thin. Mandible distally truncate. Antenna cylindrical, flagellum densely covered with long setae; length of setae ca. 0.8 × flagellomere diameter; length (width) of F1 to F4 following ratio: 4.3-4.7 (0.7-1.0): 3.0 (0.7-1.0): 3.0 (0.7-0.8): 2.8-3.0 (0.7-0.8).

Pronotum (Fig. 11E View Figure 11 ) punctate as vertex; medial longitudinal groove variable, present posterior 1/3 to reaching anterior margin of disc; length of pronotum mesad 0.7-0.8 × as long as wide, 0.9-1.1 × mesoscutum. Mesoscutum punctate as head, but punctures slightly smaller than those on vertex, 0.2-0.5 puncture diameter apart; notauli complete, diverging anteriorly. Mesoscutellum scattered with shallow punctures with polished interspace, 0.50-0.58 × longer than mesoscutum. Mesopleuron punctate with polished interspace; punctures slightly larger than those on pronotum, 0.3-1.0 puncture diameter apart; subalar fossa indicated by continuous row of punctures or groove, rarely absent; usually surface near pleural suture polished, without punctures. Metanotum 0.48-0.60 × mesoscutellum, punctate as mesoscutellum. Propodeum (Fig. 11E View Figure 11 ) postero-laterally forming dull corner; dorsal surface reticulate-rugose with median and usually two pairs of longitudinal carinae present; transverse carina present between dorsal and posterior surface; posterior and lateral surface reticulate-rugose; median longitudinal carina present on posterior surface; metapleural region polished, more or less rugose and longitudinally excavated behind meso-metapleural suture, carinated above hind coxa. Pterostigma narrow, with linear extension of R1 indicated, long (Fig. 11D View Figure 11 , arrow); Rs extended by weakly curved dark streak; medial vein arising before cu-a. Hind coxa with dorsobasal carina; tarsal claws without inner tooth.

Color. Head black. Antenna dark brown, rarely blackish. Mandible testaceous with apex dark brown. Maxillary and labial palpus testaceous. Mesosoma mostly reddish to dark reddish except mesoscutum black, tegula brown, propodeum with posterior surface darker, rarely entirely blackish; rarely dorsum of mesosoma blackish. Wings faintly tinged with brown; veins brown, rarely dark brown. Legs testaceous. Metasoma blackish except anterior polished surface of T1 brownish.


Japan: Yaeyama Islands, Southern Ryukyus (Ishigaki Isl., Iriomote Isl.)


No species in Baeosega -related genera are known from Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima except for the male of Okinawasega eguchii Terayama. The newly found female was clearly related to Baeosega , and was therefore assigned to Okinawasega . Compared to males, females are seldom collected. The females actively walk on the ground surface and sometimes leap a small distance.














Okinawasega eguchii Terayama, 1999

Mita, Toshiharu 2021

Okinawasega eguchii

Terayama 1999