Seychellister mornicus, Hlaváč & Nakládal, 2018

Hlaváč, Peter & Nakládal, Oto, 2018, Seychellister mornicus, a new genus and species of Clavigeritae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) from Seychelles, Zootaxa 4450 (2), pp. 293-296 : 295

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4450.2.9

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scientific name

Seychellister mornicus

sp. nov.

Seychellister mornicus View in CoL sp. nov. ( Figs 1–3 View FIGURES 1–3 )

Material studied. 1 ♂, HOLOTYPE: (p) Seychelles, Mahé, Pied du Morne, 400-500m, 4o37’36’’, 55o26’08’’E, J. Janák lgt., 21.11.2007 / (p) Pandanus sifted litter. SMNS. PARATYPES, 2 ♀: the same data as holotype ( SMNS, PHPC).

Description. Body length 1.70 mm in male, 1.95 mm in female, maximum width of elytra 0.65 mm in male and 0.75 mm in female. Head length 0.30–0.32 mm, ratio: length / maximum width 1.24–1.33, vertexal foveae distant. Antennae 0.65–0.73 mm long, scape minuscule, pedicel cylindrical, slightly longer than wide, terminal antennomere 10–12 times as long as pedicel, 4–6 times as long as wide at club-shaped apex.

Pronotum 1.15–1.20 times as wide as long, slightly shorter than head, ratio: pronotal length / length of head 0.83- 0.86, pronotum widest behind mid length, posterior corners obtuse, antebasal fovea large and shallow. Elytra 1.35–1.47 times as wide as long, with 6 evanescent basal foveae. Abdomen long, 1.29–1.33 mm, as long as elytra, relative length of visible sternites: 1.00: 4.17: 2.50: 1.83: 0.67. Mesofemora in males with small spine located in apical half just behind midpoint, mesotibiae with small spine located at the beginning of apical third.

Aedeagus ( Figs 2–3 View FIGURES 1–3 ) about 0.36 mm long, about 2.85 times as long as wide, basal bulb about 1.40 times as long as apical lobe.

Sexual dimorphism. Females larger, mid legs simple, lacking spines, terminal antenomeres shorter.

Microhabitat and collecting method. All specimens were sifted from under Pandanus litter.

Etylomogy. Locotipic, referring to the type locality Pied du Morne.

Distribution. Seychelles (Island Mahé).


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart

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