Grylloidea, Laicharting, 1781

Schubnel, Thomas, Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, Garrouste, Romain, Hervet, Sophie & Nel, André, 2020, Paleocene of Menat Formation, France, reveals an extraordinary diversity of orthopterans and the last known survivor of a Mesozoic Elcanidae, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 65 (2), pp. 371-385 : 372

publication ID 10.4202/app.00676.2019

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scientific name



Grylloidea gen. et sp. indet.

Fig. 1 View Fig .

Material.—MNT NEL 1681 (small adult female with well-developed ovipositor), Menat, Paleocene.

Measurements.—Fore femur 2.8 mm long; fore tibia 3.0 mm long; hind femur 5.0 mm long, 2.0 mm wide; hind tibia 4.8 mm long; ovipositor 7.5 mm long.

Description.—Body densely covered with strong setae ( Fig. 1A 1 View Fig ). Head triangular with small, protruding eyes; last three joints of maxillary palpi about equal in length; joint 5 slightly, but regularly widened toward apex; apex truncated apically; scapes and antennae not visible; pronotum small, with shape not clear; wings and tegmina apparently lacking; right fore leg and both hind legs present; mid legs lacking; right fore tibia with an outer tympanum, elongate, probably obliterate, not slit-like; inner tympanum not visible; at least two apical spurs, one ventral and one dorsal; basitarsomere I long, but less than half tibia I length; both hind legs well-preserved; hind femora thick at base, not filiform at apex; hind tibiae shorter than hind femora; with three inner apical spurs, the dorsal the longest ( Fig. 1A View Fig 2 View Fig ); outer apical spurs not visible; at least two inner and two outer subapical spurs, short; no spine above and between subapical spurs; basitarsomeres III longer than half hind tibiae; with several dorsal (inner, outer?) spines; tarsomeres II cylindrical, not flattened; tarsomeres III with a pair of claws; abdomen. Cerci long and thin, with very long setae; ovipositor longer than hind femora; apex short, triangular, no ornamentation visible.

Remarks.—The shape of the hind legs, with three-joint tarsi, that of the ovipositor and the presence of acoustic tympanum on fore tibia attest that this fossil belongs to Grylloidea .











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