Therlinya monteithi, Gray & Smith, 2002

Gray, Michael R. & Smith, Helen M., 2002, Therlinya, a new genus of spiders from eastern Australia (Araneae: Amaurobioidea), Records of the Australian Museum 54 (3), pp. 293-293 : 310-311

publication ID

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scientific name

Therlinya monteithi

sp. nov.

Therlinya monteithi View in CoL n.sp.

Figs. 15a–f View Figure 15 , 17 View Figure 17

Type material. AUSTRALIA: QUEENSLAND —H OLOTYPE: Ƌ, QM S45530 , Massey Range , 4 km W of Centre Bellenden Ker, QLD, 17°16'S 145°49'E, 9–11 Oct. 1991, Monteith, Janetzki & Cook, 1250 m. PARATYPES: ♀, QM S45531 GoogleMaps , data as for holotype; Ƌ, KS34800, Yungaburra , 17°16'S 145°35'E, 19 Sep. 1976, R GoogleMaps . Mascord ; ♀, QM S42272 View Materials , data as for holotype (retained by AMS: KS69650 ) .

Other material. AUSTRALIA: QUEENSLAND Ƌ QM S42291 View Materials , Lambs Head , 10 km W Edmonton, 17°01'S 145°38'E, 4–13 Dec. 1988, Monteith & Thompson, 1200 m, flight intercept trap; Ƌ GoogleMaps , QM S42295 View Materials , Bartle Frere, W Base , 17°23'S 145°46'E, 25 Nov. 1994 – 10 Jan. 1995, Monteith & Hasenpusch, 50 m, flight intercept trap; Ƌ GoogleMaps , QM S42279 View Materials , Malanda Falls, Malanda , 17°21'S 145°36'E, 6 Oct. 1980, G.B. Monteith, 750 m, rainforest, stick brushing; Ƌ GoogleMaps , QM S42293 View Materials , Bellenden Ker Range, Cable Tower 3, 17°16'S 145°53'E, 17–24 Oct. 1981, Earthwatch / Qld Museum, 1054 m, flight intercept trap; ♀ GoogleMaps , QM S42277 View Materials , Major’s Mountain , 17°38'S 145°32'E, 14–20 Apr. 1978 GoogleMaps , V.E. Davies , & R. Raven (see under “variation”, below); ♀♀ , QM S42278 View Materials , Maalan SF (as Malaan SF on label), 17°37'S 145°37'E, 20–24 Apr. 1978 GoogleMaps , V.E. Davies , R. Raven, large sheet web on bank with retreat funnel into roots; ♀, KS58378, Mt Hypipamee NP, The Crater , 17°25'29"S 145°29'00"E, 25 Apr.–2 May 1998, G. Milledge, rainforest, pitfall trap GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. CL 3.71–4.49. Separated from all species, except other northern Queensland species, by weakness of leg banding; from both T. lambkinae and T. angusta by the presence of a much shorter scape and a much larger RTA; from T. nasuta by presence of scape.

f, epigynum (S45531): c, ventral; d, lateral; e, posterior; f, dorsal—internal genitalia. Scale lines 0.5 mm: vertical,

a,b; horizontal, c–f.

Male (holotype). BL 8.90, CL 4.49 (3.71–4.49), CW 3.02, CapW 1.84, EGW 1.25, LL 0.69, LW 0.69, SL 2.12, SW 1.84. Legs: 2143 (I 21.00, II 21.17, III 15.67, IV 19.17); ratio tibia I length:CW = 1:0.56. Male palp: Fig. 15a,b View Figure 15 . Cymbium wide with strongly developed retrolateral flange. Bulb wider than long; tegular lobe well developed, placed retrolaterally. Embolus origin retrolateral. Stem of T-shaped conductor prolaterally directed, posterior limb placed prolaterally; tegular window large, placed basally. RTA large, weakly dorsad, visible in ventral view; RVTA moderately broad, with blunt, beak-like apex turned toward upper side in ventral view.

Female (S45531). BL 7.76, CL 4.08 (3.88–4.49), CW 2.61, CapW 1.92, EGW 1.10, LL 0.63, LW 0.63, SL 1.87, SW 1.55. Northern colour pattern.Legs: 1423 (I 14.08, II 12.08, III 10.00, IV 12.42); ratio tibia I length:CW = 1:0.75. Epigynum: Fig. 15c–e View Figure 15 . Scape wide, sides gently concave, most of scape placed behind level of epigastric groove; in side view distoventral scape curved inwards, not protuberant; epigynal fossae oriented diagonally. Internal genitalia: Fig. 15f View Figure 15 .

Variation. Despite the fairly restricted distribution of this species, considerable variation was observed. Several specimens have been left unplaced until more comparative material is available. Male leg lengths vary from 1423, 1243 (legs 2 and 4 usually subequal) or less commonly 2143 (with 2 and 1 subequal). Females ( S42274 View Materials and S42275 View Materials ) from west of Bones Knob near Atherton have epigynal scapes shapes that are intermediate with T. angusta ; females (KS58379 and KS58380) from Danbulla SF show epigyna intermediate with T. lambkinae . A male specimen (S42292) from Massey Creek, E of Ravenshoe, differs from other males in the conductor shape, position of RTA and larger size. However, females ( S42277 View Materials and S42278 View Materials ), from the same area, closely resemble the current species and are listed above.

Distribution. Ravenshoe area northwards to Cairns, northeastern Queensland.

Etymology. The specific name is in honour of Geoff Monteith, research entomologist and a collector of the type specimens.


Queensland Museum


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