Enderleiniella cryptica, Mlynarek, Julia J., 2019

Mlynarek, Julia J., 2019, Revision of the New World genus Enderleiniella Becker, 1912 (Diptera, Chloropidae), ZooKeys 884, pp. 107-134 : 107

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scientific name

Enderleiniella cryptica

sp. nov.

Enderleiniella cryptica View in CoL sp. nov. Figs 10-14 View Figures 10–14


Medium Oscinellinae with a shiny frontal triangle and thorax. Mouthparts geniculate. Scutellum with distinct tubercles. Male postabdomen large with parallel sided surstylus.


Total length 2.2-2.5 mm. Overall colour black. Head. Frontal triangle black, shiny, microtomentose, 0.6-0.65 times length of frons; ocellar tubercle black, shiny, microtomentose; frons brown to black, paler antero-medially; cephalic setae dark, 11-17 fronto-orbital setae well-developed, interfrontal setulae on margin of frontal triangle and fronto-orbital setulae conspicuous, six or seven post-ocellar setulae small; gena yellow, microtomentose, 0.08-0.1 times eye height; face yellow; scape and pedicel yellow, first flagellomere yellow basally and ventrally, darker dorsally and distally, first flagellomere round, arista brown, thin at base, pubescence sparse and short; palpus and clypeus yellow in males; proboscis brown, geniculate. Scutum. Black, shiny, acrostichal and dorsocentral setae in three punctuate rows, scutum longer than wide; scutellum black, trapezoidal, 1.3-1.5 times wider than long, microtomentose; apical scutellar setae strong, on small tubercles on upper margin of scutellum, lateral scutellar setae much weaker than apical setae but longer and darker than surrounding setae. Legs. Yellow, hind femur and tibia brown; femoral organ present as row of three or four sensillae, tibial organ oval, dark, occupying middle third of hind tibia. Wing. Hyaline; veins brown; ratio of costal sectors C1: C2: C3: C4 - 1: 1.7: 1.1: 0.6; haltere yellow. Abdomen. Paler than thorax, sparsely microtomentose; syntergites 1+2 membranous under scutellum, marginally longer than other tergites. Male postabdomen ( Figs 12 View Figures 10–14 , 13 View Figures 10–14 ). Epandrium large, bulbous, higher than long in lateral view, wider than high in posterior view, with several setae, rounded dorsally; surstylus 0.6 times as high as epandrium, straight, spoon shaped, surstylus with five anterior setae near base and short setae elsewhere; cercus straight with a narrow ventral projection, extending ventrally, cercus with sparse setae, five setae longer than others; distiphallus weakly sclerotised, straight, projecting posteriorly.

Molecular data.

Accession numbers MK919190, MK919192, and MK919196.

Type material.

Holotype ♂: COSTA RICA: Prov Cartago, Cartago, P.N. Barbilla, Camino a Valle Escondido, Rio Dantas, 400-500m, 17.ix.2001, E. Rojas, F. Umaña, Libre, L_N_218000_594300 #64657 (INBio). Paratypes: same as holotype (1♂, 1♀, INBio); Higuito, San Mateo, Pablo Schild Coll (1♂, USNM; USNMENT01476002); Prov Alajuela, C.B. Guanacaste-Rincón de la Vieja, Estac. San Gerardo, Send al Perdido, 600m, 16-18.x.2002. D. Briceño, Red. L.N. 317994 384374 #68995 (1♀, INBio); Prov Cartago, P.N. Barbilla, Send. Principal antes de Río Dantas, 200-300m 16.ix.2000 E Rojas, Red de Barrido, L.N. 217400 596700 #58440 (4♂, 2♀, INBio); Prov Cartago, P.N. Barbilla, Send. Principal Río Dantas, 370m, 8.xii.2002, E. Rojas, Red de Golpe, L.N.217250 596250 #70369 (2♂, INBio); Prov Cartago, R.F. Río Pacuara, Turrialba, P.N. Barbilla, Send. Quebrada, 400m 11.x.2001, E. Rojas, Red de Golpe, L.N. 217500 596893 #63565 (1♀, INBio); Prov. Cartago, R.F. Río Pacuare, P.N. Barbilla, Send. Principal a Río Dantas, 370m 22.ix.2001, E. Rojas. W. Arana, R. Madigal, Golpe, L.N. 217500 596893 #64659 (1♀, INBio); Prov Guanacaste, Nandayure, Cerro Azul 1018m, 5.ii.2003, Y. Cardenas. Red de Golpe, L.N. 214769 397000 #7288 (1♀ INBio); Prov. Límon, P.N. Barbilla, Camino a Valle Escondido, Orilla Río Dantas, 400m, 11.x.2001, E. Rojas, Red de Golpe, L.N. 218800 594300 #64954 (1♂, 2♀, INBio); Prov Límon, P.N. Cahuita, Sector Puerto Vargas, Orilla de la playa, Om, 16-17.i.2003, E Rojas, Red de Golpe, L.N.190500 666200 #72723 (1♂, INBio); Prov Límon, P.N. Cahuita, Sector Puerto Vargas, Orilla de la playa, Om, 15.i.2003 E Rojas, Red de Golpe, L.N.190500 666200 #72722 (1♀, INBio); Prov Límon, PN. Barbilla, Sector Casa Negra, 1.5km NO dela Estación, 300m, 13.xii.2002, E. Rojas, Libre, L.N. 219900 598400 #70494 (1♀, INBio); Prov. Punta, Albergue Cerro de Oro, 200m, 4-14.v.1995, E. Alfaro, L.S. 280450 517500 #5919 (11♂, 8♀, INBio); Prov. Punta, Albergue Cerro de Oro, 200m, 5-12.v.1995, M.A. Zumbado, L.S. 279660 518450 #6028 (1♀, INBio); Prov. Punta, Albergue Cerro de Oro, 200m, 5-9.v.1995, B. Gamboa, L.N. 279650 518450 #4745 (1♂, INBio); Prov. Puntarenas, Golfito. P.N. Corcovado, Salida de la Estac. a Río Rincón, 75m 16.x.2002. K. Caballero. Libre, L.S.281050 516800 #71799 (1♀, INBio); Prov Puntarenas, Est. Agujas, Río Agujas,300m, 19-24.iii.1997. A. Azofeifa, L.S. 276750 526550 #46258 (1♀, INBio); Prov. Puntarenas, Est, Río Bonito, 2.3km al O. del Cerro al Gamba, 110m, 17-21.iii.1997. E. Fletes, L.S. 293900 547075 #45597 (1♂, INBio) Prov. Puntarenas R.F. Golfo Dulce, 24km W Piedras Biancas, 200m, xii.1990. P. Hanson (1♂, LEM); Prov Puntarenas, R. Priv. Karen Mogensen. Send. Quebrada Pérez, 315m, 24.ix.2003. W. Porras, Red de Golpe, L.N. 205300 419750 #75433 (9 ♂, 3♀, INBio); Prov Puntarenas, Lepanto, R. Priv. Karen Mogensen. Send. Quebrada Pérez, 315m, 22-23.xi.2003. D. Briceño, Libre, L.N. 205300_419750#74568 (3♂, 2♀, INBio); Prov Puntarenas, Sendero Tres Ríos, 300m, 9.xii.2003. M.A. Zimbado. W. Porras Vega Libre, L.N. 205164 419993 #74577 (7♂, 3♀, INBio); Prov Puntarenas, R. Priv. Karen Mogensen. Send. El Viejo Nisper, 300-500m, 23.xi.2003. Y. Cardenas, Red con Aguamiel, 205600 420300 #74531 (1♀, INBio); ECUADOR: Rio Mulaute, 15km N.E. Sto. Domingo de Colorados, 2.iii.1973, M. & N. Deyrup (1♂, USNM; USNMENT01476003).


The species name is from the Latin crypticus (hidden), referring to the external similarity of this species to E. tripunctata .











