Planothidium pseudolinkei Lang Li, Yuhang Li & Junxiang Lai, 2024

Li, Lang, Huang, Yu-Yang, Nong, Qun-Zhuan, Lai, Jun-Xiang & Li, Yu-Hang, 2024, Planothidium pseudolinkei sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new marine monoraphid diatom species from the coast of Guangxi, China, PhytoKeys 246, pp. 237-249 : 237-249

publication ID 10.3897/phytokeys.246.128068


persistent identifier

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PhytoKeys by Pensoft

scientific name

Planothidium pseudolinkei Lang Li, Yuhang Li & Junxiang Lai

sp. nov.

Planothidium pseudolinkei Lang Li, Yuhang Li & Junxiang Lai sp. nov.

Figs 2 View Figure 2 , 3 View Figure 3 , 4 View Figure 4


Slide MBMCAS 286907 deposited in the Marine Biological Museum, Chinese Academy of Sciences ( MBMCAS), Qingdao, China, represented here by Fig. 2 B View Figure 2 (Rapheless valve) and Fig. 2 H View Figure 2 (Raphe valve). GoogleMaps

Type locality.

Jin Beach   GoogleMaps , Wanwei Island, Guangxi Province, China, 21 ° 31.85 ′ N, 108 ° 10.95 ′ E, surface sand samples, collected by Lang Li on 10 January 2021.


LM (Fig. 2 A – L View Figure 2 ). Valves lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate with convex margins and protracted, capitate to rostrate apices. Valve dimensions (n = 75): length 26.5–50.0 μm, width 10.0–13.0 μm. Rapheless valve (Fig. 2 A – F View Figure 2 ): Axial area linear and narrowly lanceolate, slightly expanded in the middle of the valve. Central area asymmetrical with a unilateral large hyaline area; on the opposite side, striae barely shortened near the axial area. Striae weakly radiate at the center and more strongly radiate towards the apices, 11–12 in 10 μm. Raphe valve (Fig. 2 G – L View Figure 2 ): Axial area very narrow, linear, slightly widened near the middle of the valve. Central area very small, slightly transapically expanded, bordered by 3–4 shortened striae on each side. Raphe straight, filiform with slightly enlarged central raphe endings. Terminal fissures not discernible in LM. Striae radiate throughout the entire valve, 12 in 10 μm. Areolae not discernible in LM.

SEM (Figs 3 A – F View Figure 3 , 4 A – F View Figure 4 ). Rapheless valve (Fig. 3 A – F View Figure 3 ): Externally, valve face generally flat, with a slightly linear depression in the axial area (Fig. 3 A View Figure 3 ). Central area large, unilateral (Fig. 3 A, B View Figure 3 ). Striae multiseriate, composed of three rows of small, rounded areolae at the apices, varying from three rows near the valve face / mantle junction to biseriate towards the axial area (Fig. 3 B, C View Figure 3 ). Striae portion near the axial area often composed of one or two areolae (Fig. 3 B View Figure 3 ). Striae extending onto the valve mantle, but interrupted by the valve face-mantle junction (Fig. 3 B, C View Figure 3 ). Internally, axial area elevated and striae sunken between the raised virgae (Fig. 3 D – F View Figure 3 ). A well-developed sinus distinctly present on one side of the central area, with the borders fusing with lateral virgae, forming a deep oblong depression (Fig. 3 D, E View Figure 3 ). Raphe valve (Fig. 4 A – F View Figure 4 ): Externally, valve face flat (Fig. 4 A View Figure 4 ). Striae composed of one to four rows of small, rounded areolae, clearly broader than virgae at the apices (Fig. 4 B, C View Figure 4 ). Striae portion along the axial area composed of two larger areolae than other ones (Fig. 4 B, C View Figure 4 ). Central raphe endings straight, simple, expanded and pore-like (Fig. 4 B View Figure 4 ). Terminal fissures bent, continuing shortly onto the valve mantle (Fig. 4 C View Figure 4 ). Internally, virgae poorly developed (Fig. 4 D – F View Figure 4 ). Raphe hook-shaped, branches situated on a slightly elevated raphe-sternum (Fig. 4 D View Figure 4 ). Terminal raphe endings terminated by small helictoglossae (Fig. 4 F View Figure 4 ).


The specific epithet, pseudolinkei , was referring to the morphological and habitat similarities with P. linkei .

PhycoBank registration.

Distribution and ecology.

In addition to the type locality, P. pseudolinkei also occurs in the surface sand sample from the Bailang Beach of Jiangshan Peninsula. This taxon is a marine epipsammic diatom. In the type material, P. pseudolinkei was very rare and only found in abundance of 0.14 %. The associated diatom flora is composed of Amphora spp. , Navicula spp. , Diploneis spp. , Fallacia spp. , Cocconeiopsis spp. , Gyrosigma sp. , Planothidium sp. , Anorthoneis hummii Hustedt , Biremis ambigua (Cleve) D. G. Mann , Cymatoneis margarita A. Witkowski , Moreneis coreana J. Park et al. and Halamphora coffeiformis (C. Agardh) Levkov.