Octopus duplex, Gunther & Dallas & Carruthers & Francis, 1885

Gunther, Albert C. L. G., Dallas, William S., Carruthers, William & Francis, William, 1885, The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany, and Geology, Reptiles and Batrachians from Brazil, LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO.; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, AND CO.; KENT AND CO.,; WHITT AKER AND CO.: BAILLIERE, PARIS: MACLACHLAN AND STEWART, EDINBURGH: HODGES, FOSTER, AND CO., DUBLIN: AND ASHER, BERLIN: TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, pp. 1-96 : 226-227

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Juliana (2025-02-25 18:10:34, last updated 2025-02-25 19:27:17)

scientific name

Octopus duplex

sp. nov.

Octopus duplex View in CoL , n. sp.

The Body is short and evenly rounded, with the merest trace of a median ventral groove. The mantle-opening ex ­ tends about half round the circumference, and terminates halfway between the siphon and the eye. The siphon is rela ­ tively long, conical and pointed, and extends about halfway to the umbrella-margin.

The Head is small and the eyes rather prominent.

The Arms seem to have been unequal, the lateral a little the longest, but so many have been mutilated that it is diffi ­ cult to be certain; they are about four times the length of the body. The umbrella extends about one third up the arms, furthest between the lateral pairs. The suckers are large, close, and prominent, with a narrow margin marked off from the basal portion; the radial grooves extend to the margin and form notches in it. The hectocotylus is not present; the third right arm has been mutilated, but the stump shows no groove running up the outer ventral margin.

The Surface is smooth; an interrupted ridge starting from the base of the siphon passes backwards along the ventro ­ lateral margin of the body, probably due to contraction. There are three small papillae above each eye.

The Colour is a pale bluish grey above, shading into cream below.

Hab. Off Twofold Bay, Australia, 150 fathoms (Station 163 A). T wo specimens, 1 ♀, 1 juv.











