Agrilus rolciki Jendek

Jendek, Eduard & Grebennikov, Vasily V., 2009, Revision of the Agrilus muscarius species-group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) with description of thirteen new species from Palaearctic and Oriental regions, Zootaxa 2168, pp. 1-33 : 7-8

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Agrilus rolciki Jendek

sp. nov.

Agrilus rolciki Jendek , sp. nov.

Figs. 4, 36, 59

Diagnosis. This species is similar to A. cuneatus by the dense, long pubescence, but it differs by the larger size (5.9–6.3 mm) and by the sides of pronotum convergent from base to apex.

Description (Holotype): Body form, color and pubescence as in Fig. 4. Head and eyes distinctly convex; eyes protruding from head outline. Sides of pronotum rectilinear, distinctly convergent from base to apex; apical margin clearly narrower than basal margin; anterior pronotal lobe prominent, distinctly projecting beyond anterior pronotal angles; disk markedly convex with wide basal impression and very narrow lateral impressions; prehumerus long, extending almost to half of pronotal length, sharply costate, feebly arcuate sideward, with apex distant from marginal carina (lateral view).

Elytra without humeral carinae, slender, markedly attenuate apically; apices narrowly, separately arcuate; elytra slightly trichromatic with golden-green, black and carmine (on apices) patterns combined with trichromatic golden, whitish and reddish (on apices) pubescence.

Prosternum ( Fig. 36): Prosternal lobe large, incised medially; prosternal process tricuspidate, with sides expanded, deeply impressed on disk with sharp, protruding ventrad angles. Basal abdominal ventrite without tubercles. Apex of last abdominal ventrite with weak emargination.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 59).

Length. 5.9–6.3 mm, Holotype 6.0 mm.

Sexual dimorphism. Without apparent sexual differences.

Variability. Paratypes have less obvious carmine color and reddish pubescence on elytral apices.

Type series. Holotype 3 ( EJCB): “NE India, Assam, 1999, 5 km N of Umrongso 700m, 25 ° 27 'N, 92 ° 43 'E, 17.– 25.v., J. Rolčík leg.”. Paratypes (2 exs): 1 Ƥ ( EJCB): “NE India, Assam, 1999, 5 km N of Umrongso 700m, 25 ° 27 'N, 92 ° 43 'E, 17.– 25.v. Dembický & Pacholátko leg.”; 1 ex ( EJCB): “NE India, Assam, 1999, 5 km N of Umrongso 700m, 25 ° 27 'N, 92 ° 43 'E, 17.– 25.v., Zd. Košťál lgt.”. Type locality. Northeastern India, Assam, 5 km N of Umrongso 700 m, 25 ° 27 'N, 92 ° 43 'E. Distribution. India (Assam).

Etymology. Patronymic, dedicated to Jakub Rolčík, the collector of this species.













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