Aleiodes eurinus (Telenga, 1941)

van Achterberg, Cornelis, Shaw, Mark R. & Quicke, Donald L. J., 2020, Revision of the western Palaearctic species of Aleiodes Wesmael (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Rogadinae). Part 2: Revision of the A. apicalis group, ZooKeys 919, pp. 1-259 : 1

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scientific name

Aleiodes eurinus (Telenga, 1941)


Aleiodes eurinus (Telenga, 1941) View in CoL Figs 289-291 View Figures 289–291 , 292-302 View Figures 292–302 , 303-306 View Figures 303–306

Rhogas (Rhogas) eurinus Telenga, 1941: 422.

Rogas eurinus ; Shenefelt 1975: 1228; Papp 1971: 359.

Rogas (Rogas) eurinus ; Tobias 1976: 85, 1986: 80 (transl.: 130; lectotype designation).

Aleiodes (Neorhogas) eurinus ; Papp 1985a: 145; 1991a: 94.

Aleiodes (Chelonorhogas) eurinus ; Chen and He, 1997: 39; He et al. 2000: 667; Belokobylskij 2000: 49; Ku et al. 2001: 235; Farahani et al. 2015: 242-243; Beyarslan et al. 2017: 330.

Aleiodes eurinus ; Fortier and Shaw 1999: 223, 230; Belokobylskij et al. 2003: 398; Papp 2005: 176.

Rogas eurinus ab. nigratus Papp, 1967: 223 (invalid name).

Rogas eurinus ab. nigrimaculatus Papp, 1967: 223 (invalid name).

Rogas eurinus ab. nigripes Papp, 1967: 223 (invalid name).

Type material.

None seen.

Additional material.

Italy, Russia (Siberia and Far East), Spain, Turkey, [China, Mongolia]. Specimens in ZJUH, BZL, MRC, MSNV, MTMA, NMS, RMNH, SDEI, ZISP.

Molecular data.



Specimens have been collected from April to August, and the presence of males in both April and July clearly demonstrates that it is plurivoltine and overwinters in the mummy. We have not seen reared material, but specimen labelling indicates that it occurs among Ammophila and Schoenus in the Venice Lido and Triticum (presumably cultivated wheat) in Turkey, suggesting that its hosts will occur in open grassland habitats.


Maximum width of hypoclypeal depression 0.5-0.6 × minimum width of face (Fig. 298 View Figures 292–302 ); OOL of ♀ approx. as long as diameter of posterior ocellus (Fig. 299 View Figures 292–302 ) and densely rugose; clypeus rather thin apically and rather protruding anteriorly (Fig. 300 View Figures 292–302 ); eyes prominent (Fig. 299 View Figures 292–302 ); lobes of mesoscutum distinctly punctate-granulate and rather matt; precoxal area more or less rugose and comparatively wide medially, and posteriorly punctate; vein 1-CU1 of fore wing 0.3 × vein 2-CU1 (Fig. 292 View Figures 292–302 ); hind tarsal claws slender, brownish setose and without pecten (Fig. 302 View Figures 292–302 ); basal half of 3rd tergite striate; 3rd antennal segment of ♀ dark brown; basal half of hind tibia pale yellowish or ivory, at least inner side contrasting with reddish or dark brown colour of basal half of hind femur (usually less pronounced in ♂).


Redescribed ♀ (RMNH) from Turkey (Ankara). Length of fore wing 7.0 mm, of body 8.0 mm.

Head. Antennal segments of ♀ 51 remaining, but apical segments missing, length of antenna 1.2 × fore wing; frons with coarse curved rugae and dorsally coarsely rugose; OOL equal to diameter of posterior ocellus, and densely rugose; vertex spaced rugose, rather dull; clypeus medium-sized and coarsely rugose (as face); ventral margin of clypeus rather thin and rather protruding forwards (Fig. 300 View Figures 292–302 ); width of hypoclypeal depression 0.5 × minimum width of face (Fig. 298 View Figures 292–302 ); length of malar space in anterior view 0.7-1.0 × maximum width of hypoclypeal depression (Fig. 298 View Figures 292–302 ); head in anterior view trapezoid; length of eye 1.3 × temple in dorsal view and temples directly narrowed behind eyes (Fig. 299 View Figures 292–302 ); vertex behind stemmaticum densely rugose; clypeus near lower level of eyes; length of malar space 0.4 × length of eye in lateral view.

Mesosoma. Mesoscutal lobes distinctly punctate-granulate, and with satin sheen; precoxal area of mesopleuron coarsely rugose, rather wide medially and posteriorly coarsely punctate and some short rugae, densely punctate; remainder of mesopleuron mainly sparsely and finely punctate; metapleuron densely punctate; metanotum with nearly complete median carina; scutellum punctulate and weakly granulate; propodeum coarsely vermiculate-rugose, medio-longitudinal carina irregular.

Wings. Fore wing: r 0.4 × 3-SR (Fig. 292 View Figures 292–302 ); m-cu far antefurcal; 1-CU1 horizontal, slightly widened, 0.3 × 2-CU1; r-m 0.7 × 3-SR; 2nd submarginal cell medium-sized (Fig. 292 View Figures 292–302 ); cu-a inclivous, somewhat curved posteriorly; 1-M rather curved posteriorly; 1-SR wide; surroundings of M+CU1, 1-M and 1-CU1 largely glabrous. Hind wing: marginal cell gradually widened, its apical width 2.6 × width at level of hamuli (Fig. 292 View Figures 292–302 ); 2-SC+R subquadrate; m-cu medium-sized and only pigmented; M+CU:1-M = 50:43; 1r-m 0.7 × 1-M.

Legs. Tarsal claws slender and brownish setose (Fig. 302 View Figures 292–302 ); hind coxa rather finely and densely punctate; hind trochantellus robust; length of hind femur and basitarsus 5.0 and 6.5 × their width, respectively; length of inner hind spur 0.45 × hind basitarsus.

Metasoma. First tergite rather flattened, 1.1 × longer than wide apically; 1st and 2nd tergites with medio-longitudinal carina and rather regularly longitudinally rugose; medio-basal area of 2nd tergite narrow triangular (Fig. 295 View Figures 292–302 ); 2nd suture deep and crenulate; basal half of 3rd tergite longitudinally striate, remainder of metasoma smooth; 4th and apical half of 3rd tergite without sharp lateral crease; ovipositor sheath wide, with medium-sized setae and apically truncate (Fig. 290 View Figures 289–291 ).

Colour. Black; palpi and basal half of antenna (except scapus and pedicellus) brown; scapus, pedicellus, clypeus largely, apex of hind femur (but ventrally reddish), apex of hind tibia, hind tarsus, all telotarsi, pterostigma (but basally narrowly pale) and veins (except yellowish veins of basal quarter of wings) dark brown; remainder of legs and 1st-3rd tergites orange brown; tegulae and hind tibia (except apically) pale yellowish; wing membrane subhyaline.

Variation. Coxae and hind femur (except its basal third) largely dark brown, black or orange brown; apical half of hind tibia dark brown or only apically so; 1st tergite largely dark brown (except posteriorly), with pair of dark brown spots or entirely orange or reddish brown; apical half of 3rd tergite orange brown or largely black. Antennal segments: ♀ 54(1), 55(2), 57(2), 58(3), 59(1), 60(2); ♂ 52(1), 60(1). Male is very similar and has apical tergites type 1-2, setae moderately dense, glabrous stripe only rarely evident and fringe very short, negligible (Figs 303 View Figures 303–306 , 305 View Figures 303–306 ).


China, *Italy, Mongolia, Russia (Siberia and Far East), Spain, *Turkey.














Aleiodes eurinus (Telenga, 1941)

van Achterberg, Cornelis, Shaw, Mark R. & Quicke, Donald L. J. 2020

Rhogas (Rhogas) eurinus

Telenga 1941