Poecilosomella aciculata ( DEEMING, 1969 )

Papp, L., 2002, Eighteen New Oriental Species Of Poecilosomella Duda (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48 (2), pp. 107-156 : 108-109

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12587600



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scientific name

Poecilosomella aciculata ( DEEMING, 1969 )


Poecilosomella aciculata ( DEEMING, 1969) View in CoL

Material studied: SRI LANKA (Ceylon, NMNH): 10 males, 11 females (1 male, 1 female in HNHM): Bad. Dist. , Kande-ela Reservoir , 6200’, Kan. Dist. , Thawalamtenne 2200 ft., Udawattakele Sanct. 1800 ft., Kandy , Peradeniya 2300 ft., Upper Hantane Hill , N.E. Dist., Hakgala Botanical Gardens 6000 ft., Jan , Apr , Sep to Nov ; Nepal : 1 male ( HNHM): Royal Chitwan National Park, Bandarjhola Island – Jungle Island Resort, 84°10’ E, 27°35’ N, 150 m, 1995. 10. 30. – swept on Elephas maximus dung, leg. L. Peregovits. India: 1 female ( NMNH): Yercaud., S. India, Shevaroy Hills 4500’, III. 1955, P. Susai Nathan GoogleMaps .

Known from Nepal, India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia (W. Flores, Lombok), see PAPP (1991 a) for male genitalia figures.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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