Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904

Namyatova, Anna A., Dzhelali, Polina A. & Konstantinov, Fedor V., 2024, Delimitation of the widely distributed Palearctic Stenodema species (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae): insights from molecular and morphological data, ZooKeys 1209, pp. 245-294 : 245-294

publication ID 10.3897/zookeys.1209.124766

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scientific name

Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904


Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904 View in CoL

Figs 1 B, C View Figure 1 , 2 C, I View Figure 2 , 6 A – D, Q View Figure 6 , 7 D – F View Figure 7 , 8 View Figure 8 , 10 A, E View Figure 10 , 11 A – D View Figure 11

Stenodema turanicum Reuter, 1904: 23 (original description); Carvalho 1959: 307 (catalogue); Wagner 1974: 112 (key to species). View in CoL

Stenodema turanica View in CoL : Muminov 1989: 127 (key to species); Kerzhner and Josifov 1999: 196 (catalogue). 6

Type material examined.

Lectotype of Stenodema turanicum Reuter, 1904 (designated here): Turkmenistan • ♂; Kopet Dagh; 38.06 ° N, 57.37 ° E; no date provided; K. O. Ahnger; ( ); ( MZH) GoogleMaps .

Paralectotypes of Stenodema turanicum Reuter, 1904 : Kyrgyzstan • 2 ♀; Chiburgan [ Tschiburgan ] valley; 39.60 ° N, 70.65 ° E; no date provided; A. P. Fedchenko; ( , ); ( MZH) GoogleMaps ♀; Gulcha [Gulscha]; 40.31 ° N, 73.44 ° E; no date provided; A. P. Fedchenko; ( ); ( MZH) GoogleMaps Tajikistan: • ♂ Panjakent [Pendzhikent], valley of Zeravshan River; 39.48 ° N, 67.60 ° E; no date provided; A. P. Fedchenko; ( AMNH_PBI 00345037 , ) GoogleMaps ; • 2 ♀; ( AMNH_PBI 00345035 , ; AMNH_PBI 00345036 , ); ( MZH) . Turkmenistan: • ♂; Kopet Dagh ; 38.06 ° N, 57.37 ° E; no date provided; K. O. Ahnger; ( ) GoogleMaps ; • 2 ♀ ( , ); ( MZH) Gokdepe [Geok-tepe]; 38.15 ° N, 57.95 ° E; K. O. Ahnger; ( ); ( MZH) GoogleMaps . Uzbekistan: • ♀; Shohimardon [Schagimardan]; 39.99 ° N, 71.81 ° E; no date provided; A. P. Fedchenko; ( ); ( MZH) GoogleMaps .


Body length in male 6.1–6.8, in female 6.6–7.3; frons protruding above clypeus base (Fig. 1 H, I View Figure 1 ); labium reaching middle coxa (as in Fig. 1 N View Figure 1 ); hind femur distinctly tapering towards apex, without spines, not enlarged, 6–8 × as long as wide (Fig. 2 C View Figure 2 ); hind tibia curved basally (Fig. 2 I View Figure 2 ); swelling on propleura curved (Fig. 1 H View Figure 1 ); antennal segment I length / head width ratio in male 1.0, in female 0.9–1.0; antennal segment I length / pronotum length ratio 0.7–0.9 in male, 0.7 in female; antennal segment I not widened basally, its setae at base as dense as on other parts of this segment; setae of antennal segment I simple; antennal segment II length / head width ratio in male 3.1–3.5; groove on posterior part of mesopleuron absent (as in Fig. 1 M View Figure 1 ); paired pits between calli absent (as in Fig. 1 G View Figure 1 ); setae on posterior margin of hind femur denser than on other parts of femur, shorter than half of hind femur width (Fig. 2 C View Figure 2 ); genital capsule only slightly longer than wide, acute apically, with outgrowth near left paramere socket (Fig. 6 Q View Figure 6 ); right paramere ca 3 × as long as wide, its apical part as wide as basal part, apical process not bifurcate (Fig. 6 A View Figure 6 ); left paramere with apical process acute in posterior view (Fig. 6 D View Figure 6 ), its sensory lobe swollen (Fig. 6 B View Figure 6 ); vesica with four membranous lobes (Figs 7 E, F View Figure 7 , 8 A View Figure 8 ); dorsal labiate plate as long as wide, sclerotized ring 2–3 × as long as wide; distance between sclerotized rings 4 × as long as sclerotized ring width; membranous swelling on dorsal labiate plate not covering sclerotized rings (Fig. 10 A View Figure 10 ); posterior wall with dorsal structure and sigmoid process between interramal lobes, dorsal structure oval (Fig. 10 E View Figure 10 ).


Stenodema turanica is known from the Balkans, Caucasus, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Central Asia, Mongolia, and northwestern China ( Kerzhner and Josifov 1999).


Stenodema turanica was originally described ( Reuter 1904) from the type series collected by K. O. Ahnger and A. P. Fedchenko in Central Asia and retained at the Finnish Museum of Natural History ( MZH). Due to the observed similarity of S. turanica with S. virens , here we designated the lectotype for Stenodema turanicum Reuter, 1904 , the male from Kopet Dagh mountains in Turkmenistan (Fig. 8 View Figure 8 ,

Stenodema turanica and S. virens are very similar externally. According to Wagner (1974), in S. turanica antennal segment II is twice as long as segments III and IV combined, whereas in S. virens this segment is only 1.5 × times as long as segments III and IV combined. Additionally, the setae on the inner margin of hind femur are inclined in S. virens , whereas they are straight in S. turanica . The setae on the hind femur are more or less the same in both species (Fig. 2 B, C View Figure 2 ). We confirm that the antennal segment II is longer in males of S. turanica rather than in males of S. virens , in particular, antennal segment II / head width ratio is 3.1–3.5 in S. turanica and 2.4–2.6 in S. virens . However, we were unable to find reliable differences in female measurements. These two species differ from each other in both, male (compare Fig. 7 D – F View Figure 7 and Fig. 7 G – I View Figure 7 ) and female (compare Fig. 10 A, E View Figure 10 and Fig. 10 C, D View Figure 10 ) genitalia.


Finnish Museum of Natural History














Stenodema turanica Reuter, 1904

Namyatova, Anna A., Dzhelali, Polina A. & Konstantinov, Fedor V. 2024

Stenodema turanica

Kerzhner IM & Josifov M 1999: 196
Muminov NN 1989: 127

Stenodema turanicum

Wagner E 1974: 112
Carvalho JCM 1959: 307
Reuter OM 1904: 23