Philonome penerivifera Sohn & Davis

Sohn, Jae-Cheon, Davis, Donald R. & Lopez-Vaamonde, Carlos, 2015, Revision of the genus Philonome Chambers and its proposed reassignment to the family Tineidae (Lepidoptera, Tineoidea), ZooKeys 494, pp. 69-106 : 86-88

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scientific name

Philonome penerivifera Sohn & Davis

sp. n.

Taxon classification Animalia Lepidoptera Lyonetiidae

Philonome penerivifera Sohn & Davis sp. n. Figs 10, 49-52, 61-62


This species is indistinguishable from Philonome rivifera in external appearance. Both species can be clearly distinguished from each other by the male genitalia (Table 2), including distal margin of cucullus shallowly concave in Philonome penerivifera but deeply emarginated in Philonome rivifera ; tegumen triangular in Philonome penerivifera but subrectangular in Philonome rivifera ; and lateral area of vinculum less protruding in Philonome penerivifera than in Philonome rivifera .


(Fig. 10). Head: Vertex brownish white or pale orange on posterior 2/3, pale yellowish white on anterior 1/3; scales on interspace between antennal scapes yellowish white; frons lustrous yellowish white; scales on occiput pale orange, with dark brown tips dorsally, pale yellowish white laterally. Antenna 3/5 as long as forewing; scape pale grayish orange dorsally, lustrous yellowish white ventrally; flagellomeres pale orange dorsally, yellowish white ventrally. Labial palpus 1/2 as long as maxillary palpus, dark grayish brown laterally, lustrous yellowish white mesally. Maxillary palpus yellowish white.

Thorax: Scales of patagium pale orange, with dark brown tips; tegula reddish brown basally, paler to apex, pale orange apically; mesonotum pale orange, transversely intermixed with dark brown scales at middle. Fore- and midlegs with coxa lustrous yellowish white; femur, tibia, and tarsomeres dark brown dorsally, lustrous yellowish white laterally and ventrally. Hindleg pale brownish gray dorsally, lustrous yellowish white laterally and ventrally. Forewing length 3.2-3.6 mm (n = 2), coloration and patterns similar to Philonome rivifera . Hindwing dark brownish gray; fringe brownish gray on costal and apical area, yellowish gray along posterior margin.

Abdomen: Terga pale grayish orange or pale grayish brown; sterna lustrous, white or pale orange.

Male genitalia (Figs 49-52): Tegumen triangular, with bifid, setose apex; tuba analis arising from dorsoposterior area of tegumen. Valva divided into two portions; costal portion broadened in basal 1/2, triangular in distal 1/3; distal margin of cucullus slightly emarginated medially, with dense long setae; saccular portion elongate, spatulate, densely setose. Anellus conical, nearly as long as phallus, with minute thorns on interior wall. Vinculum elongate-subrectangular, with semi-elliptical emargination anteromedially; saccus elongate, as long as uncus. Phallus slightly curved at distal 1/3, broadened anteriorly.

Female genitalia (Figs 62-62): Apophyses posteriores 2.5 × longer than apophyses anteriores. Lamella antevaginalis conical, obliquely truncate apically, setose posterolaterally. Ductus bursae as long as corpus bursae, narrow; inception of ductus seminalis at posterior 1/4 of ductus bursae; ductus seminalis coiled. Corpus bursae obovate, with scattered microscopic thorns.


Holotype: male, “Holo-Type” [circular label with red border], "Para Brazil Parish 6 -19.", " Philonome rivifera 7/17 Meyr. E. Meyrick det. in Meyrick Coll." [old label attached before this study], "Meyrick Coll. B.M. 1988-290.", "B.M. ♂ Genitalia slide No. 32828". Paratypes (1♂, 4♀, 1 ex.): Brazil: Amazonas: Munaos [= Manaus], 2♀, “11.19” (Parish), BMNH. Tefé, 1 ex., “1.20” (Parish), BMNH. Federal District: Planaltina (15°35'S, 47°42'W, alt. 1000m): 1♀, 3 May 1984 (VO Becker), "BECKER 56394", VOB; 1♀, 15 June 1985, "BECKER 57636", [GSN] USNM 34615, USNM. Pará: Óbidos, 1♂, “9.19” (Parish), BMNH.


Brazil (Amazonas, Federal District, Pará).


The species name is derived from the Latin prefix 'pene (= paene)', meaning “almost”, and the preexisting species name, rivifera, and refers to the overall similarity of this species to Philonome rivifera .


The holotype and three paratypes of Philonome penerivifera in the BMNH collection were misidentified as Philonome rivifera by Edward Meyrick.













