Bothriembryon fuscus Thiele, 1930

Breure, Abraham S. H. & Whisson, Corey S., 2012, Annotated type catalogue of Bothriembryon (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Orthalicoidea) in Australian museums, with a compilation of types in other museums, ZooKeys 194, pp. 41-80 : 55

publication ID

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scientific name

Bothriembryon fuscus Thiele, 1930


Bothriembryon fuscus Thiele, 1930 Fig. 8A

Bothriembryon fuscus Thiele 1930: 588, fig. 68; Köhler 2007: 142, fig. 76.

Type material.

ZMB 67610, holotype.


As Köhler (2007) correctly stated, this species was described from a single (but immature) preserved specimen.

Current systematic position.

Bothriembryontidae, Bothriembryon fuscus Thiele, 1930.