Megagonoleon stigmatus ( Banks, 1910 ) Machado & Oswald, 2020
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Megagonoleon stigmatus ( Banks, 1910 ) |
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Megagonoleon stigmatus ( Banks, 1910) , new combination
( Figs. 128 View FIGURE 128 , 133–134 View FIGURE 133 View FIGURE 134 ) 2E78F6F8-98AA-40D6-88B7-FDD905A53BAB
Glenurus stigmatus Banks, 1910:40 (OD); Navás 1929:47 (cit).
Glenoleon stigmatus (Banks) : Banks 1913:224 (ncb, key) [as “ stigmaticus ”]; Esben-Petersen 1915:72 (cit) [as “ stigmatum ”]; Esben-Petersen 1923:586 (cit); Stange 1976:307 (cat); New 1985b:38 (key, rd, ill); New 1996:84 (cat); Stange 2004:106 (cat); Oswald 2018 (cat); Machado et al. 2019 (tree).
[ Glenoleon dissolutus (Gerstaecker) [misidentification]: Banks 1913:224 (key); Esben-Petersen 1915:72 (key, ill) [as “ dissolutum ”]; Esben-Petersen 1923:586 (cit); Handschin 1935:690 (cit); Stange 1976:305 (cat); New 1985b:36 (key, rd, ill); New 1996:82 (cat); Whittington 2002:382 (cit)].
Diagnosis. Body mostly black; clypeus mostly pale; hind wing radial crossveins not margined; tibial spurs present; hind wing stigmal mark much larger than rhegmal mark; posterior gonapophysis elongate and narrow.
Description. Lengths: forewing: 30–38 mm; hind wing: 28–35 mm.
Head ( Figs. 133 View FIGURE 133 a–b): Labrum black; with a line of elongate setae. Clypeus pale; with few elongate black setae. Frons predominantly black, except for ventrolateral margin pale; beset with short white or black setae. Gena mostly pale with small dark areas. Vertex raised; in anterior view pale, with a median black line (interrupted centrally in some specimens); in dorsal view mostly black except for some pale marks around central area posteriorly; set with short black or white setae. Ocular setae very reduced, black or white. Antennae clubbed; elongate,> 3x length of pronotum; distance between width; entirely dark-brown to black (in some specimens posterior surface of basal flagellomeres pale); torular membrane yellow; flagellomeres almost as long as wide at base, apical ones much wider than long; all segments set with short black setae. Mandibles black, with some brown areas at base. Palpi, maxillary and labial black with segments distal margins generally brown, apical labial palpomere fusiform, palpimacula opening oval-shaped, located medially.
Thorax ( Fig. 133b View FIGURE 133 ): Pronotum about as long as wide; posterior margin as wide as anterior; subapical furrow present; generally pale with a broad black longitudinal band (“Y” shaped in some specimens) on midline that is flanked by a thinner pale longitudinal band, margins generally black; beset with many short black setae, and some long white or black setae, mostly located at margins. Mesonotum mostly black, with some small longitudinal yellow bands on each side, prescutum and scutellum mostly black with pale spots on borders; covered with small black or white setae. Metanotum usually black with some yellow areas, mostly on sclerites margins; covered with small white setae. Pterothoracic pleura black with some pale areas generally between sclerites; set with white setae; Miller’s organ present.
Wings ( Fig. 133c View FIGURE 133 ): Fairly broad; anterior Banksian line present in both wings, posterior absent; veins brown, but many of them intercalated with white spots, beset with short black setae. Male pilula axillaris present. Forewing membrane mostly hyaline with brown marks generally concentrated at tip, pterostigma, and around some crossveins (mainly radial crossveins); CuA fork located between RP origin and first fork; three presectoral crossveins; subcostal veinlets simple, but few distal forked; posterior area slightly wider than prefork area. Hind wing membrane mostly hyaline except for a large brown stigmal mark, and small marks around apical crossveins and rhegmal area; MP fork located between RP origin and first fork; subcostal veinlets simple, but few distal forked; one presectoral crossvein.
Legs ( Figs. 133 View FIGURE 133 a–b): All pairs of legs, femur elongate (near three times longer than coxa); tibia and femur about same size but longer than tarsi; tibial spurs surpassing T1 apex; T2, T3 and T4 about same size, T1 about twice as long as T2, T5 slightly longer than T1; claws slightly shorter than T5 length; coxa, trochanter, and femur set with short white setae; femur, tibia and tarsi set with short black setae, and scattered long black setae; T5 ventrally with two rows of thick, long, black setae. Proleg sense hair slightly longer than femur width; tibia with antennal cleaning setae ventroapically; coxa, trochanter, and femur dark brown, except for a subapcal pale spot on femur dorsally; tibia dark brown with three pale rings; tarsi dark brown, except for pale base of T1 and T5, in some specimens the base of T5 is dark brown. Mesoleg with same colour pattern of proleg. Metaleg with femur, tibia and T1 slightly longer than in other legs; colour pattern similar to anterior legs, except for tibia pale with tip dark brown.
Abdomen: Usually entirely black or dark brown, occasionally with irregular pale spots on posterior margin of tergites and medial area of sternites. Beset with short white setae.
Male Terminalia ( Figs. 134 View FIGURE 134 a–d): Ectoproct posterior margin rounded in lateral view; set with elongate black setae. 9 th sternite posterior margin with short medial acute extension in ventral view; set with elongate black setae. Genitalia semi triangular in dorsal view. Gonarcus broad with anterior margin almost straight in dorsal view. Mediuncus enlarged, elongate, curved, with tip acute in lateral view; in posterior view tip rounded. Paramere weakly sclerotized, thin, elongate in lateral view, and hidden beneath gonarcus +mediuncus complex in dorsal view.
Female Terminalia ( Figs. 134 View FIGURE 134 e–f): Ectoproct posterior margin rounded, set with thin elongate setae and some long cavisetae ventrally. Lateral gonapophyses rounded, about same size as ectoproct, beset with elongate cavisetae. 9 th tergite with few thickened setae on ventral area in lateral view. 7 th sternite distal margin with small invagination in ventral view; covered with short black setae. Pregenital plate large, bent in lateral view but in ventral view with anterior margin curved and posterior straight. Posterior gonapophyses thin, elongate, covered with short black setae and few thickened setae at apex. 9 th tergite with a short membranous digitiform process. Anterior gonapophyses absent. Ventral membrane gonapophyseal plates present.
Distribution ( Fig. 128 View FIGURE 128 ). Australia: NSW*, QLD. Known from numerous records in far eastern Australia; a distinctly eastern species.
Adult activity period. Records for July, and October to June (all months of the year except August and September).
Biology. Unknown, larva unknown.
Name-bearing type. Glenurus stigmatus : Holotype (by monotypy), female, ANIC, examined. Type locality: Australia, Queensland, Kuranda (town). From original description: "From Kuranda, Queensland, Australia, March (Dodd)". From New (1985b): “ Holotype, ♀, Queensland, Kuranda, March (Dodd) (formerly MCZ, now ANIC) (seen)”. Condition: good; terminalia dissected.
Additional material examined (36♂, 32♀, 6?). AUSTRALIA: New South Wales: Kenthurst: December (1♂, ANIC) ; Singleton : 5.i.1956, I.F.B. Common (1♀, ANIC) ; Queensland: Archer River crossing: 13 o 25’S– 142 o 56’E, 5.iv.1989, mv lamp, G. & A. Daniels (4♂, 5♀, QMBA) GoogleMaps ; Bin Bin Range: via Didcot , 15–19.xii.1974, H. Frauca (1♂, ANIC) ; Binggenden: Mount Walsh National Park , 15.iii.1978, H. Frauca (1♀, ANIC) ; Blackdown Tableland National Park: Charlevue Road, 17 air km SSSE Bluff 23.72965°S 149.11972°E ± 30m, R Machado, MV light, 21.xii.2015, AustRM#06 (1♂, TAMU) GoogleMaps ; Bluff : (1♂, SAMA) ; Brisbane : (3♂, 2♀, 6?, QMBA) ; 30.iii.1925 (1♂, QMBA) ; 18.i.1925 (1♂, 1♀, QMBA) ; 15.ii.1916, H. Hacker (1♂, QMBA) ; 19.ii.1927 (1♀, AMSA) ; 20.ii.1927 (1♂, 2♀, ZMUC) ; 12.iii.1927 (1♂, AMSA) ; 9.xii.1922 (1♂, MVM) ; Carnarvon Range : xi.1944, N. Geary (1♀, AMSA) ; 8 km south of Clermont , 18.iii.1982, M.S. & B.J. Moulds (2♂, 1♀, AMSA) ; 31 km NW of Cooktown , 15.18S– 145.01E, 20.iii.1977. I.F.B. Common & E.D. Edwards (2♀, ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Eton Range : near Mackay M.E.Q.,, E.C. Dahms / Glenoleon dissolutus det. by T.R. New (1♂, QMBA) ; Forty Mile Scrub : 65 km NW of Mt Garnet, 15.iii.1982, M.S. & B.J. Moulds (2♂, 8♀, AMSA) ; 18.05S– 144.51E, 20.iii.1995, E.D. Edwards & M. Matthews (1♂, ANIC) GoogleMaps ; Horn Island: Torres Strait , 23.vii.1975, H. Heatwole (1♂, ANIC) ; 55 km NNE of Injune , 23.xi.1986, M.S. & B.J. Moulds (1♂, AMSA) ; Laura : 18 mi south, 18.v.1975, R. Storey & D. Hancock (1♂, QMBA) ; Mingela : 21.iv.1955, Norris & Common (1♂, ANIC) ; 27 km W of Monto , xi.1960 (1♂, FSCA) ; Mount Cabine : iv.1982 (1♂, QMBA) ; 7 miles SW of Mount Garmet , 20.iv.1969, I.F.B. Common & M. Upton (2♀, 3♂, ANIC, 1♀, FSCA) ; Mutchilba : iii.1933 (4♂, MVM) ; Normanby River: 5 km E of Battle Camp Road NW of Cooktown , 15 o 17’S– 144 o 52’E,, J & A Skevington (1♀, QMBA) GoogleMaps ; Palmer River: 3 mile south, Cooktown Highway, 22.v.1975, at light, R.J. Storey & D.L. Hancock (1♂, 1♀, QMBA) ; Prince of Wales Island : 20.x.1900 (1♀, ANIC) ; Springaure : 3.iv.1957, E.F. Riek (1♂, ANIC) ; Stanthorpe : (1♀, QMBA) .
Comments. See Comments for M. radialis and Austrogymnocnemia dissoluta .
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Megagonoleon stigmatus ( Banks, 1910 )
Machado, Renato Jose Pires & Oswald, John David 2020 |
Glenurus stigmatus
Banks 1910: 40 |