Proterocameroceras Ruedemann, 1905

Kröger, Björn & Pohle, Alexander, 2021, Early-Middle Ordovician cephalopods from Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen - a pelagic fauna with Laurentian affinities, European Journal of Taxonomy 783 (1), pp. 1-102 : 16

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Proterocameroceras Ruedemann, 1905


Genus Proterocameroceras Ruedemann, 1905

Type species

Orthoceras brainerdi Whitfield, 1886 , from Fort Cassin Formation, Floian, at Fort Cassin headland, Vermont; by original designation.


Slender, gradually expanding orthocones with broadly elliptically depressed cross section; short chambers; sutures directly transverse, slightly sinuous, forming gentle dorsal and ventral lobes; siphuncle large, almost marginal, circular cross section; connecting ring thick, concave segments; septal necks curved orthochoanitic to loxochoanitic; endosiphuncular deposits form endocones with narrow endosiphotube and three endosiphoblades (after Flower 1941; Ulrich et al. 1944: 55; Teichert 1964: K166).


Numerous species have been assigned to Proterocameroceras , especially from the Early and Middle Ordovician of Russia ( Balashov 1962, 1968) and South China ( Xu & Lai 1987); some of them differ strongly from the type species. Proterocameroceras valhallfonnense sp. nov. (see below) is one of these forms. A revision of this genus is therefore desirable, but not within the scope of this monograph.

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