Chromoteleia connectens Kieffer
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Chromoteleia connectens Kieffer |
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Chromoteleia connectens Kieffer View in CoL Figures 14, 58-63, 64-69, 237
Chromoteleia (Oxyscelio) connectens Kieffer, 1910a: 313 (original description, keyed).
Oxyscelio (Oxyscelio) connectens (Kieffer): Kieffer, 1910b: 69 (generic transfer).
Oxyscelio connectens (Kieffer): Kieffer, 1926: 361, 362 (description, keyed); Dodd, 1931: 77 (excluded from Oxyscelio , position uncertain).
Chromoteleia connectens Kieffer: Masner, 1976: 25 (type information); Hoebeke, 1980: 26 (type information); Johnson, 1992: 364 (cataloged, type information).
Chromoteleia brevitarsis Kieffer, 1910a: 313, 315 (original description, keyed); Masner, 1976: 25 (type information, junior synonym of Chromoteleia connectens Kieffer); Johnson, 1992: 364 (type information).
Petalosema brevitarsis (Kieffer): Kieffer, 1926: 358, 360 (generic transfer, description, keyed).
Body length of female: 5.38-5.95 mm (n = 20). Body length of male: 5.10-5.86 mm (n = 20). Color of A1: yellow to orange. A6 in female: as wide as long. A5 in female: distinctly longer than wide. A6 in male: approximately 2.0 × longer than wide. Number of basiconic sensilla on A7: 0. Number of basiconic sensilla on A12: 1. Sculpture of dorsal A1: striate. Color of head: black. Sculpture of frons directly above interantennal process: transversely striate to rugose. Central keel: complete, extending from interantennal process to median ocellus. Ventral margin of clypeus: straight. Granulate microsculpture of dorsal frons: present. Occipital carina: complete. Granulate microsculpture of vertex: absent; present. Sculpture of occiput: rugose. Sculpture of gena: dorsoventrally strigose.Color of mesosoma: variably orange to black. Sculpture of epicoxal lobe posterior of propleural epicoxal sulcus: smooth. Sculpture of lateral pronotal area above pronotal cervical sulcus: smooth throughout. Sculpture of netrion: rugose. Microsculpture of mesoscutum: granulate. Macrosculpture of mesoscutal midlobe: punctate rugose throughout. Macrosculpture of lateral lobe of mesoscutum: punctate rugose. Sculpture of notaulus: foveate. Notaular foveae: interconnected. Median mesoscutal carina: present along full length of mesoscutum. Mesoscutellum in lateral view: convex. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: smooth medially, densely punctate laterally; longitudinally carinate medially, densely punctate laterally. Shape of metascutellum: trapezoidal with broad posterior margin. Median metascutellar carina: present. Sculpture of metascutellum: rugose. Sculpture of lateral propodeal area: rugose; smooth. Mesopleural carina: present. Sculpture of mesepisternum below femoral depression: rugose anteriorly, sparsely punctate posteriorly. Sculpture of dorsal metapleural area: rugose. Setation of dorsal metapleural area: absent. Setation of area directly dorsal to the metapleural triangle: absent. Sculpture of ventral metapleural area: rugose anteriorly, smooth posteriorly. Color of legs: orange yellow throughout; orange to pale brown. Length of hind basitarsus: about as long as remaining segments combined. Sculpture of hind coxa: densely punctate.
Length of postmarginal vein: distinctly longer than stigmal vein.
Color of metasoma in female: black; mostly black with T1-T3 orange to dark brown. Color of metasoma in male: black. Horn on T1 in female: present. Striae of posterior margin of T1 in female: sparse. Striae of T1 in male: sparse. Transverse sulcus on T2: present. Sculpture of T2: densely longitudinally striate, punctate rugulose in interstices. Sculpture of T6 in female: densely punctate and granulate. Length of T6 in female: approximately as long as wide. Shape of T6 in female in lateral view: flat. Apical spine on female T6: absent. Sculpture of T6 in male: densely punctate. Sculpture of T7 in male: granulate. Posterior margin of T7 in male: emarginate medially between rounded projections. Sculpture of medial S2: densely longitudinally striate with fine punctures in interstices.
This species can be distinguished from other Chromoteleia by the following combination of characters: female A7 without basiconic sensillum, occipital carina complete, median mesoscutal carina present along full length of mesoscutum, ventral metapleural area smooth posteriorly, postmarginal vein distinctly longer than stigma vein, male T7 with posterior margin deeply emarginated between rounded projections.
Link to distribution map.
Material examined.
Holotype, female, C. brevitarsis : BRAZIL: PA, no date, Baker, CAS TYPE9597 (deposited in CAS). Holotype, female, C. connectens : BRAZIL: PA, no date, Baker, CAS TYPE9618 (deposited in CAS).
Other material: (524 females, 594 males) BELIZE: 1 female, OSUC586444 (CNCI). BOLIVIA: 5 females, 7 males, OSUC584139-584140, 584298-584300 (CNCI); DPI_FSCA 00010202-00010208 (CSCA). BRAZIL: 77 females, 73 males, OSUC202485, 202488, 202490, 202493, 202495-202497, 202499-202501, 202515-202517, 202519, 202523, 202532, 202535 (AEIC); OSUC232991 (BPBM); OSUC583467-583468, 583471, 583473-583475, 583484-583485, 583492, 583495-583496, 583498, 583510, 583516, 584146, 584152, 584161, 584164-584165, 584171-584175, 584177, 584330, 584334, 584336, 586124-586126, 586131-586132, 586134, 586352, 586356, 586358, 586365, 586368, 586394-586395, 586397-586398, 586404, 586406, 586418-586419, 586567-586568, 586796 (CNCI); OSUC199611, 199634 (FSCA); OSUC181648, 225221, 225223, 225240, 231875, 233121, 233201, 233295, 233345, 235221, 267216, 322173, 322599, 326391, 326465, 344484, 354669, 359051, 359057, 359059, 359065, 359067, 359076, 370978, 379216, 380242, 449172, 449186-449187 (MPEG); OSUC112474, 112594, 112933, 132283, 132337-132338 (MZSP); OSUC132223, 132546, 132576, 132614, 225220, 225239, 233200, 233320, 255000, 322166, 322175, 322598, 322639, 326569, 345343, 359056, 359063-359064, 359068, 370976-370977, 379214, 381994, 449168, 449178, 48530, 48535, 56248, 56250, 56257-56258, 56260, 56262 (OSUC); OSUC204987, 204989 (UCDC); OSUC225298-225300, 225302-225304, 225309, 225312, 225314-225315 (USNM). COLOMBIA: 49 females, 55 males, OSUC584137, 584301 (CNCI); OSUC143884, 143894-143895, 143897, 143899, 143901, 144022, 152042-152043, 152069, 152071, 162521, 162680-162681, 166453, 166456-166457, 166521, 166555, 170459, 176951, 182582-182583, 182713, 188629-188630, 188632-188633, 188691-188692, 188783, 189043-189044, 189046, 190347-190348, 190350, 190901, 191362, 193136, 193185, 193429, 193456-193458, 193460, 193661, 193664, 193680, 193819, 193960-193962, 228571, 228601, 228603-228605, 228607, 230379, 230434, 230436, 230439, 232724, 232726, 249925-249926, 253478, 269375, 270003, 270005-270007, 321676 (IAVH); OSUC143896, 143898, 152070, 152072, 162520, 162679, 166450, 166458, 166520, 166565, 166588, 170460, 176950, 182581, 189045, 190349, 191043, 191173, 193168, 193184, 193793, 228602, 228606, 232723, 249928, 269377, 270004, 273444 (OSUC). COSTA RICA: 145 females, 195 males, 1 unknown, OSUC202537, 202539-202540, 202549, 205189 (AEIC); OSUC232993 (BPBM); OSUC232189, 253965, 253967-253968, 253970-253971, 556950, 556971, 556973-556977, 556980, 556982-556985, 556993, 556995-556996, 556999, 557001, 557004, 557010, 557014, 557018, 557023, 557048, 557050-557051, 557053, 557058, 557084, 557087, 577888-577893, 577895-577896, 577899, 577908, 577927, 577929, 577938, 577940, 577943-577944, 577947, 577949-577951, 577954-577955, 577962, 577964, 577971, 577974-577978, 577980-577984, 577986-577987, 577989-577990, 577992-577999, 578001, 578007, 578009, 578012-578013, 578018, 578020-578022, 578025-578043, 578045, 578047-578052, 578066, 578073, 578076, 578080, 578085, 578092, 578097, 578099, 578104, 583413, 583415-583416, 583422-583423, 583461, 583479, 583482, 583508, 583511-583513, 583731, 583739, 583756, 583760, 583763-583764, 583768-583771, 583773, 583787, 583794, 583796, 583834, 583850, 583878, 583881, 583890-583892, 583896-583897, 583901, 583910, 583916, 583926-583928, 583931-583938, 583947-583948, 583978, 583980, 583982, 583988-583990, 583992, 583994, 583997-583998, 584003-584006, 584008-584009, 584012, 584014, 584016-584017, 584019, 584023, 584026-584028, 584031, 584226, 584228, 584231-584232, 584234, 584237, 584239, 584241, 584245-584246, 584248-584249, 584251, 584253-584259, 584271-584273, 584277-584280, 584284-584286, 584288-584293, 586121, 586123, 586130, 586150-586151, 586161, 586163-586164, 586166-586168, 586171, 586179-586181, 586183, 586194, 586196, 586198, 586200-586201, 586203, 586205-586206, 586209, 586212-586214, 586216, 586260-586261, 586268-586269, 586271-586274, 586293-586295, 586302, 586357, 586390, 586399, 586415, 586449, 586451, 586471, 586474-586476, 586485, 586493, 586499, 586501, 586510, 586513, 586516-586520, 586541-586543, 586559, 586619-586620, 586638-586640, 586645, 586648-586649, 586656, 586658-586659, 586679, 586681, 586764, 586778, 586781, 586783, 586785-586787, 586831, 586833, 586837, 586839, 586841 (CNCI); DPI_FSCA 00010229-00010230, SM0810076, SM0810559 (KUNH); OSUC205812 (UCDC). ECUADOR: 122 females, 166 males, OSUC149644, 202502 (AEIC); OSUC181428, 557030, 557034, 557037, 557042-557045, 557092-557094, 557096, 557098, 583476-583477, 583751, 584047-584059, 584061-584073, 584075-584082, 584084-584096, 584099-584101, 584105, 584110-584111, 584120-584121, 584123-584130, 584132, 584134-584136, 584399, 584401, 584403, 584405-584406, 584408, 584411-584413, 584415, 584427, 584430, 584432-584451, 584807-584816, 584818-584837, 584839-584856, 585089-585090, 585097, 586142-586144, 586178, 586311-586313, 586317-586319, 586335, 586359, 586413, 586546-586553, 586555-586556, 586558, 586625, 586633, 586668-586670, 586672-586676, 586693, 586696-586707, 586709-586713, 586715-586720, 586723, 586725-586726, 586728-586730, 586732-586746, 586873 (CNCI); DPI_FSCA 00010184-00010201, 00010209 (CSCA); OSUC199615-199629 (FSCA); OSUC221931, 221939 (TAMU); OSUC204993, 204995-204996, 204998 (UCDC). FRENCH GUIANA: 36 females, 28 males, OSUC555804, 555814, 555819, 586222, 586225, 586228-586230, 586232, 586234-586238, 586240-586242, 586244-586245, 586247-586255, 586257, 586423, 586427, 586434, 586436, 586439, 586443, 586446, 586453-586458, 586461-586464, 586609-586612, 586830, 586844-586845, 586850-586851, 586854-586855, 586859 (CNCI); SM0096678 (KUNH); OSUC267215, 47019-47021, 47023 (OSUC). GUATEMALA: 2 females, 1 male, OSUC203118 (AEIC); OSUC584925 (CNCI); OSUC204701 (UCDC). HONDURAS: 1 male, OSUC413764 (MZLU). PANAMA: 8 females, 8 males, OSUC556951, 584182, 584379, 586623v586624, 586626, 586629, 586824 (CNCI); DPI_FSCA 00010227 (KUNH); OSUC221921, 233027, 271017-271020, 320637 (TAMU). PERU: 24 females, 17 males, OSUC149639 (AEIC); OSUC578057, 578060, 578062, 584305, 584307-584308, 584314-584316, 586135-586137, 586185-586188, 586190-586192, 586421-586422, 586441-586442, 586805, 586808-586814, 586846, 586865 (CNCI); OSUC218803-218805 (INHS); DPI_FSCA 00010228 (KUNH); OSUC223890, 323994 (OSUC); OSUC225399 (USNM). VENEZUELA: 55 females, 43 males, OSUC149646 (AEIC); OSUC578015, 583517, 586145 (CNCI); OSUC230357-230359, 230361, 232281, 232827-232830, 251645-251647, 251649, 251651-251652, 251655, 251657-251661, 251663-251666, 251668-251670, 251672-251675, 251677-251681, 251683-251684, 251686-251688, 251690, 320743-320745, 320747-320753, 321367, 321369-321371, 321373-321374, 321376-321379, 321382, 323405, 323407-323412, 323414, 381986-381987, 381989, 381991-381992 (MIZA); OSUC230360, 232282, 251643, 251648, 251650, 251653, 251656, 251671, 251682, 251685, 251692, 321368, 321372, 321375, 321380-321381, 323406 (OSUC).
This species exhibits variation in color and microsculpture. The development of microsculpture on vertex could be absent or present; mesoscutum smooth or carinate medially; mesoscutellum, mesopleuron, and metapleuron ranging from orange to dark brown or black.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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