Andrena (Truncandrena) doursana Dufour, 1853

WOOD, T. J., 2024, Further revisions to the Palaearctic Andrena fauna (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), Zootaxa 5483 (1), pp. 1-150 : 75-76

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5483.1.1

publication LSID


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scientific name

Andrena (Truncandrena) doursana Dufour, 1853


8) Comment on the status of Andrena (Truncandrena) doursana Dufour, 1853 View in CoL

In addition to the morphological variation seen within A. medeninensis sensu Warncke ( Gusenleitner & Schwarz 2002) , problematic variation exists within A. doursana ( Wood et al. 2020b; Wood 2023b). Andrena doursana sensu lato is distributed from Iberia ( ssp. citreola Warncke, 1975 ) and south-western Morocco ( ssp. agadira Warncke, 1980 ) across North Africa ( doursana s. str. described from Algeria) to Libya ( ssp. bengasia Warncke, 1980 ). Populations in the Levant ( ssp. mizorhina Warncke, 1975 ) were elevated to species status by Pisanty et al. (2022a) based on morphological differences in males and genetic evidence.

Differences between A. doursana subspecies are based primarily on pubescence colouration in the female sex, as males are currently morphologically inseparable (in contrast to the distinctive males seen in A. alchata Warncke, 1974 and A. mizorhina ). Subspecies A. d. citreola shows much brighter pubescence, whereas subspecies A. d. agadira has much darker pubescence. Recently, extremely dark individuals of A. doursana sensu lato were found in south-western Spain (Bolonia, province of Cádiz) that morphologically conform to the concept of A. d. agadira. Genetically, these dark Iberian specimens differed from a specimen of the light form A. d. citreola from Portugal by 0.76% (range 0.76–0.76%). Within a broader context, Iberian specimens were separated from North African A. doursana sensu lato by an average genetic distance of 5.38% (range 5.02–5.38%), but were nested within North African A. doursana sensu lato, including an isolated sequence from a specimen from northern Morocco (WPATW509-22) which differed from other Moroccan A. doursana by 4.50% (range 3.67–5.13%).

In contrast to A. donata, Iberian individuals of A. doursana sensu lato cannot be consistently separated morphologically from North African A. doursana sensu lato, and light forms (A. d. citreola), typical forms ( A. doursana s. str.), and dark forms (A. d. agadira) can be found across both Iberia and North Africa. Given the morphological uniformity of A. doursana sensu lato males across this region, the broad interpretation of A. doursana used by Wood (2023b) is maintained (see also Gusenleitner & Schwarz (2002) minus the elevation of A. mizorhina ; Pisanty et al. 2022a).

Distribution. Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya.

Material examined. ALGERIA: 5 km N of Mecheria, Djebel Antar , st. 10, 7.iv. 1983, 1♀, leg. R. Leys & P. v. d. Hurk, RMNH ; Bone [Annaba], MNHN (lectotype of A. fuscoprasina Pérez, 1895 ) ; Hammam Bou Hadjar , 1–30.iv.1910, 1♂, 3♀, leg. O. Schmiedeknecht, SMFD/RMNH ; Mts. Hadna , Pr. Setif, 10 km E Ouled Tebben, 1200 m, 2.v.1986, 1♂, leg. Gerstmeier, OÖLM ; LIBYA: Cyrenaica , R. U. Agraria , 1–31.iii.1926, 1♀, leg. C. Krüger, OÖLM (holotype of A. d. bengasia) ; Cyrenaica , R. U. Agraria , 15.iii.1925, 1♀, leg. C. Krüger, OÖLM (non-type material) ; MOROCCO: S-Marokko, Agadir , 20.ii.1977, 1♀, OÖLM (holotype of A. d. agadira) ; Fez. Dj. Zalagh , 25.iii.1923, 1♂, leg. Schulthess, OÖLM (paratype of A. d. citreola) ; 19 km W Tiznit, Oued near beach, 9.iv.2015, 1♀, leg. C. Schmid-Egger, CSE ; SW, 10 km N Agadir, Tamzergoute , 8.iv.2015, 1♀, leg. C. Schmid-Egger, CSE ; 10 km E Guelmin , 15–16.iv.1995, 1♂, 9♀, leg. Ma. Halada, OÖLM/ TJWC ; 10 km S Tafraoute, Wasi SSW Dousdem , 1150 m, 19.iv.2019, 2♀, leg. A. Müller, AMC ; 10 km W Tiznit , 6.v.1995, 9♀, leg. Mi. Halada, OÖLM/ TJWC ; 13 km ENE Tafraoute, Taourirt Ouazzal , 1390 m, 22.iv.2019, 1♀, leg. A. Müller, AMC ; Drâa-Tafilalet, Ouarzazate , 2 km W Agouim, 1800 m, 13.iv.2022, 1♂, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Drâa-Tafilalet, Ouarzazate, N 10, 10 km N Anezal , 15.iv.2022, 1♀, leg. leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Drâa-Tafilalet, Ouarzazate, N 9, 1 km N Agouim , 1800 m, 13.iv.2022, 1♂, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Drâa-Tafilalet, Ouarzazate, N9, Ighrem N’Ougdal , 2000 m, 18.iv.2022, 1♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Drâa-Tafilalet, Tazenakht , 9 km W Anezal, c. 1600 m, 16.iv.2022, 11♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Drâa-Tafilalet, Tazenakht, Anezal , 5 km NE Ait Igga, 21.iv.2022, 1♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Guelmim-Oued Noun, Guelmim, Aferkat , 5 km S, c. 700 m, 18.iii.2022, 1♂, 1♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; High Atlas, 25 km S of Tizi-n-Test, ( Marrakech-Taroudant rd) 1500 m, 5.iv.1983, 1♀, leg. G.R. Else, NHMUK ; High Atlas, 5 km S of Tizi-n-Test ( Marrakech-Taroudant rd), 5.iv.1983, 10♂, leg. G.R. Else, NHMUK ; Souss-Massa, R105, Tizirt, 10 km N, Agadir N´ Guemzt env., 12.iii.2022, 1♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Souss-Massa, Tiznit, Inskat , Barrage Youssef Ben Tachfine , 22.iii.2022, 1♂, 2♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Souss-Massa, Tiznit, Tanalt , oasis between Ait Moussa and Anadia , 22.iii.2022, 1♂, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Tagmout , E, 26.iii.1986, 1♀, leg. K. Warncke, OÖLM ; 12 km E of Ifrane , 9– 10.v.1997, 4♀, leg. J. Halada, OÖLM ; 40 km SW Guelmin , 13.iv.1995, 2♀, leg. Ma. Halada, OÖLM ; Fès-Meknès , Aknoul, R 510, 1 km NW Tizi Nador, c. 1300 m, 14.v.2022, 1♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; SPAIN: Vaciamadrid [Rivas-Vaciamadrid], 24.iv.1919, 1♀, leg. J.M. Dusmet y Alonso, OÖLM (holotype of A. d. citreola) ; Ifrane env., 9.v.1997, 1♀, leg. K. Deneš, OÖLM ; Cádiz, Bolonia , dunes to west, 23.iii.2023, 1♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Cádiz, Bolonia , El Lentiscal, 24.iii.2023, 1♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Alhambra , 23.v.1973, 1#f, FJOS ; Campus Cartuja Granada , 10.iv.1987, 1♂, 1♀, leg. L. Contreres, FJOS ; Lancha de Cenes [Lancha del Genil], Granada , 10.iv.1987, 2♀, FJOS ; PORTUGAL: Baixo Alentejo, Alcoutim, São Bartolomeu de Via Glória , immediately to west, 31.iii.2022, 1♀, leg. T.J. Wood, TJWC ; Erio Noudar , 11.v.2019, 1♂, leg. A. Soares, TAGIS ; TUNISIA: Kasserine, 13.iv.1998, 1♀, leg. K. Deneš, OÖLM ; Ksar Hadada , 4–5.iv.1996, 2♀, leg. K. Deneš, OÖLM/ TJWC ; Sbeitla , 12.iv.1998, 1♀, leg. K. Deneš, OÖLM ; Tunis, 1911, 1♂, 8♀, leg. O. Schmiedeknecht, SMFD .

9) Confirmation of correct spelling


Netherlands, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorische Museum ("Naturalis") [formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie]


France, Paris, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle






Germany, Frankfurt-am-Main, Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg


National Museum of Natural History, Naturalis


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Department of Biologics Research


Natural History Museum, London













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