Rhinocladius longirostris Edwards

Saether, O. A. & Andersen, T., 2003, Redescription of Rhinocladius Edwards (Diptera: Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae), Zootaxa 217, pp. 1-20 : 6-8

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.156824



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scientific name

Rhinocladius longirostris Edwards


Rhinocladius longirostris Edwards ( Figs 9­21 View FIGURES 9 ­ 15 View FIGURES 16 ­ 21 )

Rhinocladius longirostris Edwards 1931: 270 .

Material examined: CHILE: Llanquihue Prov., Casa Pangue, paratypes ɗΨ, 4­10 xii 1926, F. & M. Edwards ( BMNH 1927­68). XI region, Lago Atravesado, 30 km SW Coihaique, ɗ, 14 i 1996, T. Andersen ( ZMBN).

Diagnostic characters: The imagines differ from the only other known species, R. culicinus , by having nearly twice as long labellae. (See Edwards 1931 fig. 43.)

Male imago (n=2 except when otherwise stated)

Total length 2.53­2.77 mm. Wing length 1.46­1.60 mm long. Total length/wing length 1.73­1.74. Wing length/length of profemur 2.30­2.45. Thorax, head, abdomen and legs dark brown.

Head ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9 ­ 15 ). AR 0.96­1.09. Ultimate flagellomere 378­390 m long. Temporal setae 11­12, consisting of 6 inner verticals, 3­4 outer verticals, and 2 postorbitals. Clypeus with 11­12 setae . Tentorium ( Fig. 10 View FIGURES 9 ­ 15 ) 165­173 m long, 28­30 m wide; stipes 113­124 m long, 26­38 m wide. Palpomere length (in m): 9, 30, 45­53, 21­3, 19­26. Labellae 1153 m (1) long, 26 m (1) wide

Thorax ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9 ­ 15 ). Antepronotum with 4­6 lateral setae . Dorsocentrals 25­26, acrostichals about 20, prealars 10­13. Scutellum with 12 setae .

Wing ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 9 ­ 15 ). VR 1.36­1.48. Costal extension 101­116 m long. R with 20­26 setae , R1 with 14­24, R4+5 with 30­32, M with 0­1, M1+2 with 31­37, M3+4 with 12­24, Cu with 10­12, Cu1 with 6­11, An with 12­13, and costal extension with 8­12 non­marginal setae . Cell m bare; r4+5 with about 140­150 setae ; m1+2 with about 160­170; m3+4 with 45­46; cu plus an with 25­30 setae , none on anal lobe. Squama with 9­11 setae

Legs. Spur of front tibia 58­60 m long; spurs of mid tibia 21­26 and 11 m long; spurs of hind tibia 68­75 and 19­21 m long. Width at apex of front to hind tibiae (in m) as: 34­36, 38, 45­49. Comb ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 9 ­ 15 ) of 13­14 setae , shortest seta 26­30 m long, longest seta 56­94 m long. Length (in m) and proportions of the legs:

Hypopygium ( Figs 14, 15 View FIGURES 9 ­ 15 ). Tergite IX with 11­23 setae , laterosternite IX with 3­4 setae . Phallapodeme 75­79 m long, transverse sternapodeme 75­83 m long. Virga 64­68 m long. Gonocoxite 150­169 m long, inferior volsella well developed; gonostylus 86­ 88 m long, megaseta 9­11 m long. HR 1.74­1.91, HV 2.953.15.

Female imago (n=1)

Total length 2.74 mm. Wing length 1.58 mm long. Total length/wing length 1.74. Wing length/length of profemur 2.39. Thorax, head and legs dark brown; abdomen dark with posterior 1/4 more pale.

Head ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 16 ­ 21 ). AR 0.45. Length of flagellomeres (in m) as:64, 68, 68, 75, 71, 146. Temporal setae 11, consisting of 6 inner verticals, 3 outer verticals, and 2 postorbitals. Clypeus with 10 setae . Tentorium ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 16 ­ 21 ) 139 m long, 13 m wide; stipes ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 16 ­ 21 ) 105 m long, 30 m wide. Palpomere ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 16 ­ 21 ) lengths (in m): 11, 30, 56, 26, 23. Third palpomere with 10 median and 1 lateral spatulate sensilla clavata, fourth palpomere with 2 median and 1 lateral spatulate sensilla clavata. Labellae 1361 m long, 38 m wide, 0.86 times as long as wing.

Thorax. Antepronotum with 5 lateral setae . Dorsocentrals 27, acrostichals 21, prealars 12. Scutellum with 12 setae .

Wing. VR 1.44. Costal extension 131 m long. R with 22 setae , R1 with 32, R4+5 with 70, M with 17, RM with 2, M1+2 with 77, M3+4 with 28, Cu with 22, Cu1 with 18, An with 31, and costal extension with 16 non­marginal setae . Cell m with 4 setae ; r4+5 with about 220 setae ; m1+2 with about 250; m3+4 with about 125; cu plus an with about 230 setae , including about 30 on anal lobe. Squama with 7 setae .

Legs. Spur of front tibia 26 m long; spurs of mid tibia 26 and 23 m long; spurs of hind tibia 71 and 21 m long. Width at apex of front to hind tibiae (in m) as: 38, 43, 56. Comb of 14 setae , shortest seta 34 m long, longest seta 71 m long. Lengths (in m) and proportions of legs:

Abdomen. Number of setae on tergites II­VIII as: 56, 55, 49, 47, 32, 32, 22. Number of setae on sternites I­VIII as: 0, 2, 11, 26, 35, 36, 40, 30.

Genitalia ( Figs 19, 21 View FIGURES 16 ­ 21 ). Tergite IX with 24 setae . Gonocoxite with 2 long and 8 short setae . Notum 146 m long. Cercus 83 m long. Dorsomesal, ventrolateral and apodeme lobes as in R. culicinus . Seminal capsule about 85 m long, with 26 m long neck; about 68 m wide. Bulbs before common part of spermathecal ducts 15 m wide, 11 m long.


Museum of Zoology at the University of Bergen, Invertebrate Collection
















Rhinocladius longirostris Edwards

Saether, O. A. & Andersen, T. 2003

Rhinocladius longirostris

Edwards 1931: 270
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