Terifrona Brown, 2024

Brown, John W., 2024, New genera and species of tortricid moths from Chile and Argentina (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), Zootaxa 5551 (1), pp. 51-90 : 53-55

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5551.1.2

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scientific name

Terifrona Brown

gen. nov.

Terifrona Brown , new genus

LSIDurn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: DC776D6C-C176-4E25-B9FB-709E3DBB57F1

Type species: Terifrona fronteria Brown , new species.

Diagnosis. Superficially, Terifrona is somewhat similar to a few smaller species of Proeulia . It has a pale orangish brown forewing ground color and a variable brown oblique median fascia; relatively short labial palpi; and a uniformly pale cream-colored hindwing ( Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1‒8 ). It is easily distinguished from all other euliine genera by the highly modified male genitalia, which feature a broad uncus with a conspicuous, rounded emargination apically; a complex gnathos with strongly sclerotized lateral flanges bearing tiny teeth; and a comparatively narrow valva with a broad semicircular excavation of the sacculus. The female genitalia are equally unusual, with a pair of sclerotized processes dorsal to the papillae anales and extremely short apophyses anteriores. In addition, the adult is unusual in lacking ocelli.

Description. Head: Vertex rough-scaled, with scales directed anteriorly, a pair of conspicuous somewhat fan-shaped scale patches subdorsally at posterior margin of head; scales of upper frons rough, scales of lower frons shorter, more appressed to surface of frons; antenna ca. 0.5 length of forewing, non-serrate, with one row of scales per flagellomere, sensory setae ca. 0.8 times width of flagellomere in male, shorter and sparser in female; ocellus absent; chaetosemata well developed; labial palpus with scaling slightly expanded distally on second segment, third segment exposed, combined length of all segments ca. 1.25 times diameter of compound eye.

Thorax: Dorsum smooth-scaled, metathoracic tuft absent. Legs unmodified, without hairpencil or other male secondary scales. Forewing length ca. 2.3 times width; costa evenly arched throughout, male without costal fold; apex pointed, termen straight, oblique; all veins present and separate, chorda absent, M-stem present, R 4 to costa, R 5 to termen. Hindwing with all veins present and separate, Rs and M 1 short-stalked; CuP weak at margin; frenulum with one bristle in male, three in female.

Abdomen: Male genitalia ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 21‒28 ) with tegumen extremely broad, rounded; vinculum short, U-shaped; uncus extremely broad basally, abruptly narrowed at 0.6 from base, with abruptly expanded apex with a U-shaped excavation apically; socius short-digitate, with fine setae; gnathos complex, with long sclerotized median process subtended latero-basally by broad curved upturned flanges, one on each side of median process, each bearing tiny teeth along distal margin; transtilla a simple, straight, weakly sclerotized band lacking spines; valva comparatively narrow with concavity at distal margin creating a broad somewhat lobe-like apex, sacculus strongly sclerotized, extending ca. 0.66 distance of ventral margin of valva, with a deep semicircular excavation near middle, ending in a free, rod-like tip; juxta a nearly circular plate; phallus slender, J-shaped, lacking cornuti. Female genitalia ( Fig. 40 View FIGURES 39‒44 ) with papilla analis broad, ca. 2.5 times as long as wide, rounded posteriorly, slightly attenuate in anterior 0.1; sclerotized, sinuate processes immediately dorsal to papilla analis, ca. 0.6 length of papilla analis, one behind each papilla analis; apophyses slender, anteriores extremely short, ca. 0.15 length of posteriores; sterigma simple, broad, weakly sclerotized, with a pair of weak, subrectangular plates at posterior margin of lamella postvaginalis; ductus bursae short, without conspicuous antrum; corpus bursae membranous, with irregular sclerite near junction of corpus and ductus bursae.

Etymology. The generic name is an anagram of the species name— fronteria , which refers to the type locality of Rosario de la Frontera.











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