Cheumatopsyche ambala Oláh & Johanson, 2008

Oláh, János, Johanson, Kjell Arne & Barnard, Peter C., 2008, Revision of the Oriental and Afrotropical species of Cheumatopsyche Wallengren (Hydropsychidae, Trichoptera), Zootaxa 1738, pp. 1-171 : 115-117

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treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-07-15 20:44:32, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 11:31:35)

scientific name

Cheumatopsyche ambala Oláh & Johanson

sp. nov.

Cheumatopsyche ambala Oláh & Johanson , new species

Fig. 277–280

This species is similar to C. joariva , new species and is separated from that species by the rounded, dorsad oriented, and almost anterad curving apex of segment X. In addition, the phallotheca has a very large phallobase, and both protarsal claws are asymmetrical. The characteristic harpagones are broad at basal half and narrow at distal half. This is a large and dark species.

Male. Body and wings brown with brown pubescence; wings with no spots or pattern. Maxillary palp segment I shortest, segment II longer, segments III and IV equally long, segment V as long as sum of segments I– IV. Head dorsum brown with 12 similarly coloured warts. Antennae about 1.5 times longer than forewings. Proepisternum without swollen setal wart. Protarsal claws asymmetrical, laterally flanked by setal bundle. Each protibiae with 2 spurs. Forewing length 11.0 mm, hind wing length 6.4 mm. Forewing crossveins m-cu and cu tangential. Hind wing fork I present.

Male genitalia. Segment IX fused annularly, short; sternum slightly longer than tergum ( Fig. 277); anterior margins of segment IX straight; dorsally convex; apical lobe on posterolateral margins semicircular, located immediately above articulation cavity of coxopodites; spine row on posterior margins of segment IX complete; spines on dorsocaudal spiny lobe irregularly bent, about 2 times longer than straight spines on apical lobe. Intersegmental step between segment IX and segment X with pair of setose protuberances. Segment X long, with dorsad, almost anterad curving apex in lateral view ( Fig. 277); simple, tungue-shaped in dorsal view; ventrum nearly straight ( Fig. 277). Apicoventral setal lobes completely fused with segment X, except at apices. Setaless mesocaudal lobe reduced. Dorsal interlobular gap narrow, deep ( Fig. 278). Paired setose areas present on dorsobasal part of segment X, forming small protuberances or dorsocaudal lobes visible in lateral and dorsal view ( Fig. 277, 278). Transverse sutures not visible. Longitudinal sutures present along ventral margin of segment X. Setose areas forming pair of elevated, vertically elongating warts distally on segment X ( Fig. 277). Coxopodites not reaching apex of segment X; broad at bases before strongly narrowing at basal one-fifth ( Fig. 277), widening before apices; distal parts slightly curving ventrad; in ventral view ( Fig. 279) nearly straight, broader than in lateral view. Harpagones with short, broad bases, continuing into long, dorsad curving, sinuate filament ( Fig. 277); in ventral view ( Fig. 279) nearly straight; orienting posteromesad. Phallotheca ( Fig. 280) with strongly enlarged phallobase, occupying basal two-thirds of phallotheca; straight horizontal part short; sclerotised endothecal process circular, slightly bipartite; phallotremal sclerites broad and rounded in lateral view.

Holotype male: MADAGASCAR: Piste d’Ambalaromto á Anjahamanana, Del Brickaville, ix.1954 [R. Paulian] ( MNHN, in alcohol).

Paratypes: MADAGASCAR: Perinet , xii.1954 [R. Paulian] — 1 male ( OPC, alcohol); MADAGAS- CAR: Tsinjoarivo , x.1953 [R. Paulian] — ( OPC, alcohol) .

Distribution: Madagascar.

Etymology: from the name of the type locality.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle