Paraploderus rufescens, Makranczy, 2016

Makranczy, György, 2016, Review Of The Genus Paraploderus Herman, 1970 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (1), pp. 59-116 : 85-88

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Paraploderus rufescens

sp. nov.

Paraploderus rufescens View in CoL sp. n.

(Figs 43–47, 78–79, 90, 105–116)

Typematerial – Holotype (m): UGANDA: KibaleForest , 1250 m [0°38’36”N, 30°23’ 38”E], 25. V.1993, leg. G. Cuccodoro & D. Erne (14a), leaflitterinforestnearriver, sifted ( MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Paratypes (386 adults): samedataasholotype (2, MHNG) ; KibaleForest , 1250 m, 23. V.1993, leg. G. Cuccodoro & D. Erne (12b), moist leaflitter in forest, sifted (1 m, 2 f, 3, MHNG) , same but (12d) old rotting trunk, sifted (2, MHNG); KENYA: M’laba Forest , 1660 m, 2.II.1979, leg. Th. Palm (5, MZLU) ; KakamegaForest , 1500 m, II.1977, leg. Deharveng (Ken 12) (1, MHNG) ; Kakamega Forest , 1650 m, 27.I.1979, leg. Th. Palm (9, MZLU) ; Western prov., KakamegaForestNat., Kaimosi , 0°07’42”N, 34°50’27”E, 03.I.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#3/ T1-400 ) (1, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Yala , 0°12’08”N, 34°52’47”E, 06.I.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#6/ T3-200 ) (3, MHNG, 2, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaFor- est Nat., Colobus , 0°21’17”N, 34°51’41”E, 09.I.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#7/ T2 -0) (1, MHNG, 1, HNHM); Westernprov. , KakamegaForestNat., Colobus , 0°21’20”N, 34°51’39”E, 10.I.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#8/ T2-100 ) (2, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., MalavaEast , 0°27’09”N, 34°51’49”E, 12.I.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#9/ T1-100 ) (22, MHNG, 2, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Ikuywa , 0°12’40”N, 34°55’52”E, 19.I.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#11/ T1-200 ) (33, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Ikuywa , 0°12’42”N, 34°55’53”E, 20.I.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#12/ T1-300 ) (10, MHNG, 6, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Salasar , 0°18’00”N, 34°52’04”E, 25.I.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#14/ T3-500 ) (4, MHNG, 4, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Salasar , 0°19’02”N, 34°52’06”E, 27.I.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#16/ T3-400 ) (1, MHNG, 1, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov. , KakamegaForestNat., IsechenoA, 0°14’24”N, 34°52’05”E, 01.II.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#18/ T2-400 ) (10, MHNG, 1, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov. , KakamegaForestNat., Iseche- no B, 0°15’20”N, 34°52’06”E, 02.II.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#19/ T2-400 ) (7, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Western prov. , KakamegaForestNat., IsechenoB, 0°15’23”N, 34°52’04”E, 26. VI.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#20/ T1-400 ) (10, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Kisere , 0°23’00”N, 34°53’41”E, 30. VI.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#22/ T4-300 ) (6, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., Kakamega ForestNat., MalavaWest , 0°27’17”N, 34°50’38”E, 06.VII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#23/ T3-200 ) (2, MHNG, 3, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., BuyanguHill , 0°20’59”N, 34°51’58”E, 31.VII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#25/ T2-200 ) (1, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., Kakamega ForestNat., BuyanguHill , 0°20’56”N, 34°51’56”E, 01.VIII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#26/ T2- 300 ) (13, MHNG, 1, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Kaimosi , 0°07’46”N, 34°50’38”E, 05.VIII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#28/ T2-200 ) (1, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., Kakamega ForestNat., Ikuywa , 0°13’19”N, 34°55’51”E, 07.VIII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#29/ T3-500 ) (24, MHNG, 1, SDEI, 1, ZMHB, 1, NHMW, 1, SMNS, 1, AMNH, 1, BMNH, 1, NMPC, 1, MNHP, 1, CNCI, 1, ISNB) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Ikuywa , 0°13’14”N, 34°55’52”E, 09.VIII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#30/ T3-300 ) (12, MHNG, 3, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Western prov., KakamegaForestNat., Salasar , 0°19’22”N, 34°52’14”E, 14.VIII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#32/ T2-100 ) (27, MHNG, 3, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Salasar , 0°19’40”N, 34°52’14”E, 17.VIII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#34/ T1-100 ) (3, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForest Nat., MalavaEast , 0°27’20”N, 34°51’45”E, 23.VIII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#35/ T2-100 ) (4, MHNG, 1, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Kisere , 0°23’13”N, 34°53’42”E, 28.VIII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#37/ T5-400 ) (13, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForest Nat., Kisere , 0°23’17”N, 34°53’42”E, 31.VIII.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#38/ T5-500 ) (3, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., BuyanguHill , 0°20’49”N, 34°51’56”E, 07.IX.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#40/ T3-100 ) (8, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Yala , 0°12’07”N, 34°52’53”E, 08.IX.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#41/ T1-400 ) (12, MHNG, 3, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Western prov., KakamegaForestNat., Yala , 0°12’10”N, 34°52’53”E, 09.IX.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#42/ T1-300 ) (3, MHNG) GoogleMaps ; Westernprov., KakamegaForestNat., Yala, 0°12’20”N, 34°52’52”E, 26.IX.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#47/ T1 -0) (8, MHNG, 2, HNHM); Westernprov. , KakamegaFor- est Nat. , Yala , 0°12’16”N, 34°52’52”E, 27.IX.2006, leg. G. Fischer (#48/ T1-100 ) (15, MHNG, 1, HNHM) GoogleMaps ; Western prov., Kakamega Forest, Colobus , 0°21’18.5”N, 34°51’30.1”E, 1650 m, 14. VI.2007, leg. M. Peters ( T1 ) GoogleMaps primaryforesthabitat, leaflitterWinklerextraction (6, MHNG, 6, ZFMK); Westernprov., KakamegaForest, Salazar , 0°19’36”N, 34°52’14.6”E, 1650 m 21. VI.2007, leg. M. Peters ( T6 ) GoogleMaps primaryforesthabitat, leaflitterWinklerextraction (5, ZFMK); Westernprov., KakamegaForest, Ikuywa , 0°12‘42.6“N, 34°55‘52.3“E, 1650 m, 16.VIII.2007, leg. F. HitaGarcia ( T20 ) GoogleMaps primaryforesthabitat, leaflitterWinklerextraction (26, MHNG, 12, ZFMK); Western prov., Kakamega Forest, Yala , 0°12‘43“N, 34°55‘52“E, 1650 m, V.2008, leg. M. Peters ( T28 ) GoogleMaps forestfragment, primaryforest (1, ZFMK); Kakamega Forest , Udo‘sBandas, 00°21‘38.2“N, 34°51‘24.9“E, 14.XI.2001, leg. V. Grebennikov, under bark (2, 1 larva /L 2, 2 larva /L 3, FMNH) GoogleMaps ; D. R. CONGO: Kibali-Ituri, terr. Epulu, Mambasa- Mungbere [02°38’N, 28°30’E], 900 m, II.1954, leg. N. Leleup (8, MRAC) GoogleMaps .

Description – Measurements (in mm, n = 10): EW = 0.50 (0.45–0.52); TW = 0.51 (0.44– 0.54); PW = 0.56 (0.51–0.59); SW = 0.60 (0.58–0.64); AW = 0.72 (0.68–0.77); HL = 0.33 (0.33– 0.35); EL = 0.11 (0.10–0.11); TL = 0.11 (0.10–0.13); PL = 0.39 (0.35–0.41); SL = 0.54 (0.50–0.59); SC = 0.50 (0.46–0.54); FB = 1.32 (1.23–1.46); BL = 2.54 (2.30–2.87). Habitus as in Fig. 90. Pronotum View Figs 88–90 , elytraandabdominalbasereddishmediumbrown; headandrestofabdomen reddishdarkbrownbutanteriorpartofheadlighter, epistomalsuturepartlyblackish. An- tennae, legsandmouthpartsreddishmediumbrown, tipsofmandiblesandantennomeres 3–10 oftendarker. Head transversewithrounded, bulgingtemplesjustslightlywiderthan eyes. Clypeuswithveryscattered, minutepuncturesonly, withathinanteriorrimalsoon sides, onlyfeebletracesofmicrosculptureandunevennesslaterallyonsurface. Epistomal sutureposteriortoimaginarylineconnectingsupraantennalprominences. Medialportion ofoccipitalgroovebendinganteriorly, neckmediallyshiny, laterallywithtracesofcoria- ceousmicrosculpturewithisodiametriccells. Vertexwithveryscattered, indefinite-bor- deredandvariouslysizedpunctures; punctationneartemplesmuchdenserandobscures apostocularridge. Faintlongitudinalimpressionsrunningonbothsidesofvertexfrom epistomalsuturetooccipitalgroove, becomingmoremarkedposteriorly. Headsurface otherwiseshiny, withoutmicrosculpture. Pronotum withcomplete, thinmarginalbead. Surfaceshiny, withoutanymicrosculpturebutmorestronglypuncturedthanhead, indefinite-bordered, mostlyratherlargepits (slightlyumbilicate) almosteverywhereonsurface exceptalongmidlineandnarrowlyalongposteriormargin. Longitudinalmidlinemarked inposterior 1/2. Onbothsidesofmidlinemiddle-posterior 3/5 ofdiscmoderatelystrongly impressed. Elytra withdiscgentlyconvex, twoverythinandshallowlongitudinalimpressionsextendingalongsuturebehindscutellum, anteriorhalfofdiscslightlyimpressedin middle. Epipleuralridgepresentonalmostentirelength. Thinmarginalbeadwithobscure connectiontoepipleuralridgecontinuingalongposteriormargin, notreachingsutural corner, slightlycurvinganteriorlybeforeit. Alongsutureveryfinemarginalbeadonly conspicuousbecauseofdarkercolour. Elytralpunctationmostlyratherdeep, somewhat obscuredbyunevensurface, moreorlessequallydistributed, moderatelysparse, missing onathin, slightlyelevatedstripealongsuture. Abdomen shinyandsmoothwithonlytiny insertionpointsofsetaeandextremelyfaintcoriaceousmicrosculpturewithisodiametric cells. MalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 45, aedeagusasinFigs 43–44, femalesterniteVIIIasin Fig. 46, spermathecaasinFig. 47.

Distribution – CurrentlyknownfromUganda, KenyaandtheD. R. Congo.

Figs 43–47. Paraploderus rufescens sp. n. 43 = aedeagus, lateral view, 44 = aedeagus, frontal view (parameral setation shown on left), 45 = sternite VIII, male, 46 = sternite VIII, female, 47 = spermatheca. Scales: 0.1 mm for Fig. 47, 0.13 mm for Figs 43–44, 0.24 mm for Figs 45–46.

Etymology – Namedafterthedistinctiveorangish-reddishcolourationofthepronotumandelytra.

Remarks – Thisiscurrentlytheonlyspeciesforwhichalarvaisknown. Inthevialthatisassociatedbyadry- mountedvoucherspecimentherewere threelarvaeandanadult Paraploderusrufescens inethanol; thethreelarval specimensareplacedinindividualvialsandidentifiedaccordingtotheir treatmentsinthisarticle.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Lund University


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Staatliches Museum fuer Naturkund Stuttgart


American Museum of Natural History


National Museum Prague


Princeton University


Canadian National Collection Insects


Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig


Field Museum of Natural History


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale

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