Paraploderus speculiventris ( Fauvel, 1904 )

Makranczy, György, 2016, Review Of The Genus Paraploderus Herman, 1970 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Oxytelinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 62 (1), pp. 59-116 : 101-108

publication ID 10.17109/AZH.

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scientific name

Paraploderus speculiventris ( Fauvel, 1904 )


Paraploderus speculiventris ( Fauvel, 1904) View in CoL

( Figs 83–87 View Figs 83–87 , 104 View Figs 102–104 )

Haploderus speculiventris FAuvel, 1904: 97 View in CoL .

Aploderusspeculiventris BeRNhAueR & SChubeRt, 1911: 109.

Trogophloeus oxyteloides CAmeRoN, 1925 : 175, syn. n.

Trogophloeus (Carpalimus) speculiventris CAmeRoN, 1928: 99.

Aploderus speculiventris SCheeRpeltZ, 1933: 1093.

Paraploderusspeculiventris HeRmAN, 1970: 401, HeRmAN, 2001: 1463.

Typematerialexamined – (speculiventris) Lectotype (m, heredesignated): “Para-; lecto-; type [lightbluemargineddisc, curatorlabel] \ Bandoeng [06°55’S, 107°36’E]; [W-] Java \ Coll. etdet. A. Fauvel; Haploderus ; speculiventris; Fauv.; R.I.Sc.N.B. 17.479 \ G. Fageldet., 19; Trogophloeopsis; gen. nov. m. inlitt. \ Syntype \ Haploderus ; speculiventris

Figs 78–79. Habitus of Paraploderus rufescens sp. n larvae. 78 = L 2, 79 = L 3.

Fvl.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972; Paralectotypem \ Paraploderus ; oxyteloidesCam.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972 \ Lectotypus; Haploderus ; speculiventrisFauvel; des. Makranczy, 2013 \ Paraploderus ; speculiventris (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy, 2013 ” (ISNB); Paralectotype (f): “Para-; lecto-; type [lightbluemargineddisc, curatorlabel] \ Bandoeng; Java \ Coll. etdet. A. Fauvel; Haploderus ; speculiventris; Fauv.; R.I.Sc.N.B. 17.479 \ G. Fageldet., 19; Trogophloeopsis; gen. nov. m. inlitt. \ Syntype \ Haploderus ; speculiventrisFvl.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1972; Paralectotypef \ Paralectotypus; Haploderus ; speculiventrisFauvel; des. Makranczy, 2013 \ Paraploderus ; speculiventris (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy, 2013 ” (ISNB). ( oxyteloides ) Lectotype (m, heredesignated): “Para-; lecto-; type [lightbluemar- gineddisc, curatorlabel] \ Co-; type [yellowmargineddisc, curatorlabel] \ [ Indonesia, W-Java, Gunung] Tjibodas; 1400 M. [6°33’S, 106°40’E]; VIII. 1921 \ Trogophloeus ; oxyteloides; Cam. \ M. Cameron.; Bequest.; B.M. 1955-147. \ Trogophloeus ; oxyteloidesCam.; P.M. Hammond; det. 1971 m; Paralectotype \ Lectotypus; Trogophloeus ; oxyteloidesCam- eron; des. Makranczy, 2013 \ Paraploderus ; speculiventris (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy, 2015” (BMNH); Paralectotype (1, missingheadandpronotum): “Tjibodas; 1400 M.; VIII. 1921 \ Trogophloeus ; oxyteloides; Type. n.sp. \ Type [printedonredcard] \ Paralectotypus; Trogophloeus ; oxyteloidesCameron; des. Makranczy, 2013 \ Paraploderus ; speculiventris (Fauvel) ; det. Makranczy, 2015” (RMNH).

Othermaterial – INDONESIA: W-Java, 2 kmSERancabali (40 kmSSWBandung), TelagaPatenga, 1400 m, 6.VIII.1994, leg. R. Schuh (1, NHMW); W-Java, Gede-Pangrango NationalPark, nearHeadquarters, 1550 m, 3.VIII.1994, leg. R. Schuh (1 m, 2 f, 2, NHMW, 1, SMNS, 1, NIBR, 1, FMNH), same but forest litter, 23.VIII.1994 (1 f, NHMW); West Java, [Bogor,] ColduPuncaketCibodas, lacTelagaWarna, enhautducoletréservedeCibo- das 12.VIII.1985, leg. J. Robert (Ja-7) (10, MHNG, 5, HNHM); Sumatra, Jambi, Mt. Kerinci, 1750–1850 m, 11–12.XI.1989, leg. I. Löbl, D. Agosti, D.H. Burckhardt (11), sifting of vegeta- tionaldebrisinmontane Lithocarpus - Castanopsis forest (1, MHNG).

Redescription – Measurements (in mm, n = 10): EW = 0.66 (0.57–0.69); TW = 0.64 (0.54–0.67); PW = 0.72 (0.61–0.76); SW = 0.80 (0.66–0.86); AW = 0.92 (0.77–0.97); HL = 0.41 (0.36–0.43); EL = 0.16 (0.15–0.17); TL = 0.11 (0.09–0.13); PL = 0.49 (0.41–0.53); SL = 0.76 (0.60– 0.81); SC = 0.71 (0.55–0.76); FB = 1.76 (1.43–1.88); BL = 3.29 (2.87–3.95). Habitus as in Fig. 104 View Figs 102–104 . headandelytradarkbrownwithsomereddishtint, epistomalsutureblackish; pronotum somewhatlighter, mediumtodarkbrown, onlymarginalbeaddarker. Abdomenwith baseandapexmediumbrownish, middledarker, darkbrownwithoccasinalreddishlus- tre. Legsandantennaemediumbrown, mouthpartssamebutapicesofmandiblesdarker, infuscate. Head transversewithroundedbutslightlybulgingtemplesalittlenarrowerthan eyes. Clypeuswithscattered, smallpuncturesonly, withinconspicuous, extremelythin anteriorrimalsoonsides, onlyfeebletracesofmicrosculptureandunevennesslaterally onsurface. Epistomalsuturebetweentipsofsupraantennalprominences. Medialportion ofoccipitalgrooveslightlybendinganteriorly, neckmediallyshiny, laterallywithtraces ofcoriaceousmicrosculpturewithisodiametriccells. Vertexwithveryscattered, indefi- nite-borderedandvariouslysizedpunctures; punctationneartemplesmuchdenserand obscurespostocularridge. Faintlongitudinalimpressionsrunningonbothsidesofver- texfromepistomalsuturetooccipitalgroove, becomingmoremarkedposteriorly. Head surfaceotherwiseshiny, withoutmicrosculpture. Pronotum withcomplete, thinmarginal bead. Surfaceshiny, withoutanymicrosculpturebutmorestronglypuncturedthanhead, indefinite-bordered, mostlyratherlargepits (slightlyumbilicate) almosteverywhereon surfaceexceptalongmidlineandnarrowlyalongposteriormargin. Longitudinalmidline for Figs 85–86. View Figs 83–87

markedasthindarkerlineonentirelength. Onbothsidesofmidlinemiddleofdiscstrong- ly impressed to the middle of sides. Elytra with disc very gently convex, two very thin andshallowlongitudinalimpressionsalongsuturebehindscutellum, anteriorthirdofdisc gentlyimpressed. Epipleuralridgepresentonalmostentirelength. Thinmarginalbead withobscureconnectiontoepipleuralridgecontinuingalongposteriormargin, notreachingsuturalcorner, slightlycurvinganteriorlybeforeit. Alongsutureveryfinemarginal beadonlyconspicuousbecauseofdarkercolour. Elytralpunctationmostlyrathershallow, obscuredbyunevensurface, moreorlessequallyspaced, moderatelysparse, missingona thin, slightlyelevatedstripealongsuture. Abdomen shinyandsmoothwithonlytinyinser- tionpointsofsetaeandextremelyfaintcoriaceousmicrosculpturewithisodiametriccells. MalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 85 View Figs 83–87 , aedeagusasinFigs 83–84 View Figs 83–87 , femalesterniteVIIIasinFig. 86 View Figs 83–87 , spermathecaasinFig. 87 View Figs 83–87 .

Distribution – Allbutoneoftheknownspecimensappeartobefromthewestern

partofJava, butwiderdistributionispossible, asthereisadoubtlessrecordfromSumatra.

Remarks – Thisspeciesisremarkableinitsdisproportionallylargeaedea- gus. Theexistingsyntypicalmaterialof Haploderusspeculiventris isapparently composedoftwodifferentspecies. P. M. Hammondidentifiedtheonlymale intheseriesas P. oxyteloides (leavingtheconspecificfemalewithoutidentification, butmarkedafemalespecimen (outoftheothertwo, non- conspecific) aslectotype (unpublished), withtheclearintentiontoavoidthesynonymy between these two published names. However, this would also give speculiventris adubiousidentity (femalesofexternallysimilarspeciescannotbe distinguished). Simplysparingtheintroductionofanewnameisnotenough reasontoleavetheoldestnameinthegenuswithoutclearidentity. Thelabel dataofthenon- conspecificsyntypesof Haploderusspeculiventris aregivenun- derthetypematerialof P. fauveli sp. n.














Paraploderus speculiventris ( Fauvel, 1904 )

Makranczy, György 2016

Haploderus speculiventris FAuvel, 1904: 97

FAuvel, A. 1904: 97
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