Neorhaphidophora, Gorochov, 1999

Dawwrueng, Pattarawich, Gorochov, Andrei V., Tanomtong, Alongklod & Suwannapoom, Chatmongkon, 2020, Contribution to the knowledge of Rhaphidophorinae (Orthoptera: Ensifera: Rhaphidophoridae) from Thailand: three genera Neorhaphidophora, Eurhaphidophora and Minirhaphidophora, Zootaxa 4853 (2), pp. 235-253 : 237

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Key to all known species of Neorhaphidophora View in CoL (excluded N. brevispinula and N. longispinula which need a further study)

1. Male epiproct with a pair of short proximal lobes directed upwards, or with a pair of rather long subproximal processes directed backwards; its apical (directed forwards) part is long and deeply inserted into the anal cavity (above the paraprocts or between them)............................................................................................... 2

- Male epiproct with a pair of short subproximal lobes directed backwards; its apical (directed forwards) part is short and almost inserted into the genital cavity (under paraprocts)........................................ N. steineri Gorochov, 2010 View in CoL

2. Paired processes (lobes) of male epiproct distinctly protrudes beyond paraprocts; male genital plate almost without spiniform tubercles beside the styli................................................................................ 3

- Paired lobes (processes) of male epiproct not reaching apices of paraprocts; male genital plate with distinct spiniform tubercles beside styli.......................................................................................... 4

3. Apical (directed forwards) part of male epiproct with lateral surfaces around the ventromedian groove but not pressed to each other; male genital plate with moderately short styli (styli in profile are almost twice as long as they are wide); female genital plate with obtusely angular apex and small membranous area in the middle of this plate................................................................................................... N. valentinae proxima Gorochov, 2012 View in CoL

- Apical (directed forwards) part of male epiproct with lateral surfaces around the ventromedian groove pressed to each other; male genital plate with very short styli (styli are in profile and almost 1.5 times as long as they are wide); female genital plate with widely rounded apex and membranous area running from the middle to the apex of this plate......................................................................................... N. valentinae valentinae Gorochov, 1999 View in CoL

4. Paired lobes (processes) of male epiproct are narrower in profile (in the shape of distinct tubercles); male genital plate with styles almost the same as in N. v. proxima View in CoL in profile (see above), and with an almost transverse (somewhat sinuated) posterior edge between them; median sclerotized plate of female genital plate is less than 1.5 times as wide as it is long............................................................................................. N. grata Gorochov, 2012 View in CoL

- Paired lobes (processes) of male epiproct rather wide in profile (in the shape of inflated convexities); male genital plate with styles clearly wider in profile and with a distinct angular posteromedian notch; female genital plate with median sclerotized plate more than 1.5 times as wide as it is long............................................... N. siamensis View in CoL sp. nov.















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