Phelister sphaericus, Caterino & Tishechkin, 2020

Caterino, Michael S. & Tishechkin, Alexey K., 2020, Recognition and revision of the Phelister blairi group (Histeridae, Histerinae, Exosternini), ZooKeys 1001, pp. 1-154 : 1

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scientific name

Phelister sphaericus

sp. nov.

28. Phelister sphaericus sp. nov. Figs 17E, F View Figure 17 , 18E, F View Figure 18 , Map 11 View Map 11

Type material.

Holotype male: " Bolivia: Santa Cruz, 4-5 km SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora y Fauna 17°29'S, 63°33'W [-17.4987, -63.6521] F.I.T.#4 29.iv.-6.v.2004, A.R. Cline" / "Caterino/Tishechkin Exosternini Voucher EXO-00465" (FMNH). Paratypes (53): Bolivia: Santa Cruz, Amboro National Park, Los Volcanes, c. (-18.1, -63.6), 1000 m, 11/20/04-12/12/04, Carrion trap with rotting small fish, Barclay, M.V.L. & Mendel, H., EXO-02401 (NHMUK, 1ex.); Santa Cruz, 4-5 km SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora y Fauna (-17.4987, -63.6521), 440 m, 12/24/03-12/31/03, FIT, S. & J. Peck (AKTC, 2ex.); Santa Cruz, 4-5 km SSE Buena Vista, Hotel Flora y Fauna (-17.4987, -63.6521), 4/25/04-5/6/04, FIT, A.R. Cline (AKTC, 3ex.); Santa Cruz, 5 km SSE Buena Vista, Flora y Fauna Hotel (-17.4987, -63.6521), 12/15/03-12/24/03, FIT, S. & J. Peck (AKTC, FMNH, MSCC, & CMNC, 40ex.); Brazil: Mato Grosso, Mpio. Cotriguaçu, Fazenda São Nicolau (-9.815, -58.2858), 12/15/10-12/18/10, FIT, F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello & A.F. Oliveira, EXO-02413 (CEMT, 1ex.); Mato Grosso, Mpio. Cotriguaçu, Fazenda São Nicolau, Mata Norte (-9.8192, -58.26), 12/8/10-12/14/10, FIT, F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello (CEMT, 2ex.); Mato Grosso, Mpio. Cotriguaçu, Fazenda São Nicolau, Matinha (-9.8383, -58.2508), October 2009, FIT, F.Z. Vaz-de-Mello (CEMT, 4ex.); Mato Grosso, Mpio. Cotriguaçu, Fazenda São Nicolau, Matinha (-9.8383, -58.2508), October 2009, FIT, M.S. Gigliotti (CEMT, 21ex.); Mato Grosso, Mpio. Querencia, Fazenda São Luiz (-12.597, -52.3749), February 2009, FIT, R. Andrade (CEMT, 3ex.); Mato Grosso, Sinop (-11.8167, -55.4833), 6/12/85-6/24/85, FIT (CHND, 3ex.);

Other material.

Brazil: Amapá, Serra do Navio (0.9833, -52), 1/28/90-2/2/90, FIT (CHND, 8ex.); Pará, Altamira - Marabá, km 18 (-3.15, -52.05), May 1985, FIT, EXO-02402 (CHND, 1ex.); Pará, Carajás (Serra Norte) (-6.0667, -50.2), May 1985, FIT, EXO-02403 (CHND, 1ex.); Pará, Marajó-Breves (-0.8833, -50.5333), 11/18/87-12/5/87, FIT, EXO-02404 (CHND, 1ex.); Pará, Monte Alegre (-2, -54.07), 6/17/92-7/3/92, FIT, EXO-02408 (CHND, 1ex.); Pará, Tucuruí (-3.75, -49.667), 12/9/85-12/17/85, FIT (CHND, 5ex.); Pará, Tucuruí (-3.75, -49.667), 5/20/87-6/15/87, FIT (CHND, 2ex.); French Guiana: Belvédère de Saül, point de vue (3.6228, -53.2094), 9/2/10, 11/30/10, 12/20/10, 1/17/11, 1/31/11, 2/7/11 and 2/14/11, FIT, SEAG (AKTC & CHND, 14ex.); Régina, Rés. Natur. des Nouragues (4.0378, -52.6725), 11/3/09, FIT, SEAG, EXO-03189 (CHND, 1ex.); Roura, 39.4 km SSE (4.5453, -52.1406), 270 m, 5/29/97-6/10/97, FIT, J. Ashe & R. Brooks, SM0101424 (SEMC, 1ex.); Régina, Rés. Natur. des Nouragues, Camp Inselberg (4.0833, -52.6833), 7/20/09, 9/9/10, 9/30/09, 10/8/09 and 1/25/11, FIT, SEAG (AKTC & CHND, 10ex.); Rés. Trésor (route de Kaw Pk18) (4.6105, -52.279), 225 m, 11/6/09, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 2ex.); Rés. Trésor (route de Kaw Pk18) (4.6105, -52.279), 225 m, 11/12/09, FIT, SEAG, EXO-03191 (CHND, 1ex.); Mont Tabulaire Itoupé (3.0303, -53.1067), 400 m, 3/31/10, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 2ex.); Montagne des Chevaux (4.7167, -52.4), 10/11/09, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 2ex.); Montagne des Chevaux (4.7167, -52.4), 4/14/10, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 4ex.); Montagne des Chevaux (4.7167, -52.4), 5/22/10, FIT, SEAG (CHND, 2ex.); Montagne des Chevaux (4.7167, -52.4), 12/6/09-12/26/08, 1/4/09, 1/18/09 and 2/23/09, FIT, SEAG (AKTC & CHND, 8ex.); Route de Bélizon, p. km 4.5, flight intercept, 8/1/16-8/31/16, J.-L. Guiglaris (AVSC, 1ex.). Suriname: Brokopondo, Brownsberg Nature Preserve, Witi Creek Trail (4.9486, -55.1814), 260 m, 6/23/99-6/25/99, FIT, Z. Falin, A. Gangadin, H. Hiwat, SM0165801 (SEMC, 1ex.); Brokopondo, Brownsberg Nature Preserve, Witi Creek Trail (4.9486, -55.1814), 340 m, 6/23/99-6/25/99, FIT, Z. Falin, A. Gangadin, H. Hiwat (SEMC, 4ex.); Sipaliwini, CI-RAP Survey camp 1, upper Palumeu (2.477, -55.6294), 225 m, 3/10/12-3/16/12, FIT, A.E.Z. Short, EXO-03194 (SEMC, 1ex.); Peru: Madre de Dios, CICRA Field Stn., ~ 2 km NW cafeteria res. plot. 12.55201°S, 70.10991°W, 295 m, Flight intrcept., Chaboo Team (SEMC 1ex.).

Diagnostic description.

Length: 1.81-2.88 mm (avg. 2.40 mm); width: 1.89-2.76 mm (avg. 2.25 mm). Body broadly rounded, slightly flattened, rufescent, with elytra faintly bicolored, sides lighter than middle, ground punctation conspicuous throughout; frons rather narrow, deeply depressed along midline; supraorbital stria present, detached at sides; frontal stria complete; epistoma raised along sides and front; labrum shallowly emarginate and subcarinate at apex; right mandible with small basal tooth; pronotum with broadly oval prescutellar impression, ~ 3 × width of scutellum; pronotal disk doubly punctate, with secondary punctures interspersed throughout, denser to sides; median pronotal gland openings distinctly annulate, ~ 2/3 behind anterior margin; lateral marginal pronotal stria complete, interrupted behind eyes, with ends of median portion recurved posterad briefly; lateral submarginal stria complete, deeply impressed, sides of pronotum weakly explanate; elytron with single complete epipleural stria; outer subhumeral stria complete, inner absent; dorsal striae 1-5 and sutural complete, 5th obsolete in basal 1/3; all striae weakly crenulate; pygidia more or less uniformly doubly punctate; prosternum emarginate at base, striae divergent at base, convergent to apex; prosternal lobe short, with complete marginal striae; mesoventrite produced, with complete marginal stria continued at sides by postmesocoxal stria, which ends behind outer corner of mesocoxa; mesometaventral stria angulate at middle, reaching anterior third of mesoventrite, continued at sides by lateral metaventral stria to inner 1/3 of metacoxa; metaventrite with secondary punctures denser towards metacoxae; 1st abdominal ventrite with secondary punctures along anterior margin, lateral stria incomplete along inner margin of metacoxa; protibia weakly expanded, outer margin with ~ five spinose denticles; meso- and metatibiae slender, with fine marginal spines; ventral setae of all tarsi flattened (those of protarsus, particularly). Male: basal piece 1/4 length of tegmen; tegmen with sides subparallel in basal 1/2, abruptly narrowed to ventrally hooked apices; medioventral process absent; median lobe ~ 1/2 tegmen length.


This species name, sphaericus, refers to its very convex body form.


This species has an unusual distribution, with the highest concentration of records coming from northeastern Brazil, Suriname, and French Guiana, but with a number also from central Brazil and Bolivia to the southwest.


This species is quite broadly rounded, which alone is distinctive. It is also characterized by its slightly explanate pronotum bearing an elevated marginal bead, doubly punctate pronotal disk, complete outer subhumeral stria, and complete 4th and sutural striae united by a basal arch.















