Clavainaperturites sp.

Ramírez-Arriaga, Elia, Prámparo, Mercedes B. & Martínez-Hernández, Enrique, 2014, Angiosperm pollen grains from the Cuayuca Formation (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene), Puebla, Mexico, Palaeontologia Electronica 102 (8), pp. 1-38 : 19

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Clavainaperturites sp.


Clavainaperturites sp.

Figure 4.14 View FIGURE 4

Material. Sample Pb-9147, Palynology Laboratory, IGLUNAM.

Description. Monad pollen, apolar, radiosymmetric, spheroidal. Inaperturate. Exine tectate, 2.4 µm thick, sculture baculate with crotonoid pattern showing groups of five to six supratectal bacula.

Dimensions. Diameter 55 x 52 µm, one specimen measured.

Comparisons. Clavainaperturites sp. is very similar to the C. cf. clavatus (35 µm) from the Nuer Formation, Southeast Sudan ( Eisawi and Schrank, 2008), although the specimen from the Cuayuca Formation is larger than the taxon from Sudan.

Other occurrences. There are no previous records of this taxon in Mexico. This genus has been reported in the Paleocene of Southeast Sudan ( Eisawi and Schrank, 2008); and in the Oligocene of British Guyana ( Van der Hammen and Wymstra, 1964).

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