Righiella jamiesoni Omodeo & Coates, 2001

Jamieson, Barrie G. M. & Fragoso, Carlos, 2024, A monograph of the Oligochaete family Alluroididae, Zootaxa 5529 (3), pp. 401-435 : 428-429

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5529.3.1

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scientific name

Righiella jamiesoni Omodeo & Coates, 2001


Righiella jamiesoni Omodeo & Coates, 2001 View in CoL (see Fig 15 View FIGURE 15 )

Righiella jamiesoni Omodeo & Coates, 2001 View in CoL , 45–46, Figs 5B View FIGURE 5 – 7 View FIGURE 7 .

Length 35 mm, width 0.8 mm. Body slender, cylindrical, tapering posteriorly. Lateral lines evident in IV–XIV. Segments 105, multiannulated. Anus terminal. Clitellum annular XII–2/3XV. Male pores in XIII in the place of absent setae ab. Female pores in furrow 13/ 14 in setal line a. Spermathecal pore mid–dorsal in furrow 7/8. Setae sigmoid, slender, unsculptured, the longest in X, ca 180 µm, their length decreasing anteriad and posteriad, measuring 134 µ m in V and 156 µ m in XVI. At XX, aa: ab: bc: cd: dd =approximately 3.0:1.0:4.5:1.0:3.8. No penial setae. Cuticle 1.8 µ m thick.

Septa 4/5–11/12 fairly thick. Septal glands in V– VIII moderately developed. Nephridia without bladders, beginning in XVII. Intestine moniliform beginning in XIV; maximum diameter in XVII. Perienteric sinus beginning in XIV; commissural vessels sinuous, moderately large (diameter 18 µm) in V–XI. Muscular fibres of the body wall ribbon–shaped, ca 3 µ m thick and 25 µm high. Sperm funnels in the posterior part of XI; testes regressed; sperm sacs in XIV–XVIII. Male ducts convoluted in XIII, inserting into the prostates at their ental tips. Prostates confined to XIII; formed by an inner epithelial layer surrounded by a thin layer of muscle fibres and covered by long digitiform glands formed by cells with small nuclei; this covering disappears in the convoluted ectal portion which terminates with a penis enclosed in the terminal globular chamber. Ovaries and female funnels regressed in the posterior part of XIII, egg sac regressed, in XIV–XXIII? Two eggs in XXII and XXIII, measuring 300 by 400 µm. The spermatheca with a large globular ampulla in XII and a long duct opening in 7/8; the ectal portion of the duct filled with sperm, the ental portion narrow. Ampulla contained mucous matter containing mineral particles, fragments of sponge spicules and young gregarine trophozoites .

Distribution. Collected in a pool, between buried roots, twigs, mud and silt, next to Kurupukari creek flowing into Essequibo River, Guyana.

Remarks. Righiella jamiesoni lacks penial setae, an absence otherwise peculiar to the African Alluroidinae , but it is metandric whereas all African species are proandric; it also has more complex spermathecae. Righiella also resembles the South American Kathrynella , but that metandric genus has the male pores in XIV, has penial setae and has two simple spermathecae and thick muscular euprostates ( Omodeo and Coates, 2001).

Intestinal contents were organic matter and a few sand granules together with fragments of spiculae of freshwater sponges. The gut lumen of XVI through XL harboured many astomatous ciliates attributable to Anoplophrya , a common commensal of oligochaetes.
















Righiella jamiesoni Omodeo & Coates, 2001

Jamieson, Barrie G. M. & Fragoso, Carlos 2024

Righiella jamiesoni

Omodeo & Coates 2001
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