Cephennium asturicum REITTER, 1880

Assing, Volker, 2021, On the Cephennium fauna of the Iberian Peninsula and the Atlantic Islands (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 52 (2), pp. 891-931 : 916

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Cephennium asturicum REITTER, 1880


Cephennium asturicum REITTER, 1880 View in CoL ( Figs 7 View Figs 7-11 , 31-33 View Figs 25-33 , Map 3 View Map 3 )

Material examined: SPAIN: País Vasco: 1♂, Sierra de Cantabria, ca. 30 km S Vitoria, Puerto de Herrera, 42°36'19''N, 02°40'24''W, 1000 m, beech forest, litter and moss between rocks sifted, 14.X.2003, leg. Assing (cAss). GoogleMaps La Rioja: 4♀♀, Sierra de la Demanda, S El Rio, 2.VIII.1971 (cAss). GoogleMaps Cantabria: 18 exs., Picos de Europa, Valle de Salvoron , Espinama , 27.VII.1972, leg. Meybohm (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 3 exs., same data, but 30.VII.1972 (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 5 exs., Picos de Europa, Espinama to Puerto de Aliva , 29.VII.1972, leg. Meybohm (cAss) ; 20 exs., Santander, Ruente env., Monte Aa , 1.VIII.1972, leg. Meybohm (cAss) ; 1 ex., Reinosa env., Tres Mares-Cornon, 2000-2150 m, 4.VI.1991, leg. Wunderle (cAss). Asturias: 3 exs., Oviedo , Playa de la Franca , 31.VII.1972, leg. Meybohm (cAss) ; 2 exs., Picos de Europa, Covadonga, Refugio Vegarredonda , 1650 m, 7.VI.1991, leg. Wunderle (cAss) ; 3 exs., Picos de Europa, Lago de la Ercina , Vega Bricial , 43°15'N, 4°58'W, 5.VI.1998, leg. Lompe (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 12 exs., Sierra de Rañadoiro, Puerto del Connio, 43°02'33''N, 6°43'08''W, 1300 m, N-slope, mixed forest on scree with birch, oak, Sorbus , and with Luzula and Erica undergrowth, 25.VI.2002, leg. Assing (cAss). GoogleMaps Castilla y León: 1 ex., Picos de Europa , 40 km WNW Aguilar de Campoo, pass W Cervera, 42°53'52''N, 04°38'54''W, 1550 m, N-slope with beech and Sarothamnus, 13.VII.2003, leg. Assing (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 7 exs., Caboalles, leg. Paganetti (cAss). GoogleMaps Galicia: 6exs., Sierra de Ancares, ENE Degrada , 42°50'12''N, 6°54'07''W, 970 m, mixed deciduous forest with very old Castanea sativa, 14.VII.2004, leg. Assing (cAss) GoogleMaps ; 1 ex., Sierra de Ancares, ESE Degrada, 42°48'53''N, 6°53'38''W, 1300 m, moist Ilex forest with ferns, 10.VII.2004, leg. Assing (cAss) GoogleMaps .

Material examined by C. Besuchet (unpubl.): SPAIN: Navarra: 5 exs., Alsasua, leg. Daniel ( ZSM). Cantabria: 2 exs., Reinosa ( BMNH) ; 41 exs., Santander, Ruente env. , Monte Aa , leg. Franz ( MHNG, NHMW) ; 7 exs., Espinama env ., Coriscao, leg. Franz ( MHNG, NHMW) ; 11 exs., Espinama env., leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 3 exs., Santander, Mte Saja near Saja, leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 3 exs., Santander, Puerto del Escudo , leg. Franz ( NHMW). Asturias: 21 exs., Bezanes env. , Mte. Reres [?], 800-900 m, leg. Franz ( MHNG, NHMW) ; 11 exs., Cangas del Narcea , "Bosque d. Munielles [?]", leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 2 exs., Picos de Europa , Peña Santa env., leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 4 exs., Monte Montera, 800 m, leg. Franz ( NHMW) ; 5 exs., Covadonga, leg. Franz ( MHNG, NHMW) ; 2 exs., Puerto de Pajares , leg. Franz, Kricheldorff ( HNHM, NHMW) ; 9 exs. [two labelled as lecto- and paralectotype], locality not specified, leg. Getschmann ( HNHM, MCSNG, MNHNP, NHMW) ; 1 ex., locality not specified (coll. Stockmann).. Castilla y León: 113 exs., Caboalles, leg. Paganetti, Schatzmayr ( FMNH, HNHM, MHNG, MNB, NHMW, TLMF, coll. Mateu, coll. Perrot, and other collections) ; 3 exs., Burgos, Puerte de Carrales , leg. Franz ( NHMW, cAss) ; 5 exs., Ponferrada, leg. Paganetti ( MHNG, MNB). Galicia: 21 exs., Lugo, Valle de Lozera , leg. Franz ( MHNG, NHMW) ; 13 exs., Lugo, Sierra de Ancares , leg. Franz ( MHNG, NHMW). Locality ambiguous 2 exs., Peña Labra, leg. Daniel ( ZSM) .

Diagnosis: Body length 1.1-1.3 mm. Body broad and strongly convex in crosssection ( Fig. 7 View Figs 7-11 ). Pronotum large in relation to elytra. Colouration usually reddish to reddish-brown.

Eyes composed of approximately 4-5 ommatidia. Pronotum approximately 1.25 times as broad as long and as broad as elytra; punctation extremely fine, barely noticeable. Elytra broad and relatively short; anterior impressions transverse and tomentose; supra-humeral carinae very fine; punctation more distinct than that of pronotum.

♂: protibia unmodified; mesotibia flattened and with dense long pubescence on inner face in apical third; metatibia weakly flattened on inner face in apical portion; aedeagus ( Figs 31-33 View Figs 25-33 ) approximately 0.3 mm long; ventral process and internal structures of distinctive shapes; parameres relatively short, thin, straight, and with very long apical seta.

Distribution and natural history: This species is rather widespread in Northwest Spain, from Galicia in the west to Navarra and La Rioja in the east ( Map 3 View Map 3 ). The altitudes range from 800 to more than 2000 m.


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay


Field Museum of Natural History















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