Intasuchidae KONZHUKOVA , 1956

Werneburg, Ralf, Štamberg, Stanislav & Steyer, Jean-Sébastien, 2020, A New Stereospondylomorph, Korkonterpeton Kalnense Gen. Et Sp. Nov., From The Lower Permian Of The Czech Krkonoše Piedmont Basin And A Redescription Of Intasuchus Silvicola From The Lower Permian Of Russia (Temnospondyli, Amphibia), Fossil Imprint 76 (2), pp. 217-242 : 230-231

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Intasuchidae KONZHUKOVA , 1956


Family Intasuchidae KONZHUKOVA, 1956

T y p e g e n u s. Intasuchus KONZHUKOVA, 1956 .

E m e n d e d d i a g n o s i s. Unique character combination in Stereospondylomorpha :

(1) Lacrimal entering the septomaxilla (shared with the Eryopidae ; the contact of both bones in the late adult Cheliderpeton is uncertain; compare Text-fig. 14d, e View Text-fig ).

(7) Ectopterygoid of similar length as the palatine

(similar in Sclerocephalidae ) and posteriorly reaching a

point in the anterior half of the orbit.

C o n t e n t. Intasuchus KONZHUKOVA, 1956 , from the

lower Permian of the Russian Inta-region.

R e m a r k. Although we only know the genus Intasuchus within the Intasuchidae up to now, the diagnosis of the family is newly proposed here based on its most important differences compared with related families and genera. This diagnosis will be adapted following by the possible erection of other genus or genera.

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