Luciolinae, Lacordaire, 1857

Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 11-25

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4687.1.1

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Key to genera of Luciolinae using males

1. Aedeagus with LL visible at sides of ML when viewed either from above or below; aedeagal sheath usually asymmetrical with posterior half of sheath emarginated on one or both sides ( Figs 5−8 View FIGURES 1−8 )............................................. 2 Aedeagus with distal half or more of LL concealed behind the ML when viewed from below; aedeagal sheath usually symmetrical with posterior half not emarginated on either side ( Figs 1−4 View FIGURES 1−8 )........................................... 21

2. Clypeolabral suture absent; labrum well sclerotised, inflexible, inflexibly joined to head; rare New Guinean genus known from 4 specimens ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9−16 ).................................................................... Missimia Ballantyne Clypeolabral View in CoL suture present; labrum not well sclerotised, flexible, junction between labrum and rest of head flexible....... 3

3. Aedeagal sheath surrounded by a set of three sclerites encased in a ring of muscle in life; elytral punctation parallel over much of the surface; LO entire with anterior margin emarginated, often deeply ( Figs 10−12 View FIGURES 9−16 )................ Sclerotia Ballantyne No View in CoL sclerites surrounding aedeagal sheath; elytral punctation not parallel; LO either entire or bipartite; entire LO sometimes with median anterior emargination............................................................................ 4

4. Tergite 8 asymmetrical ( Figs 13−15 View FIGURES 9−16 )...................................................................... 5 Tergite 8 symmetrical.................................................................................. 6

5. Tergite 8 asymmetrical because of emargination on left side ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 9−16 )....................... Asymmetricata Ballantyne View in CoL Tergite 8 asymmetrical because of left pointing lobe arising beneath the tergite ( Figs 14, 15 View FIGURES 9−16 , 233−237 View FIGURES 230−237 )............................................................................................. Kuantana Ballantyne View in CoL gen. nov.

6. Elytra with well-defined humeral carina; elytral punctation conspicuous, broad, deep and evenly spaced, as wide as pronotal punctation; LL usually appearing of uneven length ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 9−16 ).................................... Curtos Motschulsky Elytra View in CoL without a well-defined humeral carina; elytral punctation not conspicuous, usually pin punctate and not appearing larger than pronotal punctation; LL of aedeagus usually of equal length................................................ 7

7. LO in V7 triangular in outline, outline following outline of V7, not reaching to sides or posterior margin of V7; aedeagus slightly asymmetrical with ML bent at apex and LL slightly uneven in length ( Figs 17, 18 View FIGURES 17−21 )......... Triangulara Pimpasalee View in CoL LO not triangular in outline; aedeagus symmetrical with LL of even lengths....................................... 8

8. LO in V7 usually retracted into anterior half or more, with posterior margin often strongly emarginated; posterior area of V7 often swollen or arched, always with underlying muscle impressions visible (e.g. Figs 19–21 View FIGURES 17−21 ); PLP absent and lateral margins of V7 curving smoothly posteriorly, not subparallel sided; MPP strongly developed but never abruptly curved dorsally at its apex; aedeagal sheath asymmetrical, sternite posterior to tergite articulations emarginated on its right side ( Figs 5−8 View FIGURES 1−8 )...... 9 LO usually occupying most of V7 and reaching to sides if not to posterior margin; if retracted to anterior area then posterior margin not emarginated, posterior area of V7 not swollen or arched, and muscle impressions not developed beneath cuticle; lateral margins of V7 often subparallel-sided but PLP not developed; MPP not strongly developed.................... 10

9. Species often with orange pronotum and dark brown elytra which may be margined ( Figs 22−25 View FIGURES 22−29 ); ML with lateral teeth ( Fig. 26 View FIGURES 22−29 ); T8 with membranous projections from base of anterolateral prolongations ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 22−29 ); ventral surface of T8 with asymmetrical ridge in median posterior area ( Figs 28, 29 View FIGURES 22−29 ); aedeagal sheath with basal portion of sternite posterior to the tergite articulations subparallel-sided then emarginated on right side ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 22−29 ); LL not narrowed or out turned; Pacific Island species mainly from the Solomon Islands................................................................. Pacifica Ballantyne View in CoL Species usually with cryptic colouration ( Figs 30−34, 37 View FIGURES 30−37 ), brownish dorsum with brown medial markings on pronotum, at base of elytra adjacent to the MS, and at or near elytral apices; ML without lateral teeth ( Fig. 36 View FIGURES 30−37 ); T8 without lateral projections as described above; aedeagal sheath sternite emarginated from the point of the tergite articulations; LL often narrowed at their apices and out-turned ( Figs 35, 36 View FIGURES 30−37 ); New Guinean species................................. Pygatyphella (Ballantyne) View in CoL

10. Aedeagal sheath symmetrical; sheath sternite elongate slender, either expanding gradually behind the tergite articulations ( Figs 39, 40 View FIGURES 38−43 ), or slender and subparallel-sided for most of its length with expansion laterally near its apex ( Fig. 38 View FIGURES 38−43 ); sheath sternite often terminated by paired lobes; MPP may be elongated and bent dorsally before its tip; T 8 may incline ventrally and partially envelop the apex of the MPP ( Figs 41−42 View FIGURES 38−43 )................................................................ 11 Aedeagal sheath asymmetrical, with sternite emarginated on its right side from the point of the tergite articulations; or sheath symmetrical, broad, not emarginated on its right side; MPP usually short, apically rounded; if MPP longer then apex does not incline dorsally...................................................................................... 13

11. Posterior margin of V7 rounded; base of LL fused along their length with very short membranous projections at their posterolateral corners; inner ventral margins of LL with elongate ‘sausage’ shaped lobes ( Figs 44−49 View FIGURES 44–49 )..................................................................................................... Abscondita Ballantyne et al. View in CoL Posterior margin of V7 either rounded as above or with strongly developed MPP and median projection of T8 which may incline towards each other ( Figs 41, 42 View FIGURES 38−43 ); basal portion of LL not fused along their length, with very elongated membranous apical portions; inner ventral margins of LL may have short, slightly rounded lobes ( Figs 50, 51 View FIGURES 50–56 ).......................... 12

12. Posterior margin of V7 rounded, T8 without posterior median projection ( Fig. 43 View FIGURES 38−43 )............. Pygoluciola sensu Fu et al. View in CoL Posterior margin of V7 produced, usually inclining dorsally where it may be enveloped by the downturned tip of a median projection of T8 ( Figs 41, 42 View FIGURES 38−43 )....................................................... Pygoluciola Wittmer View in CoL s. str.

13. Pronotum subparallel-sided, with hypomeron widely flattened and upper and lower surfaces of the pronotum closely adpressed along its length ( Figs 52, 53 View FIGURES 50–56 )................................................................. Emeia Fu et al. Pronotum View in CoL usually with lateral margins divergent posteriorly; if subparallel sided then hypomeron not widely flattened; if surfaces adpressed then this only in posterior half of hypomeron………………………………………………………………………14

14. ML strongly laterally compressed, curved along its length with preapical portion produced and pointed; LL often expanded at their apices such that width across apices is sub equal to the width across bases; LL usually with elongate slender apically pointed lobes arising from their inner ventral surfaces....................................... Luciola Laporte View in CoL s. str. ML not strongly laterally compressed, not strongly curved along its length, nor with a preapical point; LL not strongly expanded at their apices; no elongate slender apically pointed lobes arising from their inner ventral surfaces of LL............... 15

15. Aedeagal sheath sternite posterior to the tergite articulations with both sides irregularly emarginated; aquatic species from China and Japan ( Figs 54−56 View FIGURES 50–56 )............................................................. Aquatica Fu et al. Aedeagal View in CoL sheath sternite posterior to the tergite articulations with only right side smoothly emarginated ( Figs 57, 58 View FIGURES 57–63 )....................................................................................... Atyphella View in CoL “complex”...16

16. Aedeagal basal piece hooded; pronotum orange yellow; elytra dark brown, never margined; elytral margins slightly convex sided; New Guinean species, one species from Cape York Peninsula in Australia ( Figs 59−61 View FIGURES 57–63 ) ……..… Lloydiella Ballantyne Aedeagal View in CoL basal piece not hooded; pronotum either concolourous or with median dark markings; elytra may be dark brown, or variously pale margined, striped, or pale with or without apical dark markings; elytra parallel sided or convex sided; Australian, New Guinean and Pacific Island species.................................................................. 17

17. Orange pronotum with pin punctures widely separated in lateral areas; elytra convex sided, dark brown with lateral, apical and sutural margins orange; ML aedeagus constricted preapically ( Figs 62, 63 View FIGURES 57–63 )........................ Convexa Ballantyne Pronotum View in CoL either concolourous or with median dark markings; pronotal punctures close, not widely separated in lateral areas; elytra either convex or parallel sided; if species from the Solomon islands with pale elytral margins then sutural and apical margins dark; elytra either dark brown, or variously pale margined, striped, or pale with or without apical dark markings; Aus- tralian, New Guinean and Pacific Island species ………………………………………………………………………………18

18. Dorsal colouration pale brownish yellow or orange yellow, sometimes with dark brown elytral apices................. 19 Dorsal colouration never as above; pronotum often with dark medial markings; elytra either uniformly dark brown, dark brown with paler margins, or ‘striped’ (with paler longitudinal lines that may correspond to the interstitial lines)............... 20

19. Dorsum orange yellow with elytral apices black tipped; pronotal lateral margins either subparallel-sided or divergent; elytra parallel-sided; apical labial palpomere with inner margin dentate; one species from far north Australia ( Fig. 64 View FIGURES 64–69 )....................................................................................... Aquilonia Ballantyne View in CoL partim Dorsum brownish yellow with elytral apices black tipped or not; pronotal lateral margins divergent posteriorly; elytra slightly convex sided; apical labial palpomere with inner margin irregular, not dentate; two species known from islands off the eastern coast of the island of New Guinea ( Figs 65, 66 View FIGURES 64–69 )....................................... Aquilonia Ballantyne View in CoL partim

20. Orange pronotum and black elytra having pale lateral margins only (pale band does not extend around apex or along sutural margin); pronotal lateral margins divergent posteriorly; posterior area of hypomeron not closely adpressed; elytra parallel sided; MS black; LO in V7 entire; antennal sockets not contiguous; apical labial palpomere irregularly incised along its inner margin, not dentate; known from one large wide species (up to 14 mm long and 5.3 mm wide) which is widely distributed in the Solomon Islands ( Fig. 67 View FIGURES 64–69 ).................................................................. Magnalata Ballantyne View in CoL Dorsum variously coloured ( Figs 68, 69 View FIGURES 64–69 ). If elytra dark brown with pale margins then both lateral and sutural margins pale; pronotal lateral margins divergent posteriorly or subparallel-sided; both anterior and posterior areas of hypomeron flattened and closely adpressed in Australian species, or only posterior area strongly adpressed; elytra parallel or convex sided; MS usually pale coloured; LO in V7 usually entire, bipartite in two species; antennal sockets sometimes contiguous; apical labial palpomere usually dentate with more than two teeth, irregular and not dentate in two species, ovoid entire in several species......................................................................................... Atyphella Olliff View in CoL

21. Antennae with basal 4 flagellar segments gently serrate; LO in V7 entire with an anteromedian triangular emargination ( Figs 70, 71 View FIGURES 70–77 )....................................................................... Serratia Ballantyne View in CoL gen. nov. No antennal segments serrate; LO in V7 bipartite, if entire then without an anteromedian emargination................ 22

22. Posterior margin of elytra emarginate (usually only visible from beneath); posterior margin of V7 with well-defined MPP and rounded posterolateral corners ( Figs 73−75 View FIGURES 70–77 )...................................... Emarginata Ballantyne View in CoL gen. nov. Posterior margin of elytra not emarginated, may be deflexed.................................................. 23

23. Usually yellowish brown with or without black tipped elytra; LO in V7 bipartite with median longitudinal carina between LO halves; PLP oblique; MPP strongly developed, wider than PLP (when viewed from beneath), and projecting beyond them, MPP apically emarginated bearing well defined hooks which curve dorsally and may not be visible from beneath; FS 7−9 shorter than remainder ( Figs 72, 76, 77 View FIGURES 70–77 )...................................................... Colophotia Motschulsky View in CoL LO in V7 either entire or bipartite, if the latter then LO halves not separated by a median carina; PLP horizontal; MPP never strongly developed as described above; if MPP apically emarginated and prolonged into points then these short, may not be visible from beneath.................................................................................. 24

24. Median lobe of aedeagus swollen in basal 2/3; LL with broad bases visible from beneath in basal 1/3 only, and very narrow apices which closely approach dorsally at about midpoint of ML, and are not visible from beneath; having orange pronotum and dark brown elytra ( Figs 78−80, 83 View FIGURES 78–86 )......................................................... Inflata Boontop View in CoL Median lobe of aedeagus not greatly swollen in basal 2/3, approximately the same width along its length; LL visible at sides of ML for about 2/3 its length, with apices closely approximate behind and near apex of ML where they are concealed from below; colour variable, may be as above or with brown margined elytra, or yellowish brown dorsum with black tipped elytral apices. .................................................................................................. 25

25. Metafemoral comb present ( Figs 87, 88 View FIGURES 87–95 ).................................................................. 26 Metafemoral comb absent............................................................................. 27

26. LO in V7 bipartite ( Fig. 82 View FIGURES 78–86 )............................................................................ 28 LO in V7 entire ( Figs 81, 85, 86 View FIGURES 78–86 )............................................................ Pteroptyx Partim View in CoL

27. Elytral apices deflexed ( Fig. 81 View FIGURES 78–86 )............................................................ Pteroptyx Partim Elytral View in CoL apices not deflexed; incurving lobes present along posterior margin of V7 between PLP and MPP ( Fig. 82 View FIGURES 78–86 ); aedeagal sheath with paraprocts (e.g. Figs 89−91 View FIGURES 87–95 ).................................................... Pyrophanes Olivier View in CoL

28. LO in V7 entire; two species without deflexed elytral apices; aedeagal sheath without paraprocts ( Figs 81 View FIGURES 78–86 , 92, 93 View FIGURES 87–95 ).......................................................................................... Medeopteryx Ballantyne View in CoL LO in V7 bipartite; species with or without deflexed elytral apices ( Figs 94, 95 View FIGURES 87–95 )................................... 29

29. Elytral apices not deflexed; yellowish brown dorsum with black elytral apices; bipartite LO halves in V7 closely approach in median line; incurving lobes along posterior margin of V7 fleshy and apically rounded; PLP short and rounded ( Fig. 94 View FIGURES 87–95 )......................................................................................... Pteroptyx testacea Elytral View in CoL apices deflexed or not; usually with orange pronotum and brown to black elytra; New Guinean species; bipartite LO halves well separated in median line, not closely approaching; incurving lobes absent; PLP usually horizontal and widely expanded ( Fig. 95 View FIGURES 87–95 )...................................................................... Trisinuata Ballantyne View in CoL













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