Pygoluciola matalangao Ballantyne, 2019

Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 132-134

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4687.1.1

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scientific name

Pygoluciola matalangao Ballantyne

sp. nov.

Pygoluciola matalangao Ballantyne View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 405−421 View FIGURES 405−417 View FIGURES 418−421

Type. Male. PHILIPPINES. Island of Palawan, Province of Palawan, Matalangao nr Roxas, 150 m, 28.viii.1985 M Sakai ( ANIC).

Paratypes (6). Same locality and date as holotype 3 males; 200m 30.viii.1985 male, 2 females ( ANIC) .

Diagnosis. 8.4−9.8 mm long; slender body; with dingy orange pronotum having median dark markings, and medi- um brown elytra with narrowly paler interstitial lines 1, 2 and suture. Dorsally reflexed lateral margins of V7 enfold sides of T8. Belongs to that section of Pygoluciola where neither V7 nor T8 are prolonged and apically inclined. Known only from the Philippines.

Description of male. 8.4−9.8 mm long; 3.2 mm wide. Colour ( Figs 405−409 View FIGURES 405−417 ): (the specimens were originally preserved in 70% ethanol and remounted). Pronotum yellowish brown with paired median areas beside midline darker (holotype male Fig. 409 View FIGURES 405−417 ); or dingy brown with mid to dark brown markings beside mid line not reaching the narrowly pale posterior margin, and anterolateral and posterolateral corners paler dingy brown, and median line widely paler yellowish brown ( Figs 405, 408 View FIGURES 405−417 ); MN and MS paler than pronotum, pale cream to pale dingy brown; elytra medium brown with interstitial lines 1, 2 and suture narrowly paler brown; elytral punctation black; head antennae and labrum very dark brown; ventral aspect pro and mesothorax brown, of metathorax dark brown; all legs with basal segments light brown, tibiae and tarsi 1 mid brown; legs 2 light brown except for darker brown tarsi; all of legs 3 light brown; basal abdominal ventrites brown, V6 very dark brown, LO creamy yellow; basal tergites pale brown, T7, 8 pale yellowish. Pronotum: narrower than humeral width. Elytron: subparallel sided. Abdomen ( Figs 406, 410−412 View FIGURES 405−417 ): LO entire in both V6 and 7 occupying all of V6 and extending to sides and into MPP of V7; MPP narrow and apically acute, not inclined dorsally; dorsally reflexed margins of V7 enfold the sides of the posterior portion of T8 ( Fig. 411 View FIGURES 405−417 arrowed). T8 ( Fig. 412 View FIGURES 405−417 ): about half as wide as V7, subparallel sided with posterior margin straight (depending on orientation this margin may appear emarginated); anterolateral arms narrowed, slightly expanded in vertical plane and shorter than posterior entire portion; without ventrally directed pieces arising from bases of anterolateral arms. Aedeagal sheath ( Figs 416, 417 View FIGURES 405−417 ): with elongate very slender anterior portion of sheath sternite; anterior margin of dorsal portion of sheath tergite gently emarginated. Aedeagus ( Figs 413−415 View FIGURES 405−417 ): apical portion of LL membranous and extending well beyond acute apex of ML with margins clothed with a single line of hairs; basal sclerotised portion of LL separated along half its dorsal length; anterior dorsal basal margin of LL irregularly prolonged to the left, and rounded.

Female. Figs 418−421 View FIGURES 418−421 ); coloured as for male except for: pronotum orange with extensive darker markings and narrow paler yellow median line; MN and MS pale dingy brown; abdomen mid brown with creamy LO restricted to V6, V7 semitransparent pale, with creamy fat body visible at sides; posterior margin of V7 widely and deeply emarginated; V8 brown, with posterior margin rounded. Without any ridges or depressions on either V7, 8 or T7, 8. Reproductive system not investigated.

Etymology. The specific name uses the type locality as a noun in apposition.

Comments. The distinctiveness of this species and its placement in Pygoluciola was recognised in several phylogenetic analyses (Fu Ballantyne & Lambkin 2012: 7; Ballantyne & Lambkin 2013: 10; Ballantyne et al. 2015: 8; 2016: 204) where it was scored under the code name “Jeng Matalanga”. We thank Ming-Luen Jeng for making the specimens available to us for study.


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