Sepedon spangleri Beaver, 1974

Vikhrev, Nikita E. & Yanbulat, Maria O., 2023, Further notes on Asian fauna of Sepedon (Diptera, Sciomyzidae), Amurian Zoological Journal XV (3), pp. 650-656 : 653-656

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-3-650-656

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scientific name

Sepedon spangleri Beaver, 1974

syn. nov.

Sepedon spangleri Beaver, 1974 View in CoL , syn. nov.

Type material of S. spangleri : Holotype, ♂: ( Thailand), Bangkok, 28.02.1971, P. & P. Beaver ( USNM). Other material: ( Thailand), Bangkok, 3.12.1973, Yaovamayn, 1♂ ( USNM) .

Synonymy. We postponed the decision on validity of S. spangleri until the examination of the type material ( Vikhrev & Yanbulat 2019: 47), now it is examined in USNM by Dr. W. Murphy and he has kindly sent us detailed images.

According to Beaver (1974: 88): “ Sepedon spangleri is related to S. senex and S. plumbella Wiedemann, 1830 , differing from those species in its smaller size and lack of distinct apical infuscation on the hindfemur.” Beaver also indicated that S. spangleri differs from S. senex by “the basal abdominal tergites smooth [not transversely rugulose] and the 2 nd antennal segment more than twice as long as the 3 rd …”

Beaver reasonably compares S. spangleri with both S. senex and S. plumbella . The latter two species are closely related, they share the same anchor-shaped surstyli and the absence of the frontal or parafacial spots. However, S. plumbella clearly differs from both S. senex and S. spangleri by modified fore tarsi in males, so S. spanglery should be compared with S. senex . Our objections to Beaverʼs taxonomic decision are listed below.

1. S. senex is smaller than S. plumbella . Specimens of the type series of S. spangleri fit the body length range of S. senex .

2. Indeed, the apex f3 of S. spangleri is only slightly infuscated. We can add that specimens of S. spangleri have a brownish colour of the face, not yellow as is typical for S. senex . However, this colour variabilities are less distinct than that between the dark and yellow forms of the related S. plumbella ( Yano 1978: 17) ; ( Vikhrev & Yanbulat 2019: 52 and figs 31, 32). So, the colour variability indicated by Beaver should be regard- — Only one notopleural seta (posterior) pre-

ed as an intraspecific one as well. sent. Katatergite always bare. Face always

3. The transversal rugulosity of abdominal without black parafacial spots.......... 5

tergites is not an easy object for photogra- 2. Head, thorax, and abdomen yellowish phing, but in Murphy’s photo of a male of or brownish. Frons with black frontal

S. spangleri ( Fig. 4 View Fig ) it is still distinct that pos- spots (brownish on yellow background in terior part of tergite 2 is rugulose. S. spinipes flavifrons subsp. nov.). Prescu-

4. In S. spangleri ( Fig. 5 View Fig ) and in more than tellar dc setae present.................. 3

50 specimens of S. senex in ZMUM and ZIN — Head, thorax, and abdomen bluish-black.

collections the 2nd antennal segment is more Frontal spots absent. Prescutellar dc se-

than twice as long as the 3rd one. tae absent. ♂: surstyli as in Fig. 13 View Figs 10−13 ........

Thus, we propose that Sepedon senex Wiede-.............................. sphegea 2*

mann, 1830 = S. spangleri Beaver, 1974 , syn. nov. 2*. Scape of antenna black. NW part of Eur-

Key to Palaearctic Sepedon View in CoL ♂ ♀ asia........... sphegea View in CoL sphegea Fabricius View in CoL

— Scape of antenna orange. SE part of Eurasia

1. Two notopleural setae present. Katatergite........... sphegea View in CoL aenescens Wiedemann with fine black hairs (except S. hecate View in CoL ). 3. Katatergite bare. Body length usually more

Face with a pair of black parafacial spots than 8 mm. Brown to dark-brown species.

(in S. sphegea View in CoL these spots are on a dark Orbital spots elongate, touching eye mar-

background but still distinct)........... 2 gins or almost so (Fig. 8); frontal ridges 1

much nearer to eye margins than to midfrons. (Posterior crossvein m-cu arched.) ♂: surstyli with stronger sclerotization and narrowed at apex ( Fig. 10 View Figs 10−13 )................... hecate Elberg, Knutson & Rozkosny View in CoL

— Katatergite with several hairs. Body length usually less than 7.5 mm. Yellow or light brown species. Orbital spots rounded and widely separated from eye margins (Figs 1−3, 7, 9); frontal ridges nearer to midfrons than to eye margins.................... 4

4. Lower 1/3–1/4 of mid face with several hairs. Posterior crossvein m-cu always straight. Gena distinctly narrower than short axis of the ellipsoid eye (Fig. 7). Dark frontal spots present. (In the Russian Far East S. neanias View in CoL is sympatric only with the eastern subspecies S. spinipes flavifrons subsp. nov., which has no distinct dark orbital spots, in contrast to S. neanias View in CoL ). ♂: surstyli reduced to a pair of short protrusions( Fig.12 View Figs 10−13 )............ neanias Hendel View in CoL

— Lower 1/3 of face bare. Posterior crossvein m-cu arched. Gena as wide or wider than short axis of the ellipsoid eye (Fig. 6). ♂: surstyli not reduced, weakly sclerotised, rounded at apex ( Fig. 11 View Figs 10−13 )...... spinipes View in CoL 4*

4*. Black orbital spots present (Figs 1, 9). Palaearctic from W Europe to 120– 130°E ................. spinipes View in CoL spinipes Scopoli View in CoL

— Black orbital spots absent (Figs 2, 3). Palaearctic from 120– 130°E to Pacific coast............ spinipes View in CoL flavifrons subsp. nov.

5. Orbital and apical scutellar setae absent, postalar setae weak. Foretarsus modified: tar1-2 to tar1-5 widened; tar1-2 to tar1-4 dark, tar1-5 white; tar2-5 and tar3-5 also whitish, contrasting with adjacent tarsomeres; in female these modifications also present but less distinct. (Frons with a pair of dark teardrop-shaped spots.) ♂: surstyli asinFig.17.............. lobifera Hendel View in CoL

— Orbital and apical scutellar setae present. Foretarsus not modified as above....... 6

6. Frons with a pair of dark triangular spots. Inner surface of basal 1/3 of postpedicel bright yellow. ♂: legs unmodified; surstyli subtriangular in caudal view and with a characteristic upwardly directed brush at apex in lateral view ( Fig. 16)............................ ferruginosa Wiedemann View in CoL

— Frontal spots absent. ♂: surstyli appearing as two halves of an anchor, central lobe rounded, lateral lobe sharpened at apices ( Figs 14, 15)........................... 7

7. ♂: tar1-1 distinctly twisted and grooved and with elongated curved hairs. ♀: Body length 8–9 mm. Dorsal surface of second visible tergite smooth or rugulose only at base.............. plumbella Wiedemann View in CoL

— ♂: tar1-1 unmodified. ♀: Body length 6.5–8 mm. Dorsal surface of second visible tergite entirely or mostly rugulose....................... senex Wiedemann View in CoL


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













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