Inostemma bonessi, Buhl, 2006

Buhl, P. N., 2006, Taxonomical And Distributional Notes On New And Known Palaearctic Platygastrid Species (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (3), pp. 287-311 : 290

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585869


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Inostemma bonessi

sp. nov.

Inostemma bonessi View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 5–7 View Figs 1–7 )

Female – Length: 1.2 mm. Black; trochanters, both ends of fore tibia, base of mid and hind tibiae, and segments 1–4 of all tarsi light brownish. Head dull, from above ( Fig. 5 View Figs 1–7 ) twice as wide as long, very slightly wider than mesosoma; occiput and vertex transversely reticulate-coriaceous, with a moderately deep notch; frons reticulate-coriaceous. OOL hardly as long as ocellar diameter. Head in frontal view 1.25 times as wide as high. Antenna ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1–7 ) with A3 1.3 times as long as wide, 1.3 times as long as A4 which is as wide as long; A9 about 1.3 times as wide as long. Mesosoma 1.2 times as long as wide, 1.1 times as wide as high. Mesoscutum almost uniformly reticulate-coriaceous; notauli distinct throughout, posteriorly widened and smooth. Scutellum sculptured as mesoscutum. Fore wing clear, 2.3 times as long as wide, just reaching apex of T6, with rather sparse microtrichia and extremely short marginal cilia; subcostalis brown, one-third as long as wing. Hind wing 4.6 times as long as wide; marginal cilia hardly one-fourth the width of wing. Metasoma ( Fig. 7 View Figs 1–7 ) 1.1 times as long as head and mesosoma combined (excluding cornutus), hardly 0.9 times as wide as mesosoma. Cornutus longitudinally striated, just reaching occiput. T2 1.2 times as long as wide, smooth except for faint longitudinal striations that reach hardly half the length of tergite. T3–T5 with faint reticulation, each with a transverse row of superficially implanted hairs. T6 very slightly longer than wide, distinctly reticulate-coriaceous.

Material examined: Holotype female: Germany, Leverkusen, Bergisch Neukirchen, 30.VII.2004. M. Boness leg. From Salix caprea L. with Phytoptus gemmarum -galls (there must also have been a cecidomyiid-gall present). Preserved in ZMUC.

Named after the collector. Similar to I. contariniae SZELÉNYI, 1938 , but this species has more transverse head with smaller notch, and less transverse preapical antennal segments than I. bonessi , cf. SZELÉNYI (1938).













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