Clastopus griswoldi, Iwan, Dariusz, Kamiński, Marcin Jan & Aalbu, Rolf, 2012

Iwan, Dariusz, Kamiński, Marcin Jan & Aalbu, Rolf, 2012, A new species of the genus Clastopus Fairmaire, 1898 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Pedinini) from Madagascar, Zootaxa 3351, pp. 60-68 : 61-67

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.211365


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scientific name

Clastopus griswoldi

sp. nov.

Clastopus griswoldi sp. nov.

Type data. Holotype, male ( CASC): “ MADAGASCAR: Toliara Prov. Parc Nat. d`Ardohahela, Forêt d`Ambohibory, 1.7 km 61º ENE Tsimelahy, 36.1 km 308º NW Tolagnaro , 16-20 I 2002 ” “ 24º 55`48``S 46º38`44``E coll: Fisher, Griswold et al. California Acad. of Sciences shifted litter - tropical dry forest elev 300m code: BLF4984 ” “ CASENT 8020572 ”. GoogleMaps Paratypes, 3 males, same data as holotype except: ( CASC) “ CASENT 8020566 ”, GoogleMaps CASENT 8020571 GoogleMaps and ( MIIZ) “ CASENT 8020568 ”. GoogleMaps

Locus typicus. “Forêt d`Ambohibory” (24º 55`48``S 46º38`44``E).

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Charles Griswold, collector of the of the specimens used in this study.

Diagnosis. C. griswoldi sp. nov. is similar to C. eurynotoides and C. tenuiculus by having the deep circumocular depresion ( Fig. 2), flat elytral intervals and shallow elytral rows with large, well visible punctures ( Figs 4, 9, 12).

From C. eurynotoides , C. griswoldi sp. nov. can be distinguished by the smaller body size ( C. griswoldi — 7.0–8.0 mm; C. eurynotoides — 11.0–12.0 mm) and the deep concavity on the inner side of male protibia ( Fig. 18).

C. griswoldi sp. nov. differs from the C. tenuiculus by the smaller body size ( C. tenuiculus — 8.8–10.0 mm), strait (not saddle-like) intercoxal process of prosternum ( Fig. 6) and the presence of the denticle on the male mesofemora ( Fig. 19).

C. griswoldi sp. nov. is the only species of the genus Clastopus with the circular depression on the metasternum ( Fig. 8).

Description. Measurements. Body — length = 7.0-8.0 mm; breadth ratio elytra/pronotum = 1.0–1.1; length ratio elytra/pronotum (pl) = 1.8–1.9. Clypeus — clypeal emargination width/depth ratio = 3.5–4.0. Antennae — length ratio antenna/pronotum (apl) ca. 0.9–1.0; ratio length of antenna/width of 3rd antennomere ca. 16.0; length ratio of antennomere 3rd/2nd = 2.2–2.5; ratio length/width of 5th antennomere ca. 2.0. Maxillary palp — ratio width of maxillary palp/length of 3rd antennomere ca. 1.4. Pronotum — pronotum length (pl)/breadth ratio ca. 0.7; length ratio pronotum (pl)/anterior pronotal angles (apl) ca. 0.9. Elytra — elytra length/breadth ratio ca. 1.3. Scutellum — width ratio anterior margin of elytra/scutellum at base ca. 3.8–4.2. Metaventrite — length ratio cavity of hind coxa/metaventrite between the insertions of mid and hind coxae ca. 3.7. Abdomen — width ratio process of 1st abdominal ventrite/process of metaventrite ca. 2.0. Male legs — protibia length/width ratio ca. 3.6; profemur length/width ratio ca. 3.0. Tarsi — length ratio metatarsomere 1st/2nd ca. 2.0.

Habitus as in Fig. 9.

Head punctures dense (single diameter apart on frons) with short setae, clearly visible from the lateral view ( Fig. 2). Clypeus strongly emarginate. Two ocelli visible between genal canthus and temple. Antenomeres pubescent ( Fig. 10). Mentum widened at the middle; submentum triangular ( Fig. 11).

Pronotum broadest at about 0.66 of its length (measured from the base); with scarcely visible punctures (2-4 diameters apart). Anterior angles blunt; moderately extending anteriorly. Anterior and basal margins of pronotum interrupted medially. Lateral margin of pronotum moderately wide ( Fig. 1). Hypomeron smooth, without punctures ( Fig. 10).

Elytral rows with large, well visible punctures (2–4 diameters apart) ( Fig. 12). Intervals dull with scarcely visible punctures (4 diameters apart). Scutellum punctures scarcely visible ( Fig. 1). Elytral base strongly sinusoidal. Elytral humeri rounded ( Fig. 1).

Intercoxal process of prosternum strait with complete margins ( Fig. 6, 15). Lateral sides of 1st to 4th abdominal ventrites with dense, setose punctures (1–3 diameters apart). 5th ventrite without margins; with dense, setose punctures (1–2 diameters apart) ( Fig. 13).

Male protarsi broadened. Male protibia widened towards apex ( Fig. 17); with deep concavity on inner side ( Fig. 18). Meso- and metatibia as in Figs 19, 20. Mesofemora with a denticle ( Fig. 19).

Apical aspect of aedeagal tegmen equal to 0.33 of the rest of tegmen. Clavae slightly spiniform at the apex ( Fig. 14).

Female characters unknown.

Distribution. All available specimens were collected in the single location (24º 55`48``S 46º38`44``E).













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