Dercetina barclayi, Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdek, Jan, 2013

Lee, Chi-Feng & Bezdek, Jan, 2013, Revision of the genus Dercetina from Taiwan and their similar species, with description of a new species from Myanmar (Insecta, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae), ZooKeys 323, pp. 1-33 : 5-7

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scientific name

Dercetina barclayi

sp. n.

Dercetina barclayi sp. n.

Type series.

Holotype ♂ (BMNH): "Doherty / Birmah RubyMes / Fry Coll. 1905. 100.". Paratypes: 1♂, same as holotype (BMNH); 1♂, 2♀♀: "Ruby Mines. Burma. 5.500 to 7.500 ft. 1904-150." (BMNH); 4♂♂, 1♀: "Ruby Mines U. M. / Gift of F. G. Bowditch" (USNM).


This new species is similar to Dercetina taiwana but differs by yellowish brown antennae, no color variation, wider penis, and with longer endophallic sclerites.


Color (Figs 3-4) bluish black, prothorax, coxae, and tibiae yellowish brown; elytron with one trasverse white stripe at basal 1/3; head brown, vertex and labium black. Head smooth and impunctate. Pronotum transverse, 2.2 times wider than long, evenly convex on disc and lacking fovea or punctured depression, disc with scattered fine punctures; lateral margin rounded, anterior margin slightly concave, posterior margin straight. Elytra more or less widened posteriorly, apex convergently rounded, 1.4-1.5 times longer than wide, disc with punctures in part arranged in longitudinal rows, epipleurae smooth and impunctate.

Male. Length 3.9-4.3 mm, width 2.1-2.4 mm. Antennomeres III-X weakly serrate (Fig. 16), ratio of length of antennomeres III to XI about 1.0: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.1: 1.1: 1.3; ratio of length to width of antennomeres III to XI about 2.6: 3.0: 3.3: 3.4: 3.4: 3.9: 3.8: 3.7: 4.8. Penis (Fig. 18) extremely slender, about 7.3 times longer than wide, parallel-sided, basally and apically widened, apex narrowly rounded; tectum membranous, with scatted stout setae; weakly curved in lateral view (Fig. 19); endophallic sclerites elongate, about 0.5 times as long as penis, dorsal scler ite with base bifurcate, apex truncate; ventral sclerite much longer than dorsal sclerite, apex bifurcate, base rounded, with a cluster of short setae at middle; in lateral view moderately curved.

Female. Length 4.7-5.3 mm, width 2.8-3.1 mm. Antenna 11-segmented, antennomeres III-X weakly serrate (Fig. 17), comparatively narrower than male, ratio of length of antennomeres III to XI about 1.0: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.2: 1.0: 1.0: 1.2; ratio of length to width of antennomeres III to XI about 3.2: 3.6: 3.4: 3.6: 3.5: 3.3: 3.0: 3.2: 3.8. Sternite VIII (Fig. 20) weakly sclerotized subapically, apex rounded, with dense short setae along lateral and apical margin, spiculum long. Spermathecal receptaculum (Fig. 22) strongly swollen; pump narrow and strongly curved, apex widely rounded; spermathecal duct short, deeply projecting into receptaculum. Gonocoxae (Fig. 21) narrowly connected in middle, about 5.5 times longer than wide, slightly curved inwards near apex, apex rounded, with one short setae at apical 1/3, ten to eleven setae at apex.


This new species is named for Maxwell V. L. Barclay who is one of Britain’s leading entomologists and curator of Coleoptera at the Natural History Museum in London.


Only known from the type locality.







