
Forero, D., 2008, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The Hadronema Group (Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini), With Descriptions Of New Genera And New Species, And Comments On The Neotropical Genus Tupimiris, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (312), pp. 1-172 : 81-82

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Key to the Species of Hadronema View in CoL

1. Legs black; mostly dark species with red on the pronotum; hemelytra black contrasting with white embolium, cuneus with lateral margin white..................... 2

— Legs orange to yellow; pale species with orange to yellow on the pronotum; hemelytra not black, embolium and other parts of corium white, cuneus mostly white..... 7

2. Second antennal segment length in males equal to or greater than head width, if less, then length. 0.70 mm; rami of ventral spicule subequal or not, insertions of rami close together (e.g., H. simplex , fig. 26 arrows)......................... 3

— Second antennal segment length in males less than head width (ratio 5 0.9, table 1), length, 0.68 mm; rami of ventral spicule of subequal length, short, not reaching apex of dorsal spicule, insertions of rami wide apart from each other (fig. 26, arrows).............................. H. breviatum

3. Left paramere inserted ventrally on the genital capsule, giving the impression of a cleft (fig. 24C–E, arrows); female subgenital plate long, nearly reaching posterior margin of sternite VIII, apex broadly truncate (fig. 34)........................ 4

— Left paramere inserted laterally on the genital capsule (e.g., fig. 28, arrow); female subgenital plate subtriangular, reaching middle of sternite VIII, apex rounded (figs. 30, 31)........ 5

4. Left paramere notched before apex (fig. 29, arrow); process on the right side of the genital capsule short, as long as wide in dorsal view (fig. 29, arrow)............. H. militare

— Left paramere gently curved before apex (fig. 29, arrow); process on the right side of the genital capsule elongate, longer than wide in dorsal view (fig. 29, arrow)......................... H. incognitum , sp. nov.

5. Antennal segment II in males longer than III (see table 1; ratio.1.10); evaporatory area on metepisternum either normally developed, enclosing peritreme, or greatly reduced not enclosing peritreme................ 6

— Antennal segments II and III in males of nearly equal length (see table 1; ratio,1.05); evaporatory area on metepisternum normally developed, enclosing peritreme.... H. pictum

6. Pronotum usually dark with posterior margin red, fading to white (fig. 3); vesical ventral spicule with one short and one long ramus, each with conspicuous denticles (fig. 26, arrows); evaporatory area on metepisternum greatly reduced, not enclosing peritreme.......................... H. simplex

— Posterior lobe of pronotum red with median area usually darker (fig. 2); rami of vesical ventral spicule about the same size (fig. 27, arrows); evaporatory area on metepisternum enclosing peritreme......... H. mexicanum , sp. nov.

7. Metafemur with a dorsal subapical dark spot (fig. 2); posterior margin of pronotum straight; rami of vesical ventral spicule long, surpassing dorsal spicule (fig. 26, arrows)........................... H. bispinosum

— Metafemur completely orange, without subapical dark spots (fig. 3); posterior margin of pronotum usually sinuate; rami of vesical ventral spicule shorter, not reaching apex of dorsal spicule (fig. 26, arrows)....... H. sinuatum











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