Hadronemidea esau Reuter

Forero, D., 2008, Revision And Phylogenetic Analysis Of The Hadronema Group (Miridae: Orthotylinae: Orthotylini), With Descriptions Of New Genera And New Species, And Comments On The Neotropical Genus Tupimiris, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2008 (312), pp. 1-172 : 137-139

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Hadronemidea esau Reuter


Hadronemidea esau Reuter View in CoL Figures 3, 37, 39–41

Hadronemidea esau Reuter, 1908: 173 View in CoL [n. sp.]; Carvalho, 1958: 69 [catalog]; Schuh, 1995: 116 [catalog].

DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the weakly arcuate and strongly marginate lateral margins of the pronotum (figs. 3, 37A); the transverse posterior protuberance near posterior margin of pronotum not strongly elevated; the strongly curved mesotibia in males, covered with scattered bristlelike setae (fig. 37F); the expanded and extensively denticulate rami of the left spicule (fig. 39, arrow); and the roundly expanded and denticulate apex of the right spicule (fig. 39, arrow).

Hadronemidea esau may be distinguished from H. echinata by the key provided and by the diagnostic characters mentioned above.

REDESCRIPTION: Male: Large, robust, total length 5.35–5.56. COLORATION (fig. 3): HEAD: Mandibular plates dark brown, sometimes black; maxillary plates black, anteriorly shiny; labrum dull. THORAX: Anterior lobe of pronotum black, posterior lobe, including lateral carina, orange-red, anterior margin with a U-shaped black macula. STRUCTURE: HEAD: Labrum long, as long as first labial segment, densely setose, broad and weakly rounded apically (fig. 37A); antennal segment III with short sparse setae on apical third. THORAX: Pronotum with lateral margins strongly carinate (fig. 37A); transverse posterior protuberance of pronotum low. Legs: Mesofemur with setae shorter than femur width (fig. 37F); mesotibia strongly curved inward, setae short, sparse (fig. 37F). GENITALIA: Genital capsule subtriangular, not rounded, aperture medium-sized, anterior margin not well sclerotized (figs. 37E, 39); left paramere strongly curved, sickle-shaped, ventral process blunt (fig. 39, arrows); right paramere weakly rounded apically, almost truncate, ventral margin produced cephalad (fig. 39, arrow); rami of left spicule unequal in length, apical spicule shorter than preapical, both enlarged distally, strongly denticulate (fig. 39, arrow); right spicule apically flattened and expanded, margin denticulate, directed upward (fig. 39, arrow).

Female: Similar to male in structure and coloration, but larger, total length 5.21–6.34. STRUCTURE: GENITALIA (fig. 40): Subgenital plate apically rounded; dorsal lobes of interramal sclerites with distal half lateral margin gently curved inward; sclerotized rings ovate, not produced posteriorly; accessory sclerite on anterolateral margin acute.

DISTRIBUTION: Known from central Mexico and the Sierra Madre Oriental (fig. 41).

HOSTS: Available host-plant data for H. esau indicate that the taxon is restricted to legumes. Half the records are on Dalea sp. and half on unidentified species of Fabaceae .

DISCUSSION: Reuter described H. esau based on two females from Mexico. Only one specimen bearing an identification label in Reuter’s handwriting from the Helsinki collection was found. Reuter specimens were from two localities, ‘‘Takubaya’’ and ‘‘Chapultepek’’. The examined specimen matches Reuter (1908) description, although the label only states ‘‘ Mexico, Bilimek’’, without a more precise locality, and Bilimek being the collector (cf. Reuter, 1908). It is probable that exact localities were communicated to Reuter by Bilimek himself. Because this specimen is the only one bearing a Reuter determination label that matches his description, except for the specific locality data, I am designating it as the lectotype.

Because Reuter’s description was based on females, the middle leg character of the male was unavailable. The description of the laterally produced pronotum, with a large median black macula, and the length of the antennae are particularly important characters to identify this taxon.

LECTOTYPE FEMALE (here designated): MEXICO: Unknown locality, 1871, Bilimek, ‘‘ Hadronemidea esau n. g. et sp. ’’ O.M. Reuter det., Mus. Zool. H:Fors Spec. Typ. 9919 , Lectotype Hadronemidea esau Reuter, 1908 desig. by D. Forero (red label), 1♀ ( AMNH _ PBI 00099704 About AMNH ) ( MZH) .

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MEX- ICO: Guanajuato: Ojo de Agua, 20.65 ° N 100.58333 ° W, 06 Sep 1969, L.A. Kelton, 83 (AMNH_PBI 00103772, AMNH_PBI 00103773,

AMNH_PBI 00103777–AMNH_PBI 00103780, AMNH_PBI 00105197, AMNH_PBI 00105198), 12♀ (AMNH_PBI 00103786–AMNH_PBI 00103788, AMNH_PBI 00103790–AMNH_PBI

00103798) (CNC). Mexico: Encinillas [sic Encinello], 20.15 ° N 99.75 ° W, 2453 m, 02 Sep 1969, L.A. Kelton, ( Fabaceae ), 23 (AMNH_ PBI 00103767, AMNH_PBI 00103768), 5♀ (AMNH_PBI 00103781–AMNH_PBI 00103785) (CNC). Puebla: 3 km SW of Zalayeta on Route 140, 13 Sep 1989, E. Barrera, T.J. Henry, I.M. Kerzhner, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106836), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106839, AMNH_PBI 00106840) (USNM). Queretaro: 1 mi E of Cadereyta, 2073 m, 15 Aug 1974, L. and C.W. O’Brien and G.B. Marshall, 13 (AMNH_PBI 00106835), 2♀ (AMNH_PBI 00106837, AMNH_PBI 00106838) (USNM). San Juan del Rio , 20.38333 ° N 99.98333 ° W, 03 Sep 1969, L.A. Kelton, Dalea sp. (Fabaceae) , 63 (AMNH_PBI 00103769–AMNH_ PBI 00103771, AMNH_PBI 00103774– AMNH_PBI 00103776), 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00103789) (CNC). Zacatecas: 8 mi NW of Fresnillo, 23.26551 ° N 102.88942 ° W, 24 Aug 1981, J. Chemsak and A. and M. Michelbacher, 1♀ (AMNH_PBI 00079952) (UCB).


American Museum of Natural History


Finnish Museum of Natural History














Hadronemidea esau Reuter

Forero, D. 2008

Hadronemidea esau

Schuh, R. T. 1995: 116
Carvalho, J. C. M. 1958: 69
Reuter, O. M. 1908: 173
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