Orthogonius lancangjiang Tian & Deuve, 2006

Tian, Mingyi & Deuve, Thierry, 2013, Definition and review of the lancangjiang species group of the termitophilous genus Orthogonius Macleay, 1825 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Orthogoniini), ZooKeys 349, pp. 81-100 : 83-86

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Orthogonius lancangjiang Tian & Deuve, 2006


Orthogonius lancangjiang Tian & Deuve, 2006 View in CoL Figs 1-3, 12-13

Orthogonius lancangjiang Tian & Deuve, 2006: 134


Medium to large sized, elytra slender or elongate ovate; head longer than wide; upper surface covered with dense punctures; antennae long; eyes moderate for orthogoniines; labrum round at front; pronotum quite narrow, but transverse in form; whole lateral expanded margins slightly reflexed; elytra not carinate on interval 7 in both sexes.

Length: 12.5-16.0 mm; width (=EW): 5.2-6.5 mm.


Body elongate, strongly shiny. Habitus as in Figs 2-3.

Head and disc of pronotum black; elytra black to dark brown; lateral expanded margins of pronotum, antennomere 1 and 3, mandibles, and tibiae dark brown; other parts brown.

Macrosculpture: Surface of head, pronotum and elytra (including all intervals) with dense punctures, head obscurely striate, pronotum impunctate in most specimens, or with a few faint punctures in one or two individuals, moderately striate or not; underside surface smooth and glabrous, impunctate.

Microsculpture: Engraved meshes densely isodiametric or slightly transverse on head, pronotum and elytra.

Head longer than wide, HL/HW=1.15-1.20, eyes small but prominent, frons and vertex convex, frontal impressions large and deep; clypeus bisetose, basal portion unevenly convex; labrum broad at apical margin, sexsetose; palps rather stout, subcylindrical, maxillary palpomere 3 as long as 4, palpomere 4 glabrous, palpomere 3 with two short setae at apex; labial palpomere 2 slightly longer than 3, bisetose on inner margin, with several additional setae at subapex and apex, palpomere 3 with a few tiny setae; ligula small, bisetose at apex; mentum without tooth, each of mentum and submentum bisetose, palpiger asetose. Antennae very long, extending to middle of elytra; pubescent and slightly expanded from basal 1/3 of antennomere 4; antennomere 3 almost as long as 4, and 1.40 times longer than 2; antennomere 1 unisetose on subapex.

Pronotum strongly transverse, PW/PL=1.56-1.60, disc moderately convex, fore and basal margins well beaded, sides evenly expanded, widest at about middle; lateral expanded margin well defined, flat, very smooth and hardly reflexed; both transversal impressions distinct, basal foveae small and deep.

Elytra elongate ovate, EL/EW=1.45-1.77, widest at about middle, sides slightly expanded at middle, base completely bordered, apex broadly sinuate, inner angle nearly rectangular, obtuse; striae very deep, intervals strongly convex, subequal in width in middle, interval 3 with basal and middle setiferous pores, the subapical one absent.

Legs slender, fore tibia distinctly expanded at apex, apex obliquely truncate, outer margin slightly subserrate; middle and hind coxae smooth and glabrous; middle tibia slender and slightly expanded at apex, strongly curved in male, normal in female; hind femora with two setae posteriorly; hind tibia slightly expanded at apex, apical spurs long and sharp; fore tarsi slightly wider than the middle, and distinctly wider than the hind ones; hind tarsomeres 1 and 3 much longer than 2 and 4 respectively, length ratio of tarsomeres1 to 4 as 3.2: 1.9: 1.5: 1.0; tarsomere 4 asymmetrically emarginated at apex, longer lobe as long as 1/3 of the whole joint; all tarsal claws strongly pectinate.

Prosternal process well bordered at apex, abdominal ventrite VII of male distinctly and deeply emarginate at apical margin.

Male genitalia (Figs 12-13): Slender and quite straight, slightly sinuate on ventral surface, apex blunt, the apical lamella as long as wide, broad at tip.

Female. Similar to male, except the abdominal ventrite VII complete at apical margin, fore tarsomeres 1-3 without spongy setae ventrally, middle tibiae not curved in middle portion, pronotum impunctate, and antennae slightly shorter.


Body slender or a little stouter, in general pronotum impunctate in female, but one or two individuals with faint and sparse punctures.

Materials examined.

1 male, the holotype, "Haut Mekong, Vien Poukha, 3. V. 1918, R. V. de Salvaza", " Orthogonius sp." (by Andrewes) and "Brit. Mus. 1921 –89”, from Laos, deposited in NHML; 8 males and 7 females, "Laos-NE: Xieng Khouang Province, Phonsaven (30 km NE), Phou Sane Mt., 19.37-38N/ 103.20E, 1400-1500 m, 10.-30.V. 2009, Z. Kraus Leg.", and "NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kuban"; 6 males and 4 females, "Laos-NE: Xieng Khouang Province, Phonsaven (30 km NE), Phou Sane Mt., 19.37-38N/ 103.20-21E, 1400-1700 m, 10.-30.V. 2009, D. Hauck Leg.", and "NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kuban"; 7 males and 8 females, “Laos–NE: Xieng Khouang Province, 30 km NE Phonsaven, Phou Sane Mt., 19.37-8N/ 103.20-21E, 1420 m, 30 km NE Phonsaven, Ban Na Lam to Phou Sane Mt., 1300-1700 m, 10.-30.V. 2009, M. Geiser Leg.", and "NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kuban"; 1 male, “Laos–NE: Xieng Khouang Province, 30 km NE Phonsaven, Phou Sane Mt., 19.3820N/ 103.2020E, 1420 m, 10.-30.V. 2009, D. Hauck Leg.", and "NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kuban"; 7 male 4 females, “Laos–NE: Xieng Khouang Province, 30 km NE Phonsaven: Ban Na Lam to Phou Sane Mt., 19.37-38N/ 103.20E, 1300-1500 m, 10.-30.V. 2009, M. Brancucci Leg.", and "NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kuban"; 1 male, “Laos–NE: Houa Phan Province, Ban Saluei to Phou Pane Mt., 20.11-13N/ 103.59-104.01E, 1300-1900 m, 9-17.VI. 2009, Michael Geiser Leg.", and "NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kuban"; 2 males and 1 female, “Laos–NE: Houa Phan Province, Ban Saluei to Phou Pane Mt., 20.12-13N/ 103.595-104.01E, 1340-1870 m, 10. V.-16. VI. 2009, M. Brancucci and local coll. Leg.", and "NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kuban"; 2 males, "Laos-NE: Houa Phan Province, Ban Saluei to Phou Pane Mt., 20.13N/ 104.00E, 1350-1500 m, 1-16. VI. 2009, M. Brancucci Leg.", and "NHMB Basel, NMPC Prague Laos 2009 Expedition: M. Brancucci, M. Geiser, Z. Kraus, D. Hauck, V. Kuban"; 8 females, “Laos–NE: Houa Phan Province, Ban Saluei to Phou Pane Mt., 20.12N/ 104.01E, 1500-1900 m, 17.V.-3.VI. 2007, M. Brancucci Leg.", and "NHMB Basel Expeditionto Laos, 2007". All in NHMB, except for eight males and eight females in MNHN and SCAU, respectively.


Laos (Fig. 1).













