Cleruchus funiculatus Manickavasagam & Palanivel, 2018

Manickavasagam, Sagadai, Triapitsyn, Serguei V. & Palanivel, Selvaraj, 2018, Five new species of Cleruchus from the Oriental region and report of Anaphes quinquearticulatus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) from India, Zootaxa 4387 (1), pp. 134-156 : 138-143

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scientific name

Cleruchus funiculatus Manickavasagam & Palanivel

sp. nov.

Cleruchus funiculatus Manickavasagam & Palanivel , sp. n.

( Figs 7–15 View FIGURES 7, 8 View FIGURES 9–11 View FIGURES 12, 13 View FIGURES 14, 15 )

Cleruchus View in CoL sp.: Triapitsyn 2014b: 40 (male specimens from Karnataka).

Description. FEMALE (holotype, Fig. 7 View FIGURES 7, 8 ). Eye reddish, metanotum and propodeum dark brown, rest of body and appendages light brown.

Eye normal; ocelli present ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 9–11 ). Antenna with scape ( Fig. 10a, b View FIGURES 9–11 ) curved and finely longitudinally striate, scape minus radicle 4.0 × as long as wide; pedicel longer than fl1; fl1 and fl5 the shortest, fl5–fl6 quadrate, all funicle segments without mps; clava 3.3× as long as wide, with 5 mps.

Mesosoma as long as gaster ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12, 13 ), with midlobe of mesoscutum faintly reticulate, its side lobes and axilla longitudinally striate; frenum smooth; propodeum smooth, 1.15× as long as mesoscutum.

Macropterous. Fore wing ( Fig. 11 View FIGURES 9–11 ) 10.1× as long as wide; venation 0.37× as long as wing length; parastigma with both macrochaetae (30–45 µm) and seta on stigmal vein equally long; disc with one incomplete median row of setae, one row of admarginal setae along anterior and posterior margins, the latter incomplete; longest marginal seta 3.9× wing width. Hind wing ( Fig. 12 View FIGURES 12, 13 ) 15.6× as long as wide; disc with one irregular median row of setae and one complete admarginal row of setae along anterior and posterior margins; longest marginal seta 4.6× wing width.

Petiole 1.7× as wide as long. Ovipositor almost 0.9× as long as metatibia ( Fig. 13 View FIGURES 12, 13 ).

Measurements in µm (holotype, as length or length/width): Body, 588. Head, 125/135. Antenna: radicle, 13/ 10; rest of scape, 100/25; pedicel, 38/23; fl1, 20/13; fl2, 30/18; fl3, 25/18; fl4, 25/18; fl5, 20/20; fl6, 23/23; clava, 110/ 33. Fore wing, 505/50; longest marginal seta, 195. Hind wing, 470/30; longest marginal seta, 138. Mesosoma, 193/ 125; mesoscutum, 65/110; anterior scutellum, 25/58; frenum, 25/85; propodeum, 75/115. Gaster, 213/105; ovipositor, 108. Metatibia, 125.

Variation (paratypes): body length 525–588 µm.

MALE (paratype, Fig. 8 View FIGURES 7, 8 ). Similar to female except for antenna (flagellum 11-segmented, scape more curved than in female, Fig. 14 View FIGURES 14, 15 ) and genitalia (0.5× as long as metatibia, Fig. 15 View FIGURES 14, 15 ).

Measurements in µm (paratype, as length or length/width): Body, 575. Antenna: radicle, 13/10; rest of scape, 75/20; pedicel, 33/23; fl1, 28/17; fl2, 33/15; fl3, 30/18; fl4, 33/15; fl5, 30/18; fl6, 30/15; fl7, 33/15; fl8, 33/18; fl9, 38/ 20; fl10, 38/18; fl11, 45/15. Genitalia, 78. Metatibia, 138.

Diagnosis. This species is very similar to the eastern Palaearctic species C. mikhail in having a curved scape, fl1–fl4 longer than wide, and ovipositor about 0.8× as long as metatibia. It can be differentiated from C. mikhail based on the different funicular proportions, particularly fl5 and fl6 being quadrate, and clava being 1.2× as long as combined length of fl3–fl6.

Type material. Holotype female, dissected on slide under 4 cover slips ( EDAU; registration No. Mym /25/ 2017): INDIA, Tamil Nadu, Yercaud , 11°48’884’’ N 078°12’ 881’’E, 16.ii.2014, S. Palanivel, YPT, coffee ecosystem . Paratypes: 3 ♀, 4 ♂, (1 ♀ on slide and 2 ♂ on slides, and 2 ♀ and 2 ♂ on cards, EDAU), 23.i.2014, remainder of data as in the holotype.

Additional material examined. INDIA, Karnataka, Nandi Hills , 13°22’09’’N 77°41’11’’E, 1462 m, 21.xi.2003, J.M. Heraty (2 ♂, UCRC). These specimens, mentioned as a Cleruchus sp. by Triapitsyn (2014b), are not included in the type series because they are incomplete (lacking parts of the antennae). Body length of one of them (prior to being slide-mounted) was 430 µm. GoogleMaps

Distribution. India: Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Etymology. The species name is derived with reference to the unique funicle characters of the female antenna.


University of California, Riverside














Cleruchus funiculatus Manickavasagam & Palanivel

Manickavasagam, Sagadai, Triapitsyn, Serguei V. & Palanivel, Selvaraj 2018


Triapitsyn 2014b : 40
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