Hoplolaimidae, Filipjev, 1934

Kiss, M., 2010, Free-Living Nematodes From Two Dolomite Hills In Hungary, With Description Of Sclerolaimus Hungaricus Sp. N., Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (4), pp. 293-305 : 295

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12584332

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Hoplolaimidae View in CoL

Rotylenchus buxophilus GOLDEN, 1956 – Material examined. Budaörs, Út Hill, open rock grassland, from soil, 03.10.2006 and 11.11.2006, leg. KISS, M.; Budaörs, Út Hill, closed rock grassland, from soil, 03.10.2006 and 11.11.2006, leg. KISS, M. – Distribution. Cosmopolitan.

Rotylenchus quartus (ANDRÁSSY, 1958) SHER, 1961 – Material examined. Budaörs, Út Hill, closed rock grassland, from soil, 03.10.2006 and 11.11.2006, leg. KISS, M. – Distribution. Europe.

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