Glyphea regleyana ( Desmarest, 1822 )

Chény, Cédric, Charbonnier, Sylvain & Audo, Denis, 2023, Middle Jurassic lobsters (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Normandy, France, Geodiversitas 45 (4), pp. 139-161 : 151-154

publication ID 10.5252/geodiversitas2023v45a4

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scientific name

Glyphea regleyana ( Desmarest, 1822 )


Glyphea regleyana ( Desmarest, 1822) ( Figs 10 View FIG ; 11 View FIG )

Palinurus regleyanus Desmarest, 1822: 132-133 , pl. 11, fig. 3.

Palinurus longebrachiatus Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1842: 58 , 60, pl. 4, figs 6, 7.

For detailed list of synonymy see Charbonnier et al. (2013: 37).

TYPE MATERIAL. — Glyphea regleyana : neotype MNHN.F.A29512 (Milne-Edwards coll.) selected by Charbonnier et al. (2012). — Palinurus longebrachiatus : 10 syntypes (A. Milne-Edwards coll., ex Eudes-Deslongchamps coll.) from the Upper Callovian of Ste-Scolasse, Normandy, France.

TYPE LOCALITY. — Andelarrot, Haute-Saône department, France.

TYPE AGE. — Late Jurassic, early Oxfordian (Terrain à Chailles Formation).




Subcylindrical carapace, laterally compressed; short pointed rostrum without spine, straight or bent slightly downward; anterior cephalic margin with optical and antennal notches; cephalic region with three longitudinal spiny carinae: orbital, gastro-orbital and antennal carinae, parallel, equally spaced and strongly raised; antennal carina raised more than the others; carapace groove pattern: see diagnosis of Glyphea ; cephalic, cardiac, hepatic, and pterygostomial regions with small spines; branchial region with pits.


Large, swollen, convex and subrectangular, not fused to the carapace but separated from it by a suture; lateral margins slightly sinuous and slightly convergent anteriorly, marked by a narrow, deep groove separating them from the edges of the carapace; anterior margin characterized by the posterior limits of the arthrodial cavities of antennae, narrow sinus between these cavities; posterior margin with large rounded depression corresponding to the front of the mouth, marked by a deep groove and small axial tubercle posteriorly directed.

Cephalic appendages

Antennae (a2) composed of antennal peduncle with three segments and long multi-articulated flagellum and scaphocerite; antennal peduncle with short, stocky ischiocerite; thin, elongate merocerite with spinose lateral margins, and short, stocky carpocerite to which flagellum with not assessable length (probably twice as long as the carapace) is articulated; triangular scaphocerite, with pointed distal extremity.


Short s1 with large median groove; s2-s4 with smooth rounded tergum, tergal flanks with anterior and posterior grooves; tergopleuron separated from tergum by small constriction connecting points of articulation; large, arcuate tergopleural margin; s3 and s4 similar to s2 but shorter; very short s5, with smooth tergum and reduced tergopleura, tergal flanks with very discrete grooves; s2-s5 tergopleura with sharply pointed terminations in male and rounded terminations in female; narrow, long s6, with large notch for insertion of uropods; trapezoidal telson, tapering, distally rounded, proximal region transversally inflated, axial region swollen, lateral margins depressed with longitudinal grooves, ornamentation with axial carinae of small rounded tubercles.

Thoracic appendages

Long Mxp3 with long, subrectangular merus, short, piriform carpus; ovate propodus and short, flattened dactylus; elongate, strong, P1 showing general morphology different in male (achelate P1 with long, slender subcylindrical segments) and in female (subchelate P1 with short, massive, and more flattened stocky segments; subchelate P2-P4 of lessening size toward posterior part, relatively thin, generally smooth, with sparse spines and tubercles; achelate P5.

Pleonal appendages

Rounded uropodal endopod and exopod as long as telson; exopod with diaeresis.


Following Bigot (1945: 20), Charbonnier et al. (2013) indicated that the type material of Palinurus longebrachiatus was destroyed during the bombardment of Caen during the World War II. The careful examination of specimens in Alphonse Milne-Edwards’ collection leads us to identify the type material, probably sent to him or to his father Henri Milne Edwards by J.-A. Eudes-Deslongchamps himself.We ignore the precise history of these specimens: they were fortunately not destroyed but forgotten during about 150 years. After checking all the available syntypes, we confirm that P. longebrachiatus is a junior synonym of G. regleyana .

Charbonnier et al. (2013) provided a detailed description of the species. The configuration of the cephalothoracic grooves, the morphology of P1 propodus, and the ornamentation of the specimens from Ste-Scolasse are diagnostic characters of Glyphea regleyana . The study of the best-preserved specimens confirms the secondary sexual characters in P1 and pleonal somites, as already observed byCharbonnier et al. (2012): the P1 of males are longer and proportionally thinner than those of females, and the s2-s5 tergopleura of males are quadrate and sharp whereas those of the females are more rounded. The present sample did not provide additional anatomical details compared to the review proposed by Charbonnier et al. (2013). However, we note that que P1 ornamentation is relatively similar in males and females, contrary to that reported by Charbonnier et al. (2012), who did not have as many specimens with well-preserved P1.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Glyphea regleyana ( Desmarest, 1822 )

Chény, Cédric, Charbonnier, Sylvain & Audo, Denis 2023

Palinurus longebrachiatus

Eudes-Deslongchamps 1842: 58

Palinurus regleyanus

Desmarest 1822: 132 - 133
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