Trichopalpus Rondani, 1856

Ozerov, A. L. & Krivosheina, M. G., 2023, Contribution to the fauna of dung flies (Diptera: Scathophagidae) of Russia with a key to genera and a checklist of the Russian Scathophagidae, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (1), pp. 95-122 : 119-121

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.1.12

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Trichopalpus Rondani, 1856


Genus Trichopalpus Rondani, 1856 View in CoL

Figs 20 View Figs 19–21 , 23, 27 View Figs 22–27 , 127, 128 View Figs 124–128 .

REMARKS. Diagnosis of the genus, descriptions of the species noted in Russia, a key for their identification and changes in nomenclature are given by Ozerov [2019c]. Currently, there are 6 species in Russia (see checklist below).

Checklist of the family Scathophagidae of Russia

Acanthocnema Becker, 1894 View in CoL

altaica Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2018 View in CoL

latipennis Becker, 1894 View in CoL

proboscidea Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2018 View in CoL

sternalis Suwa, 1986

=vikhrevi Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2014

Acerocnema Becker, 1894 View in CoL

arctica Ozerov, 2013

barkalovi Ozerov, 2007 View in CoL

breviseta (Zetterstedt, 1846 — Cordylura )

=tiefi Becker, 1894 View in CoL

gorodkovi Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2018 View in CoL

lobanovi Ozerov, 2007

macrocera (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

nitens Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2018

paradoxopyga Stackelberg, 1952

richterae Ozerov, 2015

Bostrichopyga Becker, 1894 View in CoL

crassipes View in CoL (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura View in CoL )

Cleigastra Macquart, 1835

= Gonatherus Rondani, 1856

= Gonarcticus Becker, 1894 View in CoL

= Nanna Strobl, 1894 View in CoL

= Amaurosoma Becker, 1894 View in CoL

= Spathephilus Becker, 1894 View in CoL

= Orthacheta Becker, 1894 View in CoL

abdominalis View in CoL (Zetterstedt, 1846 — Cordylura View in CoL )

amurensis (Ozerov, 2010 — Nanna )

antennata (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Scatomyza )

apicalis (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

arctica (Becker, 1907 — Pselaphephila )

armillata (Zetterstedt, 1846 — Cordylura )

articulata ( Becker, 1894 — Amaurosoma )

bispinosa (Malloch, 1920 — Amaurosoma )

brevifrons (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura )

cornuta (Loew, 1863 — Cordylura )

cryophila ( Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2015 — Nanna )

flavipes ( Fallén, 1819 — Cordylura )

inermis ( Becker, 1894 — Amaurosoma )

intermedia Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2016 View in CoL

katmaiensis View in CoL (Malloch, 1920 — Amaurosoma View in CoL )

leucostoma (Zetterstedt, 1846 — Cordylura )

loewi ( Becker, 1894 — Pselaphephila )

longicornis (von Roser, 1840 — Cordylura )

maritima Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2016 View in CoL

nigriventris View in CoL (Loew, 1864 — Cordylura View in CoL )

obscuripes (Becker, 1915 — Acerocnema )

=indotatum (Engelmark, 1999 — Nanna )

pilosa (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura )

planiceps (Fallén, 1826 — Cordylura )

=fumipennis (Hendel, 1930 — Gonatherus )

puberula ( Becker, 1894 — Amaurosoma )

rossolimoae (Ozerov, 2010 — Nanna )

sundukovi Ozerov, 2013 View in CoL

tibiella View in CoL (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura View in CoL )

Cordilura Fallén, 1810 View in CoL

= Phrosia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830 View in CoL

= Scoliaphleps Becker, 1894

= Cordilurina James, 1955 View in CoL

= Cordylura , unjustified emend.

aberrans ( Becker, 1894 — Cordylura )

= rubifrontata Becker, 1894 View in CoL Cordylura View in CoL ).

aemula View in CoL (Collín, 1958 — Cordylura View in CoL )

albilabris (Fabricius, 1805 — Ocyptera )

albipes ( Fallén, 1819 — Cordylura )

amurensis Ozerov, 2007

atrata (Zetterstedt, 1846 — Cordylura )

bicoloripes Ozerov, 1997

ciliata (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

fulvifrons Ozerov, 1997

fuscipes (Zetterstedt, 1838)

= apicata (Hendel, 1930 — Cordylura )

= nigrithorax (Hendel, 1930 — Cordylura )

= ochracea (Hendel, 1930 — Cordylura )

grunini Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2017

impudica (Rondani, 1867 — Cordylura )

= umbrosa (Loew, 1873 — Cordylura )

kakaberrans Ozerov, 1997

kosterini Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2014

krocha Ozerov, 2007

monochroma Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2014

nartshukae Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2015 View in CoL

negrobovi Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2017 View in CoL

nubecula Sasakawa, 1986

nubilosa Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2020

picipes (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

picticornis (Loew, 1864 — Cordylura )

= latigenis Hendel, 1930 Cordylura )

proboscidea (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura )

pudica (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

remmi Elberg, 1972

remota Ozerov, 1997

richterae Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2015 View in CoL

rufimana View in CoL (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura View in CoL )

rufipes (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

= pubera Linnaeus, 1758 sensu Fallén, 1810:15 , misidentification sagittifera Gorodkov, 1974 View in CoL

shatalkini Ozerov, 1997 View in CoL

sibirica Gorodkov, 1974

sidorenkoi Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2012

sifneri Ozerov, 2007

socialis ( Becker, 1894) View in CoL

tartariana Ozerov, 2007 View in CoL

ustulata (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura )

zaitzevi Gorodkov, 1974

Cosmetopus Becker, 1894 View in CoL

dentimanus View in CoL (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura View in CoL )

longus (Walker, 1849 — Cordylura )

=fulvipes (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura )

Delina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

nigrita ( Fallén, 1819 — Cordylura )

Ernoneura Becker, 1894 View in CoL

argus View in CoL (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Scatomyza View in CoL )

Gimnomera Rondani, 1867

= Cochliarium Becker, 1894

= Langechristia Ozerov, 1999 View in CoL

= Gymnomera , error alanica (Ozerov, 1999 — Cochliarium ) albipila (Zetterstedt, 1846 — Cordilura ) = lucida (Becker, 1900 — Microprosopa ) amica (Ozerov, 1999 — Langechristia ) castanipes ( Becker, 1894 — Cochliarium ) cuneiventris (Zetterstedt, 1846 — Cordilura ) dorsata (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordilura )

hirta Hendel, 1930 Gymnomera ). lasiostoma ( Becker, 1894 — Cochliarium ) mellina (Becker, 1900 — Gymnomera ) montana Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2013 nigricorpus Ozerov, 2019

novgorodovae (Ozerov, 2007 — Cochliarium ) = sorokinae (Ozerov, 2007 — Cochliarium ) nudipedis Ozerov, 2019

palliseta Ozerov, 2019

speciosa (Ozerov, 1999 — Langechristia ) tarsea ( Fallén, 1819 — Cordilura )

tibialis (Malloch, 1919 — Dasypleuron ) = sibirica (Engelmark, 1999 — Cochliarium ) tukuringra (Ozerov, 1999 — Cochliarium ) ziegleri (Ozerov, 1999 — Langechristia )

Hexamitocera Becker, 1894 View in CoL

loxocerata View in CoL (Fallén, 1826 — Cordilura View in CoL )

Hydromyza Fallén, 1823

livens (Fabricius, 1794 — Musca )

Leptopa Zetterstedt, 1838

= Parallelomma Becker, 1894 View in CoL

= Chylizosoma Hendel, 1924 View in CoL

caucasica (Ozerov, 2010 — Parallelomma ) filiformis Zetterstedt, 1838

hostae (Herring, 1955 — Chylizosoma )

media ( Becker, 1894 — Parallelomma )

sellata ( Hackman, 1956 — Chylizosoma ) vittata (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

Megaphthalma Becker, 1894 View in CoL = Megaphthalmoides Ringdahl, 1936 View in CoL

pallida View in CoL ( Fallén, 1819 — Cordilura View in CoL )

unilineata (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordilura )

Microprosopa Becker, 1894 View in CoL

= Allomyella Malloch, 1923 View in CoL

albipennis (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordilura ) crinipes Ringdahl, 1928

frigida (Holmgren, 1883 — Cordilura ) = varitibia Becker, 1897

haemorrhoidalis (Meigen, 1826 — Cordilura ) heteromyzina (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Scatomyza ) lineata (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordilura ) pallidicauda (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordilura ) paveli Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2013

portenkoi Stackelberg, 1952

taimyrica Ozerov, 2017 View in CoL

unguiculata View in CoL (Malloch, 1919 — Allomyia View in CoL ) zlobini Ozerov, 2009 View in CoL

Micropselapha Becker, 1894 View in CoL

basovi Ozerov, 2010 View in CoL

filiformis (Zetterstedt, 1846 — Cordilura )

Mixocordylura Hendel, 1909

longifacies Hendel, 1909

parva Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2012

Neochirosia Malloch, 1917

anthrax (Schiner, 1864 — Cleigastra )

nigriceps ( Becker, 1894 — Clidogastra ) pechorica Ozerov, 2010

veratri (Hendel, 1925 — Clidogastra )

Norellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

tipularia (Fabricius, 1794 — Musca )

Norellisoma Hendel, 1910

= Norelliosoma , error.

armipes (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

caucasicum View in CoL (Ozerov, 1993 — Norellia View in CoL ) flavostriatum Ozerov, 2009 View in CoL

insulare View in CoL (Ozerov, 1993 — Norellia View in CoL )

lesgiae ( Becker, 1894 — Norellia )

lituratum (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

= altaica (Ozerov, 2008 — Norellia ) montanopratense (Ozerov, 1993 — Norellia ) oreinum Ozerov, 2010

orientale (Ozerov, 1993 — Norellia )

spinimanum ( Fallén, 1819 — Cordylura ) = septentrionale (Hendel, 1930 — Norelliosoma ) tomkovichi Ozerov, 2010

yolduense (Ozerov, 2008 — Norellia )

Paracosmetopus Hackman, 1956 View in CoL

hellehi Hackman, 1956

Pleurochaetella Vockeroth, 1965

barkalovi Ozerov in Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2012 simplicipes (Becker, 1900 — Cosmetopus )

Pogonota Zetterstedt, 1860

= Lasioscelus Becker, 1894 View in CoL

= Okeniella Hendel, 1907 View in CoL

barbata (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura )

caudata (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura ) dasyprocta (Loew, 1864 — Cordylura )

gorodkovi (Ozerov, 2007 — Okeniella )

immunda (Zetterstedt, 1838 — Cordylura ) nigricans (Loew, 1873 — Cordylura )

sahlbergi (Becker, 1900 — Lasioscelus ) stackelbergi ( Gorodkov, 1967 — Okeniella )

Scathophaga Meigen, 1803

= Scopeuma Meigen, 1800

= Conisternum Strobl, 1894

= Coniosternum Becker, 1894 View in CoL

= Scatophaga View in CoL , unjustified emend.

apicalis (Curtis in Ross, 1835 — Scatophaga ) = arctica (Becker, 1897 — Scatophaga )

= perfecta (Becker, 1907 — Scatophaga )

buryatica Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2019

calida (Haliday in Curtis, 1832 — Scatophaga ) cordylurina (Holmgren, 1883 — Scatomyza ) crinita (Coquillett, 1901 — Scatophaga )

dasythrix ( Becker, 1894 — Scathophaga ) decipiens (Haliday in Curtis, 1832 — Scatophaga ) = fluvialis (Rondani, 1866 — Scatina )

exalata Ozerov, 1996

furcata (Say, 1823 — Pyropa )

incola (Becker, 1900 — Scatophaga )

incompleta Ozerov et Krivosheina, 2020

inquinata (Meigen, 1826 — Scatophaga )

intermedia (Walker, 1849 — Scatophaga )

= hadleyi Ozerov, 2013

karelica Ozerov, 2013

lapponica (Ringdahl, 1920 — Coniosternum View in CoL )

litorea ( Fallén, 1819 — Scatomyza )

= stuxbergii (Holmgren, 1880 — Scatomyza )

lutaria (Fabricius, 1794 — Musca )

mollis ( Becker, 1894 — Scatophaga )

= sychevskayae Ozerov, 2010

multisetosa (Holmgren, 1883 — Scatomyza )

nigripalpis (Becker, 1907 — Scatophaga )

= orbitalis (Becker, 1915 — Scopeuma )

obscura ( Fallén, 1819 — Cordylura )

obscurinervis (Becker, 1900 — Scatophaga )

pictipennis (Oldenberg, 1923 — Scatophaga )

spurca (Meigen, 1826 — Scatophaga )

= Scatomyza suilla (Fabricius) ; Fallén (1819:3). Misidentification stercoraria View in CoL (Linnaeus, 1758 — Musca View in CoL )

= erythrostoma Holmgren, 1883 View in CoL Scatomyza View in CoL )

taeniopa (Rondani, 1867 — Scatophaga )

tinctinervis ( Becker, 1894 — Coniosternum )

varipes (Holmgren, 1883 — Scatomyza )

= septentrionalis (Becker, 1897 — Scatophaga )

yakutica Ozerov, 2017

Scatomyza Fallén, 1810 View in CoL

magnipennis View in CoL (Portschinsky, 1887 — Scatophaga View in CoL )

mellipes (Coquillett, 1899 — Scatophaga )

= eoa Ozerov, 2007b ( Scathophaga )

scybalaria (Linnaeus, 1758 — Musca )

Spaziphora Rondani, 1856

hydromyzina ( Fallén, 1819 — Cordylura )

tomkovichi Ozerov, 2012

Staegeria Rondani, 1856

kunzei (Zetterstedt, 1821 — Cordylura )

Trichopalpus Rondani, 1856

= Chaetosa Coquillett, 1898

= Paramicroprosopa Ringdahl, 1936 View in CoL

= Huckettia Vockeroth, 1995 View in CoL

= Tricopalpus , error fraternus (Meigen, 1826)

lacteipennis (Ringdahl, 1920 — Microprosopa )

nearcticus (Vockeroth, 1995 — Huckettia )

nigribasis (Curran, 1927 — Tricopalpus )

obscurellus (Zetterstedt, 1846 — Cordylura )

punctipes (Meigen, 1826 — Cordylura )

Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Dmitry I. Gavryushin (Moscow) for the use of images of living Cleigastra apicalis ( Fig. 105 View Figs 100–105 ), C. planiceps ( Fig. 108), Cordilura albiceps ( Fig. 109), C. picipes ( Fig. 110), Hydromyza livens ( Fig. 115 View Figs 112–117 ), Leptopa filiformis ( Fig. 116 View Figs 112–117 ), Megaphthalma pallida ( Fig. 117 View Figs 112–117 ), Norellisoma spinimanum ( Fig. 120 View Figs 118–123 ), Scathophaga furcata ( Fig. 122 View Figs 118–123 ), S. obscura ( Fig. 123 View Figs 118–123 ), S. stercoraria ( Fig. 124 View Figs 124–128 ), Trichopalpus fraternus ( Fig. 127 View Figs 124–128 ) and Trichopalpus punctipes ( Fig. 128 View Figs 124–128 ).

The investigation was fulfilled within the state project of the Institute of the Ecology and Evolution RAS (M.G. Krivosheina) and the State project of Lomonosov Moscow State University No 121032300105-0 (A.L. Ozerov) .












Trichopalpus Rondani, 1856

Ozerov, A. L. & Krivosheina, M. G. 2023

Scatomyza suilla (Fabricius)

Fallen C. F. 1819: 3

= pubera Linnaeus, 1758 sensu Fallén, 1810:15

Fallen C. F. 1810: 15
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