Sanaungulus troelsikloevedali, Fanti & Damgaard, 2019

Fanti, Fabrizio & Damgaard, Anders Leth, 2019, New soldier beetles (Cantharidae) from Baltic, Burmese and Dominican ambers of the Anders Damgaard amber collection, Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 19 (2), pp. 101-125 : 114-117

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.10905322


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Sanaungulus troelsikloevedali

sp. nov.

Sanaungulus troelsikloevedali sp. nov.

( Figs. 13 - 14 View Fig View Fig )

Holotype. Probably female, in Burmese amber, accession No. ALDC0527 /ALD.Bu.204

Type locality. Myanmar: Kachin state, Myitkyina District, Tanai Township, Hukawng Valley.

Type horizon. Lowermost Cenomanian (98.79 ± 0.62 Ma), mid-Cretaceous.

Differential diagnosis. The new species is strongly similar to Sanaungulus ghitaenoerbyae Fanti, Damgaard & Ellenberger, 2018 for the antennomeres IV-VII with a long and thin process (“rami”), and is distinguishable by the head longer and less triangular behind the eyes, by the slender antennae, and by the pronotum straight at the anterior margin, rounded at the anterior and posterior corners (the pronotum has the anterior margin irregular and the corners more pointed in S. ghitaenoerbyae ). Also the shape of the last antennal process is different (Fanti et al. 2018). The other known species of Sanaungulus Fanti, Damgaard & Ellenberger, 2018 have a different number of antennal processes or filiform antennae (Fanti et al. 2018; Hsiao & Huang 2018). Sanaungulus ruicheni ( Hsiao & Huang, 2018) originally attributed to the genus Ornatomalthinus Poinar & Fanti, 2016 ( Hsiao & Huang 2018) is evidently, for the head strongly triangular behind eyes, a species of Sanaungulus , as indicated in Fanti (2018b).

Description. Adult, winged, probably female on the basis of the apparently large last ventrite and by the wide abdomen. Head brown, pronotum testaceous-light, elytra dark brown, legs and antennae testaceous-brown. Body length: 3.5 mm. Head very wide and elongate, larger than pronotum, triangular behind the eyes, without pubescence and punctation. Eyes wide, elliptical-elongate, strongly prominent, inserted laterally to the head, inter-ocular dorsal distance about 2.3-2.4 times greater than eye diameter. Mandibles elongate, globular at base, thin apically, apparently with a tooth. Maxillary palpi 4-segmented, palpomeres unequal in length, last palpomere strongly securiform and with straight apical margin. Labial palpi 3-segmented. Antennae 11-segmented, pectinate, reaching the apex of elytra, antennal insertion in proximity and in the upper part of the eyes; scape stout, club-shaped, enlarged and globular apically; pedicel filiform, about 1.7 times shorter than scape; antennomere III filiform, about 1.3 times longer than pedicel; antennomeres IV-V very long and thin each equipped with a long and thin antennal process inserted in the ventral-apical part; antennomere VI pectinate, slightly shorter than previous, equipped with a thin and long antennal process inserted in the ventral-apical part; antennomere VII shorter than antennomere VI, pectinate, antennal process squarish-shaped which is wide at base and thin apically; antennomere VIII filiform, without antennal process, slightly flat; antennomeres IX-X filiform, short, flat and enlarged at sides; antennomere XI filiform, rather robust. Pronotum strongly transverse, anterior margin straight, posterior margin almost straight and strongly bordered, lateral margins straight and feebly bordered, all corners strongly rounded, surface flat, smooth and without pubescence. Scutellum triangular-shaped. Elytra at humeri wider than pronotum and subsequently as wide as pronotum, very short which reveals various abdominal segments, surface rugouse with the drafts very evident and not numerous and with some striae in very faint traces. Posterior wings dark, surpassing the elytra but not reaching the last abdominal segments. Metasternum sub-quadrate, ventrites transverse and wide, last ventrite large. Legs long especially those metathoracic, slightly pubescent; coxae massive, short; trochanters very elongate and robust; femora long, slightly curved, more robust than tibiae, cylindrical; tibiae long, cylindrical, thin, longer than femora; tarsal formula 5-5-5, with the first tarsomere robust and about 1.4 times longer than second; third and fourth tarsomere equal in length, robust and slightly shorter than second tarsomere; fifth elongate and robust; claws simple and thin.

Etymology. In honor of the Danish pioneer, longtime sailor, author and lecturer Troels Kløvedal. Dedicates that the Danish journalist Puk Damsgård Andersen suggested to us.

Syninclusions. Diptera (one specimen), and air bubbles.

Remarks. The amber piece measures 5 x 4 x 15 mm and the inclusion is complete.


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