Kerivoula minuta Miller, 1898

Suyanto, Agustinus & Struebig, Matthew J., 2007, Bats of the Sangkulirang limestone karst formations, East Kalimantan - a priority region for Bornean bat conservation, Acta Chiropterologica 9 (1), pp. 67-95 : 90-91

publication ID 10.3161/1733-5329(2007)9[67:botslk];2


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Valdenar (2020-07-14 12:06:56, last updated 2024-11-29 11:08:06)

scientific name

Kerivoula minuta Miller, 1898


Kerivoula minuta Miller, 1898 View in CoL

Least woolly bat

New material

2♂♂ ( MZB M26340 / 26342 ) ; 1♀ ( MZB M26351 View Materials ) .

Records from Borneo

Brunei: Batu Apoi NP ( Kofron, 2002). Sabah: Baturong, Gomantong, Kalabakan, Gunung Kinabalu, Madai, Pulau Balem- bangan, Segarong, Tabin, Tawau, Witti Range (Yasuma and Andau, 2000). Sara- wak: Gunung Penrisen (Jayaraj et al., 2006). CentKal: Barito Ulu Research Area (D. Pio, unpublished data); Tanjung Puting NP ( Struebig et al., 2006 b). EastKal: Bukit Soeharto ( Yasuma, 1994); Sungai Lesan PF (M. J. Struebig, unpublished data).


This species was captured in harp-traps set in forest at all of the four formations, and was distinguished from K. intermedia by body mass (2 g) and short skull (CBL 10.16–10.36 mm). This Near Threatened (Hutson et al., 2001), forest specialist ( Kingston et al., 2003) has been reported from forested sites throughout Sabah, and sympatrically with K. intermedia in Central Kalimantan and Sarawak ( Boitani et al., 2006), but appears to be much rarer than K. intermedia .

BOITANI, L., G. CATULLO, I. MARZETTI, M. MASI, M. RULLI, and S. SAVINI. 2006. The Southeast Asian Mammal Databank. A tool for conservation and monitoring of mammal diversity in Southeast Asia. Istituto di Ecologia Applicata, Rome. http: // www. ieaitaly. org / samd / (last accessed 20 December 2006).

KINGSTON, T., C. M. FRANCIS, A. ZUBAID, and T. H. KUNZ. 2003. Species richness in an insectivorous bat assemblage from Malaysia. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 19: 67 - 79.

Journal of Mammalogy, 70: 865 - 870. KOFRON, C. P. 2002. The bats of Brunei Darussalam, FRANCIS, C. M., A. GUILLEN, and M. ROBINSON. 1999. Borneo. Mammalia, 66: 259 - 274.

STRUEBIG, M. J., B. GALDIKAS, and SUATMA. 2006 b. Bat diversity in the oligotrophic forests of southern Borneo. Oryx, 40: 447 - 455.

YASUMA, S. 1994. An invitation to the mammals of East Kalimantan. Tropical rain forest research project. Japan International Cooperation Agency and Directorate General of Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia. PUSREHUT Special Pub- lication No. 3, Samarinda, 384 pp.











