Harmostes prolixus Stål, 1860

Melo, M. C. & Montemayor, S. I., 2015, Biodiversity of the scentless plant bugs (Hemiptera: Rhopalidae) in southern South America, Journal of Natural History 50, pp. 163-200 : 179-180

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scientific name

Harmostes prolixus Stål, 1860


Harmostes prolixus Stål, 1860 View in CoL


Harmostes prolixus Stål 1860: 37 ( Brazil) View in CoL : Berg 1878: 184 (Corrientes); Pennington 1920: 16 (litoral); Pennington 1922: 165 (Corrientes; Entre Ríos: Puerto Yeruá); Jensen- Haarup 1924: 327 ( Argentina); Harris 1942: 27 (Corrientes; Córdoba: San Javier, La Paz); Harris 1944: 196 ( Argentina); Viana and Williner 1972: 27 (Córdoba: Carlos Paz); Göllner-Scheiding 1978a: 285 ( Argentina); Viana and Williner 1978: 75 (Córdoba: Carlos Paz, San Javier; Corrientes); Quintanilla et al. 1981: 150 (Misiones: Eldorado, Iguazú, Montecarlo); Göllner-Scheiding 1983: 128 ( Argentina); Di Iorio 2004: 246 (Misiones, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán); Melo et al. 2011: 16 (Buenos Aires; Catamarca; Chaco: P.N. Chaco; Córdoba; Corrientes; La Rioja; Misiones; Salta; Santa Fe; Santiago del Estero; Tucumán); Pall and Coscarón 2012: 1453 (Buenos Aires: Tornquist, Jose C. Paz, Sierras de Tandil; Catamarca: Andalagalá [sic]; Córdoba: Carlos Paz, La Granja, La Cabaña, La Puerta; Corrientes; Entre Ríos: Gualeguay; Jujuy: Ledesma, Yala, Santa Catalina, Uquía View in CoL ; La Pampa: Catriló; La Rioja: Sañagosta [sic]; Misiones: El Dorado, Iguazú, Montecarlo, Apóstoles; Neuquén; Río Negro: Río Colorado; Salta: Juramento, Mojón; San Juan); Dellapé and Carpintero 2012: 133 (Buenos Aires: Tandil, Parque Independencia, Sierras Albión); Pall et al. 2013: 383 (La Pampa: Metileo; Lihue Calel; Parque Luro; Gral Pico; Catriló).

Material examined

ARGENTINA: Buenos Aires: 1♂, Ensenada , 20/ 28-II-1990, L .A . Pereira col . ( USNM); 1♂, Saavedra , IX-1936 ( MLP); 1♂, La Plata, A .R . Bezzi col . ( MLP); 1♀, Junín , s/camino, 12-II-1959, Torres- Dadone cols. ( MLP) ; 1♀, José C. Paz , XII-1944, Uvagli leg . ( MLP); 1♀, Sierras de Tandil, J . Llano leg . ( MLP); 1♀, San Isidro, II-[1]944, J .B . Daguerre col., Daguerre coll. ( USNM); Catamarca: 3♂, 5 km N Los Altos , 498 m, 28°0.354 ʹ S, 65°33.921 ʹ W, 27-II-2006, D GoogleMaps . Rider col GoogleMaps . ( USNM); 5♂ 5♀, 78 km N Jct . 60 and 157, 288 m, 28°50.284 ʹ S, 65°6.009 ʹ W, 27-II-2006, D . Rider col . ( USNM); 1♂ 1♀, Andalgalá, II-[1]946, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); 1♂ 1♀, Pta . Balasto , 25-II-[19]92, L .E . Peña leg. ( USNM); Chaco: 2♀, Lag . La Azula, 26°44 ʹ 5,5 ʹʹ S, 59°26 ʹ 14,7 ʹʹ W, 26-IX-2009, P . Dellapé col . ( MLP); 1♂, Resistencia , 14-II-1936, Denier col . ( MLP); Córdoba: 2♂ 2♀, Haras General Paz, Ordoñez , 10-XI-1945, Bruzzone col . ( MLP); 1♀, La Puerta , 23-I-1940, Birabén col . ( MLP); 1♀, Villa Allende , 6-VI-1952, Argemí col . ( MLP); 1♂, Cabana , II-1939, Birabén- Scott cols. ( MLP) ; 1♂, Alta Gracia , La Granja, I-1938, C . Bruch col . ( MLP); 3♀, Alta Gracia, III-[1]959, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); 1♀, Villa Dolores , 16-II-1940, Birabén col . ( MLP); 1 ♂, Cabana , 10-II- 1942, Birabén col . ( MLP); 1♂, La Granja, Alta Gracia, C . Bruch, I-1938 ( MLP); 1♀, Los Reartes, 12- I-1937 ( MLP); 1♂, Bialet Massé , 14-I-1952, Morinigo col . ( MLP); 1♂, San Javier , La Paz, 1/ 20-I- 1929, C . Bruch col . ( USNM); 1♂ 1♀, 2 km S Villa Gen . Belgrano , 695 m, 32°0.306 ʹ S, 64°33.601 ʹ W, 23-II-2006, D GoogleMaps . Rider col GoogleMaps . ( USNM); 4♂ 1♀, Capilla del Monte, MV and bikit, 919 m, 30°50.975 ʹ S, 64°31.838 ʹ W, 6-III-2006, D GoogleMaps . Rider col GoogleMaps . ( USNM); 1♂, Rt . prov. 34, nr El Condor , 1294 m, 31°35.495 ʹ S, 64°40.473 ʹ W, 24-II-2006, D GoogleMaps . Rider col GoogleMaps . ( USNM); 3♂ 1♀, 30 km S Mina Clavero , 900 m, 31° 53.017 ʹ S, 65°1.277 ʹ W, 25-II-2006, D GoogleMaps . Rider col GoogleMaps . ( USNM); Corrientes: 4♀, Santa Lucia , 14-XI- 1947, Birabén col . ( MLP); Jujuy: 1♂, Uquía , 1-II-1958, Torres- Ferreyra cols. ( MLP) ; 1♀, Pampa Blanca , 13-III-1939, Birabén- Scott leg . ( MLP); La Pampa: 3♀, C . Castex , 10-XI-[1]944, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); La Rioja: 4♂ 1♀, Olta, 5-II-[19]92, L .E . Peña col . ( USNM); 6♂ 3♀, Villa Unión , II-1993, L .E . Peña leg . ( USNM); 1♂, same locality, 1-XII-1983, L .E . Peña col. ( USNM); Mendoza: 1♂ 4♀, San Rafael, 12-XI-[1]944, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); Misiones : 1♂ 1♀, 17-X-[19]51, J .C . Lutz coll . ( USNM); 1♂ 1♀, Apartado, XI-[19]80 ( USNM) ; Salta: 1♀, El Pucara Empalme, 8 km SW Cerrillos , 1315 m, 7-I-1974, F .A . Enders col . ( USNM); 1♀, Olleros, II-[1]958, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); 1♀, Metan, V-[1]945, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); 2♂ 1♀, same locality, IV-[1]957, P . Dor col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); 1♂ 3♀, El Aybal, X-[1]958, Daguerre col ., Daguerre coll . ( USNM); San Luis: 1♂, Nogolí , 21-II-1940, Birabén col . ( MLP); Santa Fe: 1♀, General Obligado, Lanteri , 10-I-1946, R . Maldonado Bruzzone cols. ( MLP) ; Santiago del Estero: 1♀, Hernández , V-1958 ( MLP); 2♂, Santiago del Estero, 24-IX-1944, R .N. Bruzzone ( MLP); 7♂ 7♀, Girardet , 9-XII-1939, Birabén-Bezzi cols. ( MLP) ; 1♀, Telares, 3-III-[19]92, L .E . Peña col. ( USNM); Tucumán: 1♀, Siambón , 7-IX-1933 ( MLP); 1♂, Tucumán, 26-II-[19]48, P . A . Berry col ., 1402 ( USNM); 1♀, Puesta , 21-VI-1929, O . Zahler col . ( USNM). BOLIVIA: 1♀, Cochabamba, 2 mi W Cochabamba Exp . Station, 29-III-1976, C .R . Ward col. ( USNM). BRAZIL: 1♂, Rio Grande do Sul, Quinta , 1-XI-1919, E .G . Hols col . ( USNM); 1♂ 1♀, Sao Paulo, Maua , 20-X- 1961, N .L .H. Krauss col. ( USNM). PARAGUAY: 2♂, Aregua , 20 mi E Asuncion, 6-IX-1980, D .C . Lowrie col . ( USNM); 1♂ 2♀, Paraguari, Ybycui (25 km SE), in Ybycui National Park , 12/ 24-IV- 1980, P .J. Spangler et al . col. ( USNM).

Argentinean distribution

Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Córdoba, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza *, Misiones, Salta, San Luis *, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán.

Central and South American distribution

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay ( Göllner-Scheiding 1978a, 1983).


Pall and Coscarón (2012) mentioned Catamarca and Corrientes as new records, although both provinces have been previously mentioned (Melo et al. 2011; Berg 1878, respectively). Other new records they provided are Neuquén, Río Negro and San Juan, but there is no material from these provinces in the collection they examined (MLP) or in any of the collections studied. They mentioned H. prolixus as distributed in Mexico, but it has never been recorded from that country.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Museo de La Plata
















Harmostes prolixus Stål, 1860

Melo, M. C. & Montemayor, S. I. 2015

Harmostes prolixus Stål 1860: 37 ( Brazil )

Pall JL & Quiran EM & Coscaron MC 2013: 383
Pall JL & Coscaron MC 2012: 1453
Dellape PM & Carpintero DL 2012: 133
Di Iorio O 2004: 246
Gollner-Scheiding U 1983: 128
Quintanilla RH & Rizzo HF & de Nunez AS 1981: 150
Gollner-Scheiding U 1978: 285
Viana MJ & Williner GJ 1978: 75
Viana MJ & Williner GJ 1972: 27
Harris HM 1944: 196
Harris HM 1942: 27
Pennington MS 1922: 165
Pennington MS 1920: 16
Berg C 1878: 184
Stal C 1860: 37
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