Polytes fenestra Breddin

Eger, J. E., 1990, Revision of the Genus Polytes Stål (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83 (2), pp. 115-141 : 131-133

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/aesa/83.2.115



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scientific name

Polytes fenestra Breddin


Polytes fenestra Breddin

( Fig. 74-81 View Fig View Fig )

Polytes fenestra Breddin 1903a: 122 (in part); Schouteden 1904b: 50, pi. 3, fig. 4 (listed); Bergroth 1908: 142 (listed); Kirkaldy 1909: 286 (list-ed); Distant 1911: 243 (described, distribution); Lehmann 1922: 59-60 (coloration); Piran 1970: 120-121 (distribution); Gaedike 1971: 85 (lectotype and paralectotypes designated).

Description. Dorsal surface dark orange brown to black except following orange structures: 2 large macules occupying most of pronotum, 2 large, oblong macules occupying most of scutellum. Elongate, impunctate, longitudinal, orange macules also usually present at base of each jugum, at base of tylus, and mesially near anterior margin of pronotum. Dorsal surface infrequently entirely light orange brown. Punctation moderately dense, concolorous to dark brown. Venter orange brown to black; propleura with thin, pale, marginal line on each side, coxae and basal rostral segments also sometimes pale. Length 7.9-9.9.

Head narrowly rounded anteriorly; length 1.7- 2.1, width across eyes 2.5-2.8. Length of antennal segments 1-5: 0.5-0.6; 0.5-0.6; 0.6-0.8; 0.9-1.2; 1.2-1.4. Rostrum reaching middle of 2nd visible abdominal sternite.

Pronotum 2.5-3.0 long at meson, 5.1-5.8 wide at humeri. Anterolateral margins convex, with thin, pale, marginal carina. Coxae concolorous with or slightly lighter than supporting pleura, remainder of legs dark brown to black.

Scutellum 4.8-6.0 long mesially, 4.4-5.1 broad at widest point. Dark, mesial, longitudinal fascia usually present on scutellum, resulting in 2 large oblong orange macules. Posterior margin of last sternite usually with narrow, pale, mesial band.

Venter of genital cup as in P. confusus ; posterior margin shallowly concave mesially, convex laterally; impression in floor of genital cup uniformly narrow posteriorly, semicircular anteriorly ( Fig. 76 View Fig ). Shank of parameres relatively short; head with single broad lobe, inner surface shagreened ( Fig. 77 View Fig ). Second conjunctival diverticula with membranous lobe, sclerotized apices thin, short ( Fig. 80 and 81 View Fig ). Sclerotized apices of 3rd conjunctival diverticula stout, dorsal surface shallowly concave ( Fig. 78 and 79 View Fig ).

Anterior margin of 6th visible abdominal sternite evenly rounded mesially in females ( Fig. 74 View Fig ). Mesial margins of 1st gonocoxae rounded, narrowly separated, distinctly impressed submarginally. Mesial margins of 9th paratergites rounded, overlapping, distinctly impressed submarginally. Spermatheca as in P. confusus .

Type Material. Gaedike (1971) designated a lectotype and two paralectotypes of P. fenestra . However, the lectotype and three specimens labeled "paralectotype, " apparently by Gaedike, were found in DEI. Two of the paralectotypes conform to Breddin's description. The third has a pair of large impunctate pronotal macules and is a specimen of P. quechuus . Breddin makes no mention of these impunctate areas in his description of P. fenestra , raising the possibility that this specimen was not included in the original type series. The remaining paralectotypes are specimens of P. bullocki and P. confusus. A second type series of P. fenestra containing five specimens was located in R1SNB. Unfortunately, all are specimens of P. confusus . Thus, the type series of P. fenestra contains nine specimens of four species, the lectotype being the only representative of P. fenestra . In addition, the lectotype is unusual in having an inverted V-shaped fascia on the scutellum, resulting in four scutellar macules. This color form is more common in P. confusus and P. similis. Lehmann (1922) figured several specimens which he considered col-or forms of P. fenestra. He stated that the color form in his Fig. 2a (also figured by Schouteden 1904a) was the type specimen designated by Breddin. This color form is typical of P. fenestra, but of Breddin's syntypes, only the female in RISNB conforms to this figure. This female is apparently an unusually colored specimen of P. confusus. Lehmanns Fig. 2b illustrates the normal coloration of P. confusus and P. similis. His Fig. 2c and 2d probably represent specimens of P. rubromaculatus and P. bullocki, respectively.

Distribution. Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru.

Comment. The evenly rounded mesial anterior margin of the sixth visible abdominal sternite in females of P. fenestra (more acute in P. confusus) is apparently diagnostic. However, too few females were examined to be certain.














Polytes fenestra Breddin

Eger, J. E. 1990

Polytes fenestra

Breddin 1903: 122
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