Polytes granulatus (Walker)

Eger, J. E., 1990, Revision of the Genus Polytes Stål (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83 (2), pp. 115-141 : 127-128

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/aesa/83.2.115



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scientific name

Polytes granulatus (Walker)


Polytes granulatus (Walker)

(Fig. 51-59)

Symphylus granulatus Walker 1868: 516 .

Trichothyreus vitticeps Stal 1870: 12 ; Schouteden 1904b: 54, pi. 3, fig. 9 (listed); Kirkaldy 1909: 288 (listed); Piran 1970: 121 (distribution). NEW SYNONYMY.

Polytes granulatus : Distant 1899: 42, 50; Schouteden 1904b: 50 (listed); Kirkaldy 1909: 286 (list-ed, synonymy).

Description. Body elongate oval. Dorsum stramineous to brown, densely punctured with dark brown; covered with dense, short setae. Venter stramineous to light brown, punctation fine, red to dark brown, distinct, dense laterally, sparse mesially. Length 7.8-8.9.

Head 1.7-2.0 long, 2.3-2.7 wide across eyes. Vittae from base to apex of head along lateral margins of tylus; juga laterally, and base of head, black. Vertex of tylus usually sparsely punctate. Lateral margins of juga finely carinate. Venter densely dark brown to black-punctured; pale, impunctate, calloused band present near dorsal margin. First an-tennal segment pale, dark brown apically, remaining segments dark brown, 4th and 5th segments usually pale at base and apex; length of segments 1-5: 0.5-0.6; 0.4-0.5; 0.4-0.6; 0.8-1.0; 1.1-1.2. Rostrum reaching or slightly surpassing anterior margin of 2nd visible abdominal sternite; basal 3 segments predominately pale, 4th segment brown.

Pronotum 2.0-2.7 long at meson, 4.4-5.3 wide across humeri; usually with thin, pale, mesial vitta, punctation commonly coalescing into vague vittae. Anterolateral margins slightly to moderately convex, flattened, somewhat impressed submarginally. Legs light brown to brown, distinctly red to dark brown-punctured, punctures larger on femora.

Scutellum 4.4-5.4 long at meson, 3.4-4.2 broad at widest point, usually with thin, pale, mesial vitta; rarely with 6 small, pale macules, 2 on anterior margin, 2 along each lateral margin on posterior half of scutellum, posterior macules usually absent. Connexiva densely punctured, black, anterior half or less of each segment pale. Sternites convex. Spiracles and vague mesial macule on posterior margin of last abdominal sternite darker than supporting sclerite.

Ventral surface of male genital cup moderately punctate, with transverse impression (Fig. 58); superior ridge and posterior margin sinuate (Fig. 57). Parameres hookshaped, shank long, head moder-ately elongate, ectal surface shagreened (Fig. 53 and 54). First conjunctival diverticula large, elongate, membranous (Fig. 51 and 52). Sclerotized apex of 2nd and 3rd conjunctival diverticula acute apically, lacking distinct enlarged base.

Type Material. The holotype of Symphylus granulatus , a male in the BMNH, was examined. The type series of Trichothyreus vitticeps Stal consists of two specimens in the RNH. The following are designated: LECTOTYPE: 6, labeled: (a) Antioquia [?], Colombia, Misfer. [?]. (b) Type, (c) Typus. (d) 456, 43. (e) Trichothyreus vitticeps Stal , C. H. C. Lyal 1973, LECTOTYPE. (f) 264, 88. (g) Rijksmuseum Stockholm . PARALECTOTYPE: <3, labeled: (a) Antioquia [?], Colombia, (b) Type, (c) Paratypus. (d) 457, 73. (e) Trichothyreus vitticeps Stal , C. H. C. Lyal 1973, PARALECTOTYPE. (f) 265, 88. (g) Rijksmuseum Stockholm .

The lectotype of T. vitticeps is unusual in having two pale macules on the anterior margin of the scutellum and two additional small pale lateral macules near the middle of the scutellum. Lyal's designations were not published.

Distribution. Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Comment. The elongate, depressed body shape, densely setose dorsum, and shape of the genital cup in P. granulatus are unusual for Polytes . Stal erect-ed his genus Trichothyreus based on the body shape and setose dorsum. However, the aedeagus is typical of Polytes , and several species approach P. granulatus in body shape.














Polytes granulatus (Walker)

Eger, J. E. 1990

Trichothyreus vitticeps Stal 1870: 12

Stal, C. H. C. Lyal 1973: 12

Symphylus granulatus

Walker 1868: 516
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