Polytes bimaculatus Eger, 1990

Eger, J. E., 1990, Revision of the Genus Polytes Stål (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83 (2), pp. 115-141 : 129

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/aesa/83.2.115



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scientific name

Polytes bimaculatus Eger

new species

Polytes bimaculatus Eger , new species ( Fig. 60-65, 115 View Fig )

Description. Dorsum light brown, densely dark brown-punctured; scutellum with 2 pale, circular macules, one along each lateral margin just anterad of transverse midline. Venter stramineous, with moderately dense, coarse, dark brown punctation; bulk of head, thoracic sterna, and adjacent area of pleura dark brown to black; abdominal sternites with following dark brown markings: irregular macules on striated areas; anterior margins of most sternites mesially, most extensive on second and third visible segments; and frequently vague, linear macules along most pseudosutures. Length 8.7-9.4.

Head moderately short, 2.1 long, 2.8-2.9 wide across eyes. Tylus surpassing juga; suture at lateral margins of tylus black. Lateral margins of juga finely carinate. Venter densely dark brown to black-punctured. First antennal segment pale basally, dark brown apically, remaining segments uniformly dark brown to black; length of segments 1-5: 0.5- 0.6; 0.5; 0.7; 1.2; 1.3-1.4. Rostrum surpassing anterior margin of 2nd visible abdominal sternite; 1st segment pale, 2nd segment pale basally, brown apically, remaining segments brown.

Pronotum 2.6-2.9 long at meson, 5.4-5.7 wide across humeri. Anterolateral margins slightly convex, with shallow, submarginal impression, punctation along margins more dense than on disk. Coxae pale to light brown, virtually impunctate; femora and tibiae stramineous, densely brown maculate.

Scutellum 5.4-5.6 long at meson, 4.6-5.0 broad at widest point. Connexiva stramineous, densely punctate, most densely so laterally and (usually) posteriorly. Sternites convex. Spiracles slightly darker than supporting sterna.

Ventral surface of male genital cup moderately punctate, with distinct impression on either sideof mesial elevation ( Fig. 60 View Fig ); posterior margin concave mesially, broadly convex laterally ( Fig. 61 View Fig ). Parameres hookshaped, head broadly rounded apically, ectal surface shagreened; shank elongate( Fig. 63 View Fig ). First conjunctival diverticula thin, elongate, membranous. Sclerotized apices of 2nd conjunctival diverticula large, curved, acute apically( Fig. 64 View Fig ). Sclerotized apices of 3rd conjunctival diverticula small, broad, narrowly rounded apically( Fig. 65 View Fig ).

Type Material. HOLOTYPE: <5, labeled: (a) Rio Charape , Sep. 12-16, '11. Peru, (b) CHTTownsend, Collector . PARATYPE: 1 6, labeled as holotype ( USNM). Both specimens are deposited in the USNM .

Distribution. Peru, known only from the type series.

Comment. Within the P. tigrinus species group, this species can be readily recognized by the two pale, scutellar macules (for which it is named) and the otherwise uniformly colored dorsum.


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]













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