Polytes confusus Eger, 1990

Eger, J. E., 1990, Revision of the Genus Polytes Stål (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83 (2), pp. 115-141 : 129-131

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/aesa/83.2.115



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Polytes confusus Eger

new species

Polytes confusus Eger , new species ( Fig. 66-73 View Fig )

Polytes fenestra Breddin 1903a: 122 (in part).

Description. Dorsum dark orange brown to black except following orange structures: elongate, impunctate, longitudinal macule at base of each jugum, and at base of tylus; 2 large macules occupying most of pronotum; 4 (rarely 2) large macules occupying most of scutellum. Dorsal surface infrequently almost entirely light orange brown. Punctation moderately dense, concolorous to dark brown. Venter orange brown to black; propleura and coria basally with thin, pale, marginal line; coxae and basal rostral segments sometimes also pale. Length 7.7-9.4.

Head narrowly rounded anteriorly; length 2.0- 2.2; width across eyes 2.5-2.9. Length of antennal segments 1-5: 0.5-0.6; 0.5-0.6; 0.5-0.8; 1.1-1.2; 1.3-1.4. Rostrum reaching middle of 2nd visible abdominal sternite.

Pronotum 2.3-2.9 long at meson, 4.8-5.9 wide at humeri. Anterolateral margins convex, with thin, pale, marginal carina. Coxae concolorous with or slightly lighter in color than supporting pleura; remainder of legs dark orange brown to black.

Scutellum 4.5-5.8 long at meson, 4.2-5.2 broad at widest point. Dark, longitudinal, median fascia and transverse, V-shaped fascia usually present on scutellum, these separating 4 orange macules of approximately equal size. Posterior margin of last sternite usually with narrow, pale, mesial band.

Venter of genital cup moderately punctate, with shallow, transverse impression ( Fig. 68 View Fig ). Posterior margin of genital cup with very shallow mesial emargination, convex laterally; impression in floor of genital cup angled toward meson posteriorly ( Fig. 69 View Fig ). Shank of parameres elongate; head bilobed; dorsal lobe obtuse apically; ventral lobe thinner, acute apically; bulk of inner surface of head and adjacent area on shank shagreened ( Fig. 70 View Fig ). First conjunctival diverticula thin, elongate. Second conjunctival diverticula with small, membranous lobe; sclerotized apices stout, acute apically, with distinct flattened base. Sclerotized apices of 3rd conjunctival diverticula thin, relatively long, lacking distinct enlarged base ( Fig. 66 and 67 View Fig ).

Anterior margin of 6th visible abdominal sternite in females narrowly rounded mesially ( Fig. 73 View Fig ). Mesial margins of 1st gonocoxae rounded, narrowly separated, distinctly impressed submarginally. Mesial margins of 9th paratergites rounded, overlapping, distinctly impressed submarginally ( Fig. 72 View Fig ). Spermathecal duct short, stout, opening into elongate, vaguely striated dilation. Distal and proximal flanges of spermathecal pump well-developed. Spermathecal bulb oval, joined to pump by long convoluted duct ( Fig. 71 View Fig ).

Type Material. HOLOTYPE: 6, labeled: Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B. Huancabamba . N. Peru. 3000 m. H. Rolle, Berlin, S. W. II ( RISNB). PARATYPES: Total of 8 66, 1 9, labeled: (a) Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B. Perou: ex. Coll. Schouteden. (b) Polytes fenestra Br. Typ. (c) Syntype (1 6, 1 5, RISNB); labeled as above except label (b) is missing (3 66, RISNB); (a) Huancabamba. N. Peru. 3000 m. H. Rolle, Berlin, S. W. II. (b) Coll. Breddin. (c) Paralectotypus.(d) des. H. Gaedike, 1968. (e) DEI Eberswalde(1 <5, DEI) ; (a) Chauchamayo , Peru, (b) From WFH Rosenberg (2 66, USNM); (a) Peru, (b) 400. (c) HL Parker colln. (d) Polytes fenestra (1 6, USNM). The first six paratypes listed were among the syntypes of P. fenestra (see discussion under typesof P. fenestra).

Distribution. Known only from Peru.

Comment. Lehmann's (1922) Fig. 2b is representative of the typical coloration seen in P. confusus . P. confusus is superficially very similar to P. fenestra and P. similis . Specimens of P. confusus and P. similis typically have a dark, V-shaped fascia on the scutellum separating the orange markings into four distinct macules; whereas specimens of P. fenestra usually have only two large, oblong scutellar macules, the dark fascia being absent. The pronotal macules of P. similis usually have a dark intrusion on the posterior margin which may be vague or lacking in P. confusus . The parameresof these three species are quite distinct and should be examined for definitive determination. The specific name reflects the confusion in the type series of P. fenestra .




Germany, Muencheberg, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut im ZALF


USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History, [formerly, United States National Museum]














Polytes confusus Eger

Eger, J. E. 1990

Polytes fenestra

Breddin 1903: 122
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