Polytes velutinus (Dallas)

Eger, J. E., 1990, Revision of the Genus Polytes Stål (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 83 (2), pp. 115-141 : 120-123

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1093/aesa/83.2.115



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scientific name

Polytes velutinus (Dallas)


Polytes velutinus (Dallas)

( Fig. 18-24, 37) View Fig

Pachycoris velutinus Dallas 1851: 33 ; Walker 1867: 49.

Polytes velutinus : Stal 1870: 8; Schouteden 1904b: 50 (listed, synonymy); Kirkaldy 1909: 287 (list-ed).

Description. Dorsal surface uniformly reddish brown to dark brown except following yellow structures: borders of head, anterolateral margins of pronotum, connexiva, corial margin basally, and median longitudinal vitta on head. Interface of yellow borders and remainder of dorsum frequently dark brown to black. Dorsum with small, dense, uniform, green punctation. Venter stramineous to yellow; head laterally, small spot at apex of supracoxal cleft on propleura and, infrequently, on meso- or metapleura, dark green. Ventral punctation fine, concolorous to red on abdomen, more coarse and concolorous to dark green on thorax and head. Length 11.7-13.5.

Head moderately elongate, 2.8-3.3 long, 3.2-3.6 wide across eyes. Lateral margins of juga rounded or obtusely angulate. Ventral surface predominately dark green; bucculae, expanded area at base of bucculae, and antenniferous tubercle pale yellow. First antennal segment pale yellow, black at apex, remaining segments black; length of segments 1-5: 0.7-0.9; 0.6-0.8; 0.9-1.2; 1.4-1.9; 1.6- 1.9. Rostrum reaching posterior margin of second visible abdominal sternite, first segment pale yellow, second and third segments somewhat darker, fourth segment black.

Pronotum 3.2-4.0 long at meson, 5.7-6.7 wide across humeri. Anterolateral margins straight to slightly convex, not distinctly carinate. Coxae and femora pale yellow to light brown, apices of femora ringed with dark brown to black; punctation on femora dense, concolorous to red or brown. Tibiae usually uniformly dark red.

Scutellum 6.7-8.1 long at meson, 5.7-6.7 broad at widest point. Connexiva densely punctate, pale; black spot present on posterior half or more of each segment usually extending only partially from mesial margin toward lateral margin of segment, rarely reaching lateral margin and occasionally completely lacking. Second and 3rd visible sternites shallowly sulcate mesially. Spiracles black.

Ventral surface of male genital cup moderately punctate, with shallow transverse impression ( Fig. 20 View Fig ); posterior margin broadly concave mesially, convex laterally ( Fig. 18 View Fig ). Parameres hookshaped, base large, head thin, elongate, ental surface shagreened ( Fig. 21 View Fig ). First conjunctival diverticula membranous, short. Sclerotized apices of 2nd conjunctival diverticula thin, elongate ( Fig. 22 View Fig ). Sclerotized apices of 3rd conjunctival diverticula broad basally, tapering to acute apex, infrequently with acute processes on dorsal margin ( Fig. 23 and 24 View Fig ).

First gonocoxae contiguous mesially, with shallow mesial submarginal impression (Fig. 37). Ninth paratergites slightly overlapping mesially, shallowly impressed submarginally. (Internal female genitalia missing because of insect damage in the only female available for dissection.)

Type Material. The holotype of Pachycoris ve-lutinns , a female in the BMNH, was examined.

Distribution. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia.

Comment. Polytes velutinus is not closely related to any other species of Polytes . The dorsal coloration, head shape, relatively long osteolar rugae, and sulcate 2nd and 3rd abdominal sternites are unusual for the genus and will separate this species from its congeners.














Polytes velutinus (Dallas)

Eger, J. E. 1990

Pachycoris velutinus

Dallas 1851: 33
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